Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blogger is back to normal!.
Hokay, u are finally.

Can't believe I'm blogging now.
Life's that that.
Just revolve around ECONS, ACCT & MKT.
Can't get my head off them.

Recently, or rather yesterday, I found smth incredibly weird bout my opinions towards ppl.
Manda having judgments against the other!!!
In the past, Manda is freaking pure, and now that she's disliking somebody for some reasons.
But yup, keep it to herself then.

Alright, not that important.
Just crapping.

Hope everything is alright for my fren.
That's all I could say.
I pray for her too.

Gala-Kok-Manda session this Saturday!.
Hope it comes true!.
Or weekend so damn bored can.

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