Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hello Peeps!.
Guess where I am now...
I'm right now here @ *toot toot*!!!...
Alright, seriously don't feel like "labouring", hence kinda slacken off.
Recently, been enlightened somehow somewhat.
In regards to friendships, relationships, and whatever you can think of that would definitely have to do with emotions & feelings.
Well, it's few months passed, and how am I going to deal with the scar again?
Basically there is nth much I could do now.
Not saying that I'm trying to be persistent with my point of view,
but you know, it's rather bizarre to get back and start anew.
But once again, life's short, no point reviewing this issue again & affecting everyone.
If it's my problem, I'll make sure I make it mine and not ours.
It's hard not to grumble at times, but I'm glad I'm not doing so much now.
Cos ultimately, things fade & I would assume it's somehow solved in a way or the other.
However, I couldn't agree more that I'd gained a lot from my short holiday.
Neither too short nor long, but I'm sure to get more sleeps once 31st Dec ends.
I'm loving more random meet ups, and family gatherings.
Cos it does make a difference out of my life.
It's hard to change my mindset, but it isn't too hard to change my habit.
I'm like a chameleon?
Life's not about rewarding, but way beyond that.
I believe, for now I can promise you. (:
Whatever past has passed, and I know some may hate me for bringing those issues out again.
Hence, I shall stop where I am, as I'm really cooled & settled down.
Back to my new comfort zone.
No more tears, no more hatred.
to whom I care

Friday, December 25, 2009

Taking chance to wish all of you GOOD HEALTH & HAVE GREAT FUN this festive season!.

With many loves & blessings,

Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm back! :D
I brought 3 big pimples back :(
Sadness sia.
Now turning into ugly scars.
Shitty ass.

But overall, I enjoyed my trip in Penang!.
I'd longed to go there le wor.
Cos their food damn cheap & nice. ^^

Don't know why, I actually missed 4 peeps when I was there.
Mum, Stupid Shit, Gala & GUGU!
Just feel like sharing more with them.

Alright, time to turn in.
Tc peeps!
Will have a busy week again. ^^


Monday, December 14, 2009

Sneezing away.
Please don't get sick Manda...

I've really got lots to do this week.
So I must must stay focus!

Anyway, just wanna speak out how I feel after the wedding I attended last weekend...
Simply feel like getting married!
But it's a matter of time though.
And I dare not dream that Dear will ever proposed to me...
I was imagining walking briskly into the ballroom with my loved one & enjoying the blessings from my sweeties...
It's kinda hard to explain the little excitement you'll feel at the moment of time,
but it feels just so right & sweet & loved.
Cos I know the one I'm walking in with, is one whom I'll truly love & take care of for life. (:

AND! I won't forget what KOK & KW promised me!
One to be my chauffeur & the other to be my doorman.

But only if...
I'm married~

Whatever it is, I just feel right with my Loved, Loo Wee Leong.
With you, I know how to lead my life better off. (:

Sunday, December 13, 2009


This week is fun (:
Had lotsa catch up.
Feeling xin fu. (:

And chit chat a lot with GUGU on Sat after work.
Had HK Cafe too!.
But bit sick of it le...

And lastly, went for my cousin's wedding dinner last night.
The bride & bridegroom looked great.
And one amazing thing is that 2 of my cousins were holding their wedding dinners at the same day & venue at a sweet coincidence!. ^.^
Hence in the middle of the wedding, we went up the floor to peep the other couple.

Really envy them.
Hope I can have mine too someday~
But hard to say, who knows whether HE will marry me not. =.=

Hokay, just feel like resting more cos I'm really feeling sick. :(
Sore throat & flu.
Damn shitty.


Many loves to Gala, Mich, Carmen, Frenly, Mark & KW.
For all I know, it's real & worth it. (:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wasn't in a good mood though.
But shouldn't spread too much of it to anyone as it's unnecessary.
Met my gals yesterday, like finally.
And I bought my Hair Dye & Eye Shadow.
Both gals chose Milk Tea Brown for me.
Dare not try yet.
Perhaps during the weekends then.
If it's good, I'll be back making a HUHA over here. ^.^

Like I said, 1 or 2 is enough. (:
Thanks gals!.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Ninja Assassin is damn nice!
And I finally agree with GUGU that Rain's body is freaking damn hot.
So Stupid Shit... *Wink Wink*
I like that body.
Willing to train that for me? (:

Heh Heh Heh.

As usual, life is stagnant.
But I never allow my laughter to come to a halt.
I want to learn to let go, more. (:
I want myself to accept the facts.
I want myself to face it too.
If I can, I succeed then. ^^

I'm looking forward to tml!.
Meeting my gals.
Like finally...

Hokay, Nites everyone!.(:

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Finally everything is over...
It's a "cat fight" since last week, and it ended yest.
Alright, it's bit of sinful when I know I affected your work performance.
Hence, let's try to avoid that pls.

Was looking at Justina's wedding photo...
Oh man... Damn sweet can...
It's really like a fairy tale.
When's my turn? =.=
I know GUGU is yearning for that too.
*Wink wink*

Seriously nth interesting to talk bout.
Let's just look forward to meeting my gals on this coming Wed,
my Poly mates on Fri,
& lastly my cousin's wedding on Sat!.

I need an eye shadow.
What is good for small eyes?

Am starting to preparing my 1st batch of Xmas gift.
Gosh, nearly gave up.
Hate cutting the cardboard.
I feel muscles on both arms. =.=

Anyway, how happy is happy?
How sad is sad?
It's nth sad to be sad, cos life still goes on.
I'll brace up & get on with life happily, no one is suppose to make me sad again. (:

I'm missing my Dearie Mich & Gala. (:
Wednesday, please come faster!.

It's even hard to face my own bf, when someone I hate is in that picture.
Damn it.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

It's a PASS! :D
Thanks goodness I don't have to waste my bro's $$...
It's not the exam that made me stress, it's the cost that matters more.
Hope the rest are better than me. (:

Was not a very good day today.
Rushed to work to complete some work in the morning, and accidentally cut my hands.
Not only that, I fell down & pi tou ka.
Damn ma lu...
As there was a bunch of students right in front of me.
A guy initiated to help,
and I'm glad bout it,
at least they're not "watching MY show"...
I knocked onto the hand dryer yesterday, now it grows into a bruise.
Felt badly injured.

In fact, lots more stuffs happened for the day.
But I'll keep neutral bout it.
I just want everyone to be happy working together. (:
At least till my GUGU leave.
Hais, gonna miss her soon...

I know he's pissed.
But I'm equally unhappy too.
The main reason was because I met some friends when am on the way to work,
and that I didn't have the chance to take my phone out to msg.
Another thing is when I finally reached my workplace,
I'm already instructed earlier on to rush some paper work.
Time is seriously tight for me today!. :(
And now my knees gonna get some bruise too.
There are several cuts as well.
Go on throwing your tantrum, as I won't bother at all.
No one even shows concern to me throughout my busy day.
Until KW msg, & brightened up my mood.
As a bf, you think you really do enough?
Whenever I have some emotions or unhappy events that happened, where the fuck are you?
Right now, I'm freaking injured from head to toe, so where's the minimum concern that you should show?
No worry, go on with your way.
As long you feel happy.
Cos right now I don't give a fucking damn shit.
If you say I'm in a bad mood, yes I'm more than that.
Don't try to piss me off.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

When it's someone u really adore hurts you,
it's seriously hard to forgive & let it go.

It's not that I'm too stubborn,
but there's no point feigning ignorance,
when you realized that the problem will definitely occur again.

I said I don't bother at all,
but it's not true.
Cos the person whom you always trust will most likely to leave a huge impact on yourself.

I'm sentimental,
I can get hurt very easily.

Whenever I try to let go & coax myself to give in,
I hesitate again.
As I can never forget what they did & said to me that very day.

I'm out of the circle,
out of the situation,
and outsiders may think I'm the one having the problem.
I asked myself repeatedly why should I react in this way.
I thought it was really my fault.
And when I really try to get neutral bout it,
I found out it's not entirely my fault.

I hate to say I loathe a kin of my dearest.
Whenever I hear his voice,
it just fumed me.
Can't stop it.

And most imptly when I analysed that he shouldn't be too much of a problem,
and yet it lies on my dearest friend,
then what does it shows?

They always said they understand,
but they never...
And it hurts...
For many months since the very day.

I teared, once again.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Today is my second last day for Singtel roadshow, congrats me PLS!. :D
I shall gain my freedom right after next week le!~
I'd come so far...
Feel so relieved...

Penang I'm coming!.
Whew...Thanks goodness my leave is granted. (:

GUGU leaving soon too.
Can't join her for lunch on her last day...
But I'll compensate her one before that!. (:
Will miss her...craps.

OMG OMG I'm so excited.

Have ta wake up damn early tml =.=
Gotta reach JE by 8am to get my timesheet or Kelly & I will get our pay late =.=
Am waiting for Dear to call though...
But know he's busy & may call more later than I expect. :(
Feel so helpless at times.
Cos we really meet very little since he started work @ 6range. =.=
Hence I always envy couples that work office hour tgt.
At least they have time for dinner after that.

Hence, I'm finding my own entertainment lo.
But I feel great bout it, at least I find the time I spent were seriously worth it all. (:
Like work, like meeting up with my frens, like time with my family & etc.
Kai xin (:

There will be a concert on this coming Friday with my cousin.
So... what shall I be wearing then....

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm not used to bubble milk tea without honey :(
Cos I really am into HONEY MILK TEA!.

It's work today.
And I didn't expect HER to come. =.=
The rest were taken aback as well.
From then, we learned more from Luke.
Gotta know, as what he'd said, NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!.
Not that he's a bad guy despite of his gentleman outlook,
but he said he's kind of rebellious.
But I understand what he meant by that.
And GUGU!.
You strike that conversation!.
I'm proud of you!

GUGU is damn funny these days.
She'd unintentionally released her hu li wei ba.
And she's not that innocent wor!.

And I kept laughing when I learned about her Chinese name today.

Work is fun, when GUGU is there.
Cos we both xiang yi wei ming over there.

I enjoyed the meeting with my gals yest!. :D
With Wenna, Deir, YP & MT!
Meet up soon in Dec as agreed!. ^^

Life is so far so good.
Though a bit of emo at times, but I learned a lot from this holiday.
I learn to let go too.
Trying to not allow any emotions to get hold of me.

I know I can.
And I'm improving from my bad temper too. :D
Cos Stupid Shit didn't kanna much from me these days.

Recently bought TANAKA WHITE & O2 Bubble Mask.
Big hole in the pocket wor. =.=
Hope its worth it all.
Cos, beauty cant buy. :P

Went SITEC @ Expo with Bro & his fren, Jian Hui.
Kept crapping non-stop.
All I could say, age gap is nth to me.

Alright, I'm enjoying myself these days!.

And last but not least!.
Some announcement to make!.
2. I miss my STUPID SHIT!
3. All the best to Deir for her coming TP next week!
4. All the best to Jovin & have a good break!
5. I'll be having a short break the week after next!

With every min I'm breathing now, I feel precious about it, cos I made my journey a sweet one. (:
And many thanks to many nice peeps I meet out there!

Friday, November 20, 2009

I wonder if Melvin meant to said that.
Hope he's not.
I'm not prepared to join UC.

Pray that I'll stay.

Feeling damn tired & sick today.
Sore throat.

But getting sick once a time, is not that bad.
Detoxification, right?.

Alright, bye.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Was to blog ltr, but I know myself very well, I won't.
Hence, I better blog now before I really fall asleep unintentionally.

So far, work is freaking stagnant.
And all I could say is, companies are all politically carried out.
The Managers, the executives, and whosoever involved look monstrous to me.
They left a pretty bad impression in me.

Once 9am strikes, gossips, tea breaks will come about.
That is seriously OMG =.=

Can you imagine supervising such kind of lower end.
I find it unprofessional.
I won't allow that if it's me as a superior. =.=

And I think I gonna miss some of my colleagues.
Cos firstly, I may be leaving them to Queenstown, thank to some shit personnel.
Or they may leave me.
Happiness is believed to be short-lived!. T.T

I'm just a temp!.
Contract will still end in a short while, and I'll better rest well at home to meditate.

Yet I think this is a great opportunity for me to see how the internals work.
And yea it's true that it's a disappointment that I've gotten.

And I'll certainly lodge a complaint soon after I leave that place.
Very soon.

Spoke a lot to my colleague regarding work & personal stuffs.
And I could say, life's damn complicated!.
At least someone understands...
But I hope the understanding one to be my parents, not others.
Sometime I really need a pair of good listening ears.
The best I could have is Gala's.
Cos forever, she really understands me a lot.

I'm missing Stupid Shit :(
Cos it's been few days I haven't see him at all =.=
Due to work.
And we even talked less than 30 mins a day. =.=
And thereafter I complained a lot.
And well, he's used to it already la.
He can even memorize my script!.
Damn him.

Earth will never stop turning when I come to a halt.
It shows how insignificant human is.
But because of that, I told myself to work harder, and for the sake of experiencing what is called life.
"Get a life", as what some people said, yes I'm sure I'm doing right now. (:

Am awaiting for Saturday to come.
I want my date with Stupid Shit.
Cos I really miss him a lot...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Finally I'm back again.
Have the kick to blog some past events.

I'm seriously petered out this week.
Working the entire week non-stop!.
This is the ever first time in my life that I risk my health like that. =.=
Crazy me.
And great, next week is another 6 days week for me.

Today, many funny events came by.
And I think we're all really really fortunate.
When you ever get a chance to sit down & chat with old folks,
you'll really get enlightened somehow.
And I think it's really worth it. (:

Alright, let the pictures talk to you!.

It's my Uncle's Wedding!.
Many blessings to them! . (:

Happy Bdae to Daddy!!!.
I Love You!.
Muacks!. :D
Thanks to them! For a ever wonderful advance bdae celebration!. :D

The real day of my 20th journey!. (:
I wish... *SECRET*...
I simply do!. (:

Happy 1st year Anniversary Dear Dear!. :D

I DO I DO!!!. XP

Bye Bye, to many things in life.
Cos it's hard to get it back then.

I won't deny that I'm still pissed,
but I must admit that I'd given up.
Not now, no more.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to Manda
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!!

Happy New Year Manda!.
Cos you've just reached 20!.
Lame shit.

Lonely yet Fruitful Journey...
Kai xin.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

To Stupid Shit:

Happy 1st year Anniversary!!

As always...

Saturday, November 07, 2009

First & for all, thanks to PeiQing, ShuiRong, Slyvia and Kenny for the advance birthday celebration!.
And not to forget the one whom planned all these, Stupid Shit. (:
Thanks lots dear!. (:

Foods were great... Until the beer cum liquor came along.
I'm not sure who the lady was, but she so called "treated" me the drinks.
And we actually "bottom up" the entire ass thing. =.=
You know I never like to drink, not even a sip.
Yesterday was FANTASTIC.
Seh till max.
Start seeing stars around me and spout all kinds of nonsense!.
That is insane of me!.

I know I talked all kind of rubbish in the car, Kenny was entertaining me.
And Stupid Shit trying to cover my mouth, but too bad, my voice is louder!.
Okay la, I'm not entirely drunk alright.
I'm still awake... I mean a bit la...

Hence after the foods and drinks, home sweet home!. (:

Not to forget my first and second days in work this week.
The people are friendly over there, so not a problem at all.
So far so good.
I just hope to do well on my part, and be able to help the rest.
Formal wear makes me look weird.
But after a while, felt alright then.
Thanks Gala for lending me her pants!.
Thanks lots really.
Damn comfortable, cos it's a boot cut.
Nice one. (:

I'll be superbly busy next week. :(
Cos of the Singtel work on Sunday.
Damn it.
I so gonna quit asap.

Life is so far so good.
Very peaceful for me.
Loves staying this way. (:

Take care peeps!.
Cos I've feel that I gonna get sick soon. =.=

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Finally it's over!.
Have to say Macroecons today is freaking hard.
To me.
I'm not sure for the rest though.
But it's ended, unless it comes back on the 1st sem during the second year. T.T

And I'm rather relax now.
Only that I need a lot a lot of rest.
As I'll be starting work soon, and it's to be a non-stop one.
I'm so going to bring Shit to a place, to reflexology. :D
I think both of us need some massage man.

I peeped some blogs.
I read them too.
Random things that passed by me, tells me more.
It's normative though.

Things that I wanna speak out after exam, I will, soon.
Things that I know I'll avoid, I'll try facing them instead.

All I can say, showering cares to me makes me feel very awkward,
cos you guys don't really do that in the past.
Random phone calls at night made me feel uncomfortable,
Cos I see no purpose in doing that.

When misunderstandings arise, it's like a row standing against me alone,
pint-pointing that I'm at fault.
When I tried to give explanations, more commotions to come.
When I realized my words worth nth compared to the others, meaning no value at all.
When I love walking people home, but always the one walking back alone.
When I was driving home at night and lost my way, with no one besides me, panicking like shit.
When I'm trying my best to talk, but no one cares.

Hence, I always fear that I do smth wrong, kept me reflecting every now and then.
Hence, I speak less.
Hence, I keep my humor.
Hence, I used to walking back home alone.
Hence, I loathe crowds.
Hence, I learn to know my way back home while driving.
Hence, I learn to give more to others whom deserve more.

Tears made me immune.

You need not feel anything for me, cos if you do, you should already did.
And not now.
To me, everything is just as artificial.

I'm strong about my point,
no matter whether I'm right or wrong.

Thanks to Rin & Min for your milk tea and gifts.
It's very appreciated. (:

But that's my point, need not treat me more, cos I may not deserve it from then.

To this, I don't know when the gap will close, let nature takes its course then.

I couldn't accept friends whom can't understand me.
It makes me choke...

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Got it.
Was deep in thought with the inverse relationship of interest rate and price of bond.
And now, I get the idea.
If the interest rate increases, the price of bond decreases, who would buy it?
Hence, if the interest rate is to decrease, and price of bond goes up, one would like to sell your bond at a premium over the face value.
Somehow it works like that.

Hence in summary:
*Increase I/R -> Decrease Price of Bond -> Buy bonds
*Decrease I/R -> Increase Price of Bond -> Sell bonds

And not to forget that in the money market, increase I/R increases the opportunity cost of holding money. Hence, you hold less cash, as no one would want a high I/R.
Hokay, to ensure an equilibrium is reached in the money market, you have to fulfill both explanations.


Hope I can still store this in my brain till tml exam. =.=

Last chapter to go through again!.

Really not much confident.
I so gonna read through them thoroughly again.
Especially MCQ.

A very sucky day.
Cos it's Shit's off day and I can't really have fun today.
So he gonna watch me study today. =.=
Poor thing.

Tml is Zi Bao Ji day!.
Who gives a damn to Macro paper =.=
Kao, so bad.
Have to pass, we're his "ONLY HOPE".

Woke up damn early today.
Masked myself after wash.
Woot shiok!.
Thanks Gala for the mask!.
Shit me, I forget to pass her my Shishedo mask.
Cos my face too dry le, can't use that for now.

Since it's the last lap, give it a best shot then.
At least I tired, need not regret much.

Work is coming soon...
On a Thursday!. T.T
The next day right after exam.
Kor & Gala both say I SOT SOT, should wait for next week to start and rest for this week mah.
Ya lo.
I should la hor. =.=
But nvm la, start the ball rolling first~
I'll be damn shag starting from next week onwards.
Cos I gonna work as admin & Singtel straight for the entire week.
Day 1 to 6, admin.
Day 7, Singtel.
Kao, like this is insane.
I'll sure get panda eyes.
I swear with my shit.
Sorry, Manda not refine today.

Hao ba, wanna rest and to be cont'd when I meet Shit today. (:

And I'd to admit that you've a superb unreasonable gf.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Thanks Gala for the mask!.
Think I'll most probably be using it today man.
I manage to keep my skin less dry now by applying moisturizer as and when after washing my face.
So yeap, good idea hur.

Macroecons makes me worry a bit.
Cos not that confident.
But it doesn't make any difference from my first two papers la.

Yesterday smth happened.
And I hope Peiqing is alright now.
Hey gal, cheer up yea.
I believe SF will understand de. (:

And I threw temper on Stupid Shit again yesterday.
As usual.
But yup, thanks lots dear. (:
U're the best.
Best-er than anyone else le.
But my Kor is as best as you!.
Now, my 4 important men out of my life is Dad, Kors and YOU!. (:

Okay la, should get a breakfast and study Mod 1 now.
Yea man, after this I'll review the rest again.
JIA YOU Manda.
You'd come so far, there is no reason for you to fail yourself!.
I'm so looking forward to this week!.
To Wed, Thurs, Sat & Sun!!!!!
Treat myself smth good after this then.

Alright, tc peeps!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Finally another paper down!. :D
I am so so so so happy can...

And what's more, I saw Estee, Shiying and Ting Ting.
We were taking the same Exam paper.
So cool shit.
I wish all the best for them as well. (:

Went over to find Stupid Shit @ Tamp to get Pei Qing's pressy.
Hope she likes it. (:
Happy Birthday gal!! :D

My skin is freaking dry these days. :(
Very sad.
Cos the whole face like hardened like that. =.=
Like clay?

I'm hesitating which moisturizer to get.
Mabeline or ROSKEN?...

Hokay, I miss my Shit.
I miss Gala & Mich.
I miss my Khakis badly!!!.
Last but not least, I so gonna coax my friends to makan Zi Bao Ji with me.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Finally I changed my blog songs!.
Was like wondering how to edit and stuffs.
Got it. (:

Heaven, by Olivia,
do enjoy!.

*Can't focus... Just feel wondering around.
Study make one sicker. =.=
Nvm, I'm working hard to reach the philosophy from Daniel Tan!. :D

Can't wait for that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally one paper down!!!.
Another one tml.
Gosh =.=
Only the second one...
Hope it ends quick!.

Btw, many thanks to Stupid Shit, I don't know why,
with you around, I'm able to relax more le. (:
Loves you.
Cos you're worth loving. (:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

读了那么多, 收获缺少.
谁敢跟我说读书好, 我一定给你一巴掌.

我这次可要忙坏了. =.=
但没关系, 只要两个月, 让我解脱一下吧.
对我而言,工作真的没舍么, 我还是可以很开心.
我的人生可以很简单, 但一定要有目标, 要有自己的原则.
我以为原则不值钱, 但我错了, 它给你身份, 给你该有的地位.

想了许多事, 越觉得自己笨,为何当时不替自己讨个公道.
所以我学会了,如果要给意见, 要为人主持公道, 你必须以身作则, 不要犯同样的错误.
多为人着想, 不要立刻作出判断, 因为这对当事人很不公平.


考试也逼近了, 我该做好我的本分.

*昨天是我人生中觉得最幸福的事件. 由你们踊跃的"参与", 我以满足了. 我这知道简单的快乐是设么. 不是一组人的热闹, 而是简单跟真诚的问候和陪伴. 至少你们信任我... 谢谢!.
Study till I go haywire le.
Mentally tired.
If you say work, I rather work and not study.
Think only I myself can understand that.
Even Stupid Shit don't understand.
Idiot. =.=

Nvm, just feel like resting.
Am waiting for next Wednesday to come, and I need a break.
I am going to...
Let me think bout it then.

Marketing shouldn't be tested in Exam at all.
It should be assessed using projects.
I seriously don't mind working on many many projects just to fulfill the credits for marketing.
Reading for marketing is insane, cos it's common sense, yet the textbook enjoys seasoning the content with vocabs, hence making it look chim and hard to understand.
Wth. =.=
Can't it like simplify that.
I haven't start anything for Macroecons.
That makes me worry a bit wor.



P.S. Omg, thanks Khakis. Kao, Mich's msg really moved me, to max. I teared when I see that. Yes please come!. (:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Today damn tired and sleepy~
Worst part is that I've to travel down to JE to sign my contract for a temp admin job.
I got it!. :D
Will be starting work right after exam.
From now on, besides looking forward for my exam to end, will be my job the next day!. :D
Will have less time to acc shit though... :(
But nvm, I'll do smth bout that.
I'll share my evening with Gala too!.
So well planned.

Alright, nth much to say.
Just to say I'm happy. :D
Tc peeps.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today is a so-so day la.
Woke up and mopped the floor, and took an afternoon nap.
Kao, made me dizzy.

I had milk tea today!.
I satisfied my cravings.
Kai xin. (:

Piang, suay shit today.
Banged my knee for umpteen times.

I decided to remove my previous entry.
To not remind me of this incident anymore.
Cos I don't think I need to be bothered by that too much.
Just let nature takes it course.
What's more, live for present, not for past.
Keep on moving Manda.

Manda not that sad anymore.
Immune to be exact.

Right now I'm just looking forward to end of exam and all the best to my SIM mates as well.
JIA YOU!!!!!.

Btw, very fresh joke that I met now, yea I mean now!.
My second bro was like showing off his BIG chest after gym, then my mum say out "E-cup".
My mum so not refined >.<

Yesterday was a sleepless night.
Watched a horror movie.
Then not feeling that good wor, wanna talk it out, but can't.
Cos Stupid Shit wasn't feeling well yesterday night, and he slept early.
And Gala busy, so best not to disturb her.
Then bo bian, I get back to the old recordings I secretly kept when I had conversations with Shit.
Many funny ones.
And I laughed till I slept.
Random shit.

Hokay, BYE.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I was dragging myself back to past and I do realize that people changes.
I was suspicious with this so called myth in the past, but right now I'm not.

Very sad at times.
Very disappointed at times.
Very pissed at times.
Very confused at times.
Very hesitant at times.

This is how sophisticated I feel human is.
If I were to be a guy, without considering much emotions, I think I would live happier.
In my own world.
Cos I simply don't take nonsense into account.
But the truth is, I am a gal.
I have emotions, a strong one.
I do things and reflect every night.
I give thoughts to others.
I can give up anything for anyone whom I treasure.

But come to this junction, I think it's worthless to do it all.
Cos well, people don't appreciates.

I miss my poly life a lot a lot.
Cos it is where and when I learn to grow up with a group of Khakis.
Telling me yes I have a big head, meanwhile always there for me when I'm down.
I have to say I miss them a lot.
This happens when I was looking back at my graduation photos.
Well, really miss them.
Some are in NS, while some are schooling, so yup I doubt we can meet any sooner.

I really miss them...
I do wor...

Alright, I'm meeting Gala soon.

Managed to finish another 2 chapters of Marketing.
Bit off-track...
Feel like resting, hence I blog. (:

Have so much random thoughts these days.
Don't know why.
Maybe I'm simply random lo.

Alright, my plan right now is get a bath, and walk to central to buy Bubble tea.
The weather is scorching hot these days, hope it rains.
I love rainy days, I really do!.
Oh yah, I was also complaining to my friends that since Singapore can't have this "privilege" to have snow in town, why can't it rains everyday?!
This is kinda insane la hor...
This might pose as a threat to us liao. =.=
Stupid Manda.

Btw, HAPPY BDAE to Tan Meiting! :D
Well, my wife is older than me now.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Had a freaking good laugh today.
When two kids are out tgt, they seriously can play without much concerns.
Punching, tickling, teasing, and whatever you could think of.
Thanks Dear (:
For my ever 1st NYNY I had in life.
And I guess I gonna try the Dory fillet on foil the next round.

Was just wondering, if a guy were to say that "Hey babe, nice skirt, make you look lady..."
Don't you feel very illogical?
And for those indians wearing dhoti (Men's cultural skirt) are either gays or ah gua la?....
Nvm, just a random thought when I was walking back home.

Tagboard is finally removed.
Think I don't need that anymore. (:

Alright, tml I shall stay @ home, rest and study.
Had real fun today.
Thanks Dear. (:

Btw, the Ugly truth is damn hilarious.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tired shit.
From Clementi back to Pasir Ris is very HIGH.
And when you have to stand the entire journey.
Hence, I very agree to Dear's portable chair.
Hey shit, where's your promise har?.

Wow, I learned quite a lot from my friends today wor.
Especially that paranoid Ck whom forever speaks logic.
Then that cc Kelvin aka hamster.
And that Ryan whom loves window shopping? =.=
Plus Lixian whom seems bit sick & tired today.
Anyway, it's still a fun day today. (:

For people whom don't understand should I assume never been able to understand at all.
With such an empty tagboard, you should know what I'm thinking.
If only you understand.
Sometimes, I think I don't need tagboards at all.
Alright, not that impt.
Pain is pain, and that's enough.
Seeing and hearing more makes me sick.
I wanna avoid that.
Hokay, bye.

P.S what are they for? What am I to them? Speechless.
Was viewing some S.H.E recent events in Taiwan variety show, and that kept me laughing till now.

Study ain't that stressful, it's only how you see it.
When your perception changes, you tend to be more positive or negative depending on how you think.
Many issues flew by, I make an effort to solve it in a rational way, but it's kinda hard if it's only one sided party doing that.
And kinda silly to clap alone?
Things that I won't bother much anymore, and even in future.
Just let nature takes its course.
At times, I just wanna remind myself to BE MYSELF.
It's freaking impt.

Alright, just a thought.
Not much issue over it.
Will be meeting my friends ltr for study in school.
Yah... back to SIM and it also mean to Clementi.
Nvm, used to it. (:
I'm only looking forward to have lunch with them and I so gonna psycho them to have Megabites with me.
I'm the nosiest there, they should be able to hear me?.

And gosh!.
It's Wed tml!.
I'm waiting for tml for so long can. T.T
Finally, I can date that Stupid Shit out, not for an hour or so, but for the entire day. :D

Was thinking to jio Gala & Mich out for study tonight...
Nvm, see how I can manage my time today.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Wanting to update since last weekends, but my fingers just refuse to move even a bit.
Anyway, life still as boring due to the confinement I'd created for myself.
Damn it, was to be a beautiful morning when I feel my body got nua & canceled my meetings with Gala -.-
Shit me to max.
Why get unwell at this point of time, cos I was wanting to go TM to have yogurt too!.
Well, I missed it. T.T

Had a bad nap just now, cos it's freaking humid.
What a weather.
2 more weeks to go, and I really must boost up my immune system.
Weak & Manda don't match at all.
Cos well, I'm not.

Actually study ain't that bad, perhaps the weather irritated me.
Wanted to get a cup of pearl milk tea, and for god sake, I remember my bro telling me the fats that gonna store at the side of my tummy.
For this, my bubble dream poked.
Thanks wor.

But Manda happily had a Choc Sundae with Gala at Mac yesterday.
She's bit contented but can't have more or breakouts come awhile ltr on.
Sadness hurr...

Am planning to go on a holiday trip right after exam.
Hope it can be fulfilled.

Or if not, might as well find a PT job.
Manda is penniless now.

This is just a random post out of this week.
If poss, I wish to blog everyday, cos this may get the insane out of me.

Last but not least, I'm still missing my Khakis...
Can they like come out quick & gather up & talk cock...
So bored.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wau damn tired.
Seriously cannot sleep too late, or it'll be damn hard to recover from that kind of shag-ness.

Anyway, viewed Xin Min yesterday.
And I saw this!.
Guess how much is it?!

SGD 28,000!.

Nice car right...
In the past, I like vehicles without backside.
Though I'm seriously waiting to get a Toyota Camry for my own in future...
But yup, most important thing is that Perodua ViVA Elite help consumers save fuel wor...
Not bad hor...

Btw, I heard it's a Malaysian car?

Hokay la, nth much le.
Just looking forward to Wednesday. (:
Having SAKURA perhaps?.
Happy. (:
Thanks dear. :D

Monday, October 12, 2009

Finally I stole some time to blog.
Basically it's just another day for me.
Seriously when it comes to exam, it dampens my mood.
But nvm, there are lots more unhappy thing than what the exam can offer me.
Last week ain't that great.
Cos I bullied my Stupid Shit to the max, and optimum till I can touch the wall le.
And cos of that, I felt so bad till now.
Knowing that this guy has a high level of tolerance.
Yet I tested him.
See, as a buddy, as a girlfriend, how bad it can be hur...

I'm going to file my mood now...
In progress...

Anyway, I'm waiting for my Khakis to come back soon.
Cos I seriously miss them to max can. :(

And yup nth to look forward this week, except for Uncle's Wedding tml!!!. :D
Alright, go back study Manda.

P.S. To Gala & Mich, 2 weeks fly wor!. Soon ya gals can meet ur ai ai.. HEEHEEHEE.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Mugging for tomorrow test.
It's Macroecons.
But one thing bout it, I don't hate it at all.
Quite like the subject cos it stimulates my brain cells.
One thing I'm trying to memorize and have the concept correct.
When R/I is high, opp. cost of holding the money is high, people desire to hold less cash, and hence sell the bond.
Vice versa, when R/I is low, opp. cost of holding the money is low, people desire to hold more cash, and hence buy the bond.
I only understand it a bit.

K la k la, just wish me luck for tml's test ks.
I must pass sia, all papers cost leh.
Not free one. =.=

"I realized it's an exaggeration for things not done in the past but present.
I don't know how further I can elaborate that,
but it only shows more disappointment.
It's not sad to be insignificant,
but it's all the care and concern you'd shown to others earlier yet remains insignificant.
But nvm, I won't mind from now on.
Pain will always get to cease bit by bit."
Cheer up Manda. (:

Picture time again...

Have been neglecting this poor guy for quite some while,
due to work and etc.
Sorry dear...
From the day you started work till now, I'm growing much more independent than I'd expected.
I don't need your regular calls anymore.
Like now, we barely talk for an hour a day...
But nth stops me from thinking of you.
But from now, I need not worry much for you, cos I know you're doing very well.
Proud of you dude.

P.S. And Gala, I'll always be here for you!.

Monday, October 05, 2009

We're in heaven.
If only the place I'm living in is as peaceful as in heaven.
Not much emotions involve, only happiness I could feel...

Miss Dear a lot.
For this time, I shall not call you Stupid Shit anymore,
know you yearn to hear this more.

Alright, picture time again... (:

It's Carmen's Come-Back gathering, we all miss her!. (:

And I gonna miss my Khakis so much.... :(
They are freaking important to me.

Last but not least...
It's him again!...

I'm bleeding in love?...
Btw, that song by Olivia Ong is nice.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Just to get in love with Olivia Ong's Heaven.
Think I shall change my blog song soon. (:

Life in school is... boring.
But I still have great friends around, 5 is enough to make a market, though I know I'm the loudest & brainless among all.
All I want is the process, not the outcome.

Alright, right now I have a little kick to blog with pictures.

I love them...

I love him too...

For whom I care & treasures a lot,
it shall never change as well. (:

P.S. Don't anyhow spend ur $$ hor!. :(
Wo she me dou bu yao...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blogger is back to normal!.
Hokay, u are finally.

Can't believe I'm blogging now.
Life's that that.
Just revolve around ECONS, ACCT & MKT.
Can't get my head off them.

Recently, or rather yesterday, I found smth incredibly weird bout my opinions towards ppl.
Manda having judgments against the other!!!
In the past, Manda is freaking pure, and now that she's disliking somebody for some reasons.
But yup, keep it to herself then.

Alright, not that important.
Just crapping.

Hope everything is alright for my fren.
That's all I could say.
I pray for her too.

Gala-Kok-Manda session this Saturday!.
Hope it comes true!.
Or weekend so damn bored can.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

This blog is gg to be redundant.
Going to throw u away.

Won't be blogging on this anymore.
No values @ all.


Friday, August 28, 2009

School gonna fasten the beats.
Hope I'll get real busy,with school works & work.

Sometimes, I really feel better letting go then clinging on.
When the gap gets loosen a bit, both parties able to breathe smoothly.

Anyway, we're okay, really okay.
No worry.

And I'm missing my SECONDARY SCHOOL LIFE!- With my Jie Meis.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Finally this freaking blog is back to normal.
It makes me MOODLESS.

OMG. I need some life.
School is real bored.
No entertainment.
No challenge.

is damn sucky.
No money.
No freedom.

Saturday: Worked with Rin @ Lotus Grill and thanks Jiarui for the ride home!.
Sunday: Kickboxing with Min & dined at my house aftermath.
Monday: Met Shit. And met Hao & her Mum coincidentally at Tampines One.
Dined together @ Kim Gary.
Thanks Auntie for the treat! (:

Damn sad & sians sia.
I hate life now.

Hokay, nights.

Finally, I blogged.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh man... Blogger seriously sucks to max!.
Hokay nvm...

Hais. No mood to study sia.
Will be working tml!.
$$$ come to me PLEASE!.

OKAY, byebye.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Woke up in e middle of night.
Fan nao. :(
I'm so gonna work & save money.
And so gonna study well too.
I wanna take a balance out of both.
No stress no stress.

Why blogger getting lousier?!.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

HAPPY 9th month Anniversary DEAR!!.
Apology for my tantrum.
Deep in me, u're the only one I promise (:
Manda is Wee Leong's.
LOVES again.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Don't know what is happening to BLOGGER, but it's kind of user-unfriendly to me now.
Hence, I won't be able to upload photo and a word to describe my BLOG, BORING.

Been busy these days, working & shopping & meeting out my friends.
School opening soon next Monday.
Shit again.
I'm not prepared at all.
But I'm reminding myself hard that I wanna get the juice out of it.

Money-minded these days.
Taking up part time jobs frantically.

I felt some changes in me recently.
I feel strong in my studies, my future, my career.
I'm aiming to take up jobs oversea.
Cos it's a rare chance.

You make me feel unsafe in certain way.
I don't know why.
Perhaps you still don't understand me.
I felt I'm used.

Alright, nights peeps!.(:
Take care too.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Will be blogging soon again when I have the mood yea?!.
Cos I damn lazy these days.
Wanna play enough before school opens.
Play HARD.

Anyway, tc peeps!.
Drink more water, have more vit C.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Damn shag.
But work is fun.
Kai xin Kai xin Kai xin, Mian Mian Mian.
Good night!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Feet gonna rot soon.
Painful shit.
New shoes seriously can't fight with old ones.

Alright, talk bout happy stuffs! (:
I told myself to be positive. :D

This week, I managed to work at Starhub as well as DFASS.
Cash coming!.
Thanks to Zhi Sheng & San Jie for the lobang,
or I'll sure rot at home.

But nevertheless, I met up with Gala & Kw for some Talk-Cock-Session.
Seriously, ya guys really know me TOO well. =.=
Scary shit, go away TKW.
And planning to go for an "oversea" trip with them next week as well. :D

I made my hard core promise to Carmen & Marissa to send them off to their respective places.
Gals, take care yea, and I can really say ya gals are damn brave!. (:

Hokay, time to sleep well then.

*I know what I am doing,
it's only if you trust me or not.
And for peeps whom wanna give ya opinions,
carry on cos I'm fine with that. (:
Kai xin jiu hao.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Feel sad & angry.
Cos I'm not what you guys think I am.
Be it how ya guys think of me, I'm still me.

It's not bout debating,
it's bout understanding my situation.
But you guys ain't.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Happy 8th month Anniversary Da Bian!.
OMG, u're the 1st to remind me.
I nearly forgot bout it.

LOVE YOU no matter what!.

Monday, July 06, 2009

It's early in the morning @ 7:25am.
I'm awake.
I'm not heading to anyway, simply to watch my drama & have a good breakfast.
That's my life about right now.
Actually not that bad, cos I'd really rest enough.

Yes, I do have my worries these days, but I made them as a lesson learned as well.
No harm [:

*No matter what others think of you,
I still feel great bout you.

Anyway, what should I have for breakfast today? =.=

Friday, July 03, 2009

Tired of everything.
Tired of being tired.
Bu Kai Xin ba :(
I want Cinnamon Melt/Cheesecake.
Will you get it for me? =.=


Thursday, July 02, 2009

Uploading of my photos up is damn freaking long,
till I can wait till my hair turns white.

Crazy le.
Alright, chill down.
I rather get to sleep early & do tml then.

It's late peeps.
Sleep early yea.

Nites nites.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Back home. [:
I see my boy again.

Went Jalan Kayu for dinner.
Not too bad, but we don't like the diluted Ice Tei Terek.
Then walked over go buy Selegie Beancurd.
Kai Xin. :D

Hokay, not that impt.
Main thing is that I see my boy!.
I'm gg nuts.

We realized the time we treasure when it's kinda tight.
I agree with him. [:
It's getting stronger & stronger.
The faith especially.

Alright, I'd gotten the pictures from dear.
Will update tml then!. [:

*Even we have the time to be tgt,
it's fair enough to meet less.
Cos I seriously enjoy the dates out with my Jie Meis & friends.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Am back again.
Obviously nth better to do then blogging.
Seriously aimless these days.

Just finish watching Mall Cop.
It's quite a good show.
And I won't deny that I do love fat guys.
Cos they're simply cute!.

Will be updating with pictures soon!. [:
So stay tuned!. :D

Looking forward tonight,
cos I'm eager to see Stupid Shit. [:


This little post is for Stupid Shit. [:

These days, we're meeting lesser & lesser.
Due to your work.
But I know you never fail to call me whenever you're free even during lunch time.
You urged me to spend more time with my Jie Meis & Friends,
& I really did it...
To the extend that I neglected you unintentionally.

BUT, Stupid Shit is a generous man.
He really is.
He didn't blame me at all,
he tolerated my temper.

I remember he once said this to me : "Nu peng you shi na lai teng de ma..."
And yes, he kept his word.
He kept his promise,
to all ridiculous request I made.

One day, I realized my tears ain't worth anymore.
I wished I could be able to protect him.
I could sense his fears.
But I just couldn't help him anything.
It's when I felt much much more terrible.

When he's with me,
no matter how stressed up & unhappy he is,
he'll definitely try his best to tease me.
This is how great this guy is.

I just wanna tell you Dear,
the most wonderful thing I'd ever received is you.
And I felt I'm the most fortunate person in the world cos I have you with me.
No matter how hard this time round is,
we're going to walk through it. [:

alot alot.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Last night was so damn terrible!. =.=
I can't get to sleep, open & close my eyes non-stop throughout the still night.
Oh man.
I don't know what the hell I was thinking,
my mind just couldn't "rest in peace".

But yesterday was a fulfilling day to me.
I met up with my Jie Meis & Sec sch buddies!.
All day laughter!. :D

Finished another HK drama!.
Wau lau!.
My tears dropped for free sia!.
An old man whom loves to make everyone happy,
thinks for others,
cares for others,
so sweet can. [:
It's a MUST WATCH!!!. :D

Btw, congrats Leonard & Kok Tong for completing the first 2 weeks in Tekong!.
JIA YOU & take lotsa cares!. [:

And finally 1 Jie had her rest day today!.
Rest more!. :D

And lastly congrats to Rin & Lice for getting into top 3 for GIMME FIVE contest!.
Please vote for my girls!. :D

Btw, I bought 2 yoga mats for Stupid Shit & myself!.
Hao got 1 for her mum as well!.
I feel so damn worth it can!.

Alright, end of craps.
Going to mop the floor le. T.T
Nvm, treat as an exercise lo...

Tml fully booked by Stupid Shit. [:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A bit sad.
Cos I'd forgotten my User ID & Pin for my DBS iBanking.
Really big shit, I may have to make a trip to one of DBS branch to retrieve them back.
Haisyo... Stayed at home too long already.
Till my brain turns moldy.

Am looking forward to this evening.
Will be running with 2 Jie & Lice & 3 Jie (he haven't reply me though =.=)!.
Manda, you must gain back your stamina!.
Saying that, I'm deciding to save $$$ to invest in a good pair of running shoes.
Those shoes that my bro exchanged from Army were god damn big till I can hear "flip flop flip flop" when I were running.
Come on, this is not an excuse, I really need one.
Only that I'm still wondering which brand to get.
No more Nike & Adidas for running shoes, I know I know...
So Mizuono or Oasis or New Balance??...
Alright, I'll make my homework then.

Actually not funny at all, I don't know why I HAHAHA for.
Hokay, for this I make fun of myself cos I feel a bit humorous.

Oh man, long holidays ain't that good yea.
Cos it makes you turn older, like me.
Or a Cinderella, like me.
For alternate weeks, I have to mop the floor.
And wash the fans.
And prepare lunch for my bro.
These are becoming part of my routine.

That's life.

If you wanna enjoy life, you may need to have $$$.
Or it's kinda hard to even step out of the house.

How to give one a good advice?.
I'm learning. [:

*Dear, be it anything, we'll work it out.
No worry!. :D
Si Bao Li loves you.

其实, 这是我在哥的身边所观察到的。

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Again, it's an aimless day today.
But I'm kinda used to it since months ago.

Nvm, let's rest well & work hard again in August.
I'm waiting!~

Feels like going out tml, so let's see my mood again tml then.
I'm seriously becoming lazier!.

*Dear, whichever decision you made, I'll be there to support you.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Weekends just passed.
Kinda fast without any notice. :[

Will update what I did for past few days. [:

-Wednesday-17 June 09-
Went jogging with 2 Jie & we had a VERY SIMPLE dinner after that at my house.

-Thursday-18 June 09-
Went for Movie with 2 Jie. GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST.
That was kinda nice.
Humorous and yet touching.
Hmm... You never wanna be a BASTARD after watching that.

-Friday-19 June 09-
Went to Old Police Academy to wait for Stupid Shit.
We ended up at different bus stops.
Not going to elaborate more on these complications.
But yea, we still met up & later on to BLK 444 to have dinner with the gals. [:

-Saturday-20 June 09-
Went Hougang Mall to have dinner with Stupid Shit.
Then his house to get his buttons up for one of his shirts.
It's kinda silly for anyone to design that way, cos it's simply a waste of time.

-Today-21 June 09-
Second movie with Stupid Shit this time round. DRAG ME TO HELL.
Hmm... It's freaking scary I can say.
Cos yes, I was the victim.

Lastly, I'm pretty sad. :[
Cos... HAIS won't say here cos someone will definitely see my blogs & gets nasty again.

Alright, gtg peeps.
Enjoy next coming week!.
Be it working or slacking, just enjoy the juice out of it!.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Basically I'm slacking at home the entire day.
I don't think it's boring at all, unless all TVs are shut off or I just couldn't get online.
Thanks goodness nth of those happens!.
I'm kinda enjoying life now, have breakfast @ 10am, then prepare lunch for bro.
I'll be learning some new recipe for lunch.
Hopefully they work!.
Kinda enjoy cooking these days.
Cos they can test my patience & not think so much.

What shall I cook for lunch tml then?...
Let me brainstorm ltr on bah.

Will be jogging with 2 Jie ltr on at night, then hopefully can reach home by 10pm to *HEEHEE.

Stupid Shit, I'm glad that you are adapting to your schedules these days.
So JIA YOU ks!.
It's e 3rd day & I admit I miss you but I do promise that I won't go beyond that.
Just to say: Wo Ai Ni!!!!. :D
MUACKs!. [:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time flies, it's mid June now.
And I'm officially SIM student.
Went over to SIM Headquarter to get my enrollment done.
YEAH!. [:

Then later on maybe going over to Expo to find 2 Jie for lunch,
and evening to find my mum for dinner after her hair cut,
and lastly Gala at night to have a good talk.
This is my programme for the day.

I'm really yearning for an oven.
I'm so wanna bake cake.
But damn shitty, that I don't have oven at home!.
Dad, you love me right?.

Just before school opens, I must play enough.
Or I'll regret for the rest of my life.

What else to add...
Oh yah, did I mention bout getting a hard disk from Suntec IT show?
I bought it finally, @ $95.
From Western Digital.

Thanks to many many peeps whom had helped me to look up.

I'm craving for Western today, should I?
Cos it's a long time since I exercise? =.=

Alright, seriously nth interesting to blog.
Blog is somehow my company now,
to speak to and later I'll reply answers to myself.


Monday, June 15, 2009

You said not to think of you, but not write bout you. [:

Had a lot to say in mind, but come to typing, I'm deprived of words.

He's now working, and I'm glad he is. [:
I'm certainly proud of this guy.
I'm very glad that we had the past few months together, closely.
I won't deny that we had fights at times,
but from them, I learned more from him.
He changed me a lot.
Be it physically or mentally.
I won't agree that frequent meetings is ridiculous,
cos I believed very much that I gained a lot from this relationship.
Stupid Shit, I'll keep my promise to love myself more,
cos I'll use that drive to love you even more.
Meanwhile, I'm glad to announce to you that I'll be your live time warranty.
I'll still be yours, no worry. [:

Stupid Shit.Si Bao Li.In.Love.

I know you'll be stressful during work,
I'll be the clown to cheer you up then!.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Time flies.
And it's time to find myself some entertainment soon.

Dated Stupid Shit to Aston for dinner.
The only thing worth is the time we queued up for the food at Aston Cathay.
Food was so-so to us though.

And I met Bryan on the way back home.
And got to know more bout Bintan.
*Wink wink.
I hope I can "honeymoon" with Stupid Shit over there.

This week will be pack & bad for me I thought.
Will be working at Starhub from coming Thursday till Sunday.
While Stupid Shit will start his training exactly on Thursday!!!!.
*Can you hear the thunder roar???!!!
Gosh, so bad, so sad.
Then he knows I'll emo, then he starts to tame me down now.

Next week must be a busy week for me too.
I try la yea.
Will be visiting SIM for my enrollment.
Great, studying soon, not much worries for job anymore.

I've got so much thing in mind which I wanna fulfill but doubt I can.
So ya, JIA YOU LA Manda!!!.

Happy 21st Birthday to Chin Soon!!.
He's Stupid Shit's best buddy in Secondary School.
Best wishes for another new chapter in life!. [:

Next, is our handsome 3 Jie, TAN JIAN WEI!.
Happy 20th Birthday 3 Jie!.
No pressy for you this year cos you've gotten a priceless one this year liao!!!.

*See, I told you he loves his present.
Copied from 1 Jie's blog. LOL.

And lastly, this is one of the photos we took from POLAROID. [:


Hokay, I gg ta sleep liao.

*Sometimes, I feel out of the gang.
Why is that so...

Monday, June 08, 2009

HAPPY 7th month Stupid Shit!. [:
Digit is worthless, what worth is I have you.
I love you dear [:

*Time tells it all.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

It's called POLAROID!.
It's damn fun can!.
You shake shake shake then the pictures gradually appear.
COOL neh!!!.
Yesterday night was trying out Hao's & Hwee Leng's camera then got the kick of it.
But the films are relatively expensive.
Then we tried out group photos and many many more.
Then omg damn fun la!.

And I carried a stupid question to Hao: "Can I borrow the camera from you? But will I waste your ink?"
Laughter broke out.
You know why la hor.

Last but not least, I have not congrats my 1 Jie & 3 Jie yet!.
I wanna give my warmest congratulations to these couples & my basket of blessings to:
Jia Rui & Norin and
Jian Wei & Hwee Leng.
I'm super duper happy for these couples, I don't know why.
But yah, my 7 Jie Meis family will be getting bigger!.
Kai xin!.

And Da bian!.
Si Bao Li will miss you soon. :(
LOVE you dear. (:

*Will try to update more pictures soon yea :D

Friday, June 05, 2009

I'll get a guide book for myself.
I'll make sure I cure myself. (:

God, have the kick to shop online.
!OHVOLA is tempting me!!!.

Just mopped the floor and brewed some chrysanthemum tea. (:
Hey, specially for you de hor!.
Always complain that I never cook for you :(
I'll still tc of you while ya working!. :D

Will be meeting Stupid Shit in the afternoon then Jie Meis in the evening. (:
Please flood my days ahead ba, cos I'm seriously bored to death le.

Kai xin!. (:

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

HSP- Highly Sensitive Person

Just get to read this article, with nearly 90% it speaks my mind and rings the bell.
Yes, I'm under this category.
I even find myself scary.
Gradually hating myself and suffering from depression.

I just hope I can help myself.
As I guess no one will be there for me.

Brace up Manda.
You'll be fine...

*Emotionally sensitive people feel emotions often and deeply. They feel as if they wear their emotions on their sleeves. Their whole world revolves around their feelings and emotions. They are highly empathic. The things that would not bother the average person will bother a sensitive very deeply. A sensitive will appear to others as a very insecure, passive person but it's really just that their sensitivity goes so deep that they need extra support to feel secure about everything.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just came back from Bugis.
Omg... I filled my stomach with satisfaction.
With less than 30 bucks, I had it all. (:

We shopped and makan then shopped and makan.
That's life.
But the most entertaining part is GOSSIPING.
Not us whom gossips, but people whom gossip.
And many other things la.
These topics would never stop.

Oh man, 10 more days KOK gonna have his LONG hair cut.

Then shit la, no company for Pula Ubin trip liao.
Only left Huiyi & I. ):

Monday comes... and there will be nth to do again.
It's job hunting.
Struggling vehemently.
So bad, so sad, cos seriously nth to do at home.
I'm treating it calmly now, be it there is or there isn't,
I'll just wait till my letter comes.
I wanna study.
That deepens the desire to hop back to Secondary and Poly life.

Everyday is new, but yet nude to me.
There's nth, only the earth stays unchanged.

No pictures these days as I'm lacking a better camera for good photos.

Am waiting for Stupid Shit's call...
Being used to that and I believe it will end soon once his work starts.
But I won't be upset bout it, cos I should get use to it.
I'm really doted by him I admit...
And yes, it's xin fu de.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Everything is loading so damn slow!!!!.
And I'm so looking forward to finish up the episodes for Lao Po Da Ren II!.
Vincent Lim!.
Don't copy me la!.

The weather is so damn hot these days.
So bad.
I'm so into Hong Kong dramas now!.

Alright, some updates.
I met up my Jie Meis yesterday and went to Marina Barage at night after dinner.
And there was a NDP shooting over there.
Said to shoot the golden scene of the sunrise.
Cool shit.

Reached home damn early...
Like bout 6am plus.
Then slept till 10am and prepared for haircut this morning with Huiyi.
We are both satisfied with our hairs now.
She has a straight-rebonded hair, I have a soft-fringed hair now.
The cost is damn cheap, damn worth it, damn happy.
Kai xin jiu hao!!.

Tomorrow is the 3 of us again.
Shopping at the new shopping mall at Bugis.
Let's see who spend the most tml then...
I think I should pass my ATM card to Stupid Shit soon.

Stupid Shit am now out with his friends, while Si Bao Li am watching dramas now :D

*You make my life possible when they are impossible.

Friday, May 29, 2009

A lesson I learned:
What others think of you is not important at all,
what matters most is what you think of yourself.

Whatever I do, I say, I'm cautious of them.
Cos I respect.
But nvm, not all do the similar way as mine.

Alright, things to update!.
I met up my sec school buddies yesterday at Central! :D
Have Wenna, Deirdre, Meiting, Yunpei & Gena.
I truly love them. (:
And 22nd June we'll be meeting again!.
It's Meiting's "BDAE".

And next will be meeting my gals & boys as usual. (:
One may not be there...
Feels upset, but ya what to do.
Hope one day one will be back soon. (:
Many misses.

Tomorrow will be joining Huiyi for hair treatment.
HAPPY!. (:

Then Sunday will be Outing with Huiyi, Kok & Manda at Bugis.

Hao de, BYE BYE!

*Surprised that you know what I'm thinking all along.
Thanks lots dear (:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feeling very drowsy today, but prob is that I didn't take any medication at all!. =.=
Qi guai...
Have a bad feeling this evening.
Like I feel pain at the stretch between my head and jaw.
Could it be paralysis?.
Please don't, I haven't had enough milk tea & time with my loved ones.

I pray for everyone but forgot bout myself.
I'm praying to have good health then.
Or WS?
Need ta go down to Popular to buy some stuffs.
I love you too, I wanna you to hold my hand for rest of your whole life.
Pictures up (:
Happy :D
But some are in Facebook :X

It's a meaningful day to me.
As I would always remember the days we crap and loiter in school.
The days when I'm down and yet there would be very good friends to be there to guide and cheer me up.

Many thanks to:
Ke Wee
Yu Min
Wei Hong
Li Fang
Peck Gee
Jun Jie

Big big combo thanks to:
Kok Tong

Names are randomly listed, and memories are back then with me. (:
Thanks to all.
Manda able to get graduated here would all be your credits!.

Alright, I hereby congratulate my dearest schoolmates and cliques for successfully graduated from TP Biotechnology 2009.
Loves to all.
Thanks to all.