Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Got it.
Was deep in thought with the inverse relationship of interest rate and price of bond.
And now, I get the idea.
If the interest rate increases, the price of bond decreases, who would buy it?
Hence, if the interest rate is to decrease, and price of bond goes up, one would like to sell your bond at a premium over the face value.
Somehow it works like that.

Hence in summary:
*Increase I/R -> Decrease Price of Bond -> Buy bonds
*Decrease I/R -> Increase Price of Bond -> Sell bonds

And not to forget that in the money market, increase I/R increases the opportunity cost of holding money. Hence, you hold less cash, as no one would want a high I/R.
Hokay, to ensure an equilibrium is reached in the money market, you have to fulfill both explanations.


Hope I can still store this in my brain till tml exam. =.=

Last chapter to go through again!.

Really not much confident.
I so gonna read through them thoroughly again.
Especially MCQ.

A very sucky day.
Cos it's Shit's off day and I can't really have fun today.
So he gonna watch me study today. =.=
Poor thing.

Tml is Zi Bao Ji day!.
Who gives a damn to Macro paper =.=
Kao, so bad.
Have to pass, we're his "ONLY HOPE".

Woke up damn early today.
Masked myself after wash.
Woot shiok!.
Thanks Gala for the mask!.
Shit me, I forget to pass her my Shishedo mask.
Cos my face too dry le, can't use that for now.

Since it's the last lap, give it a best shot then.
At least I tired, need not regret much.

Work is coming soon...
On a Thursday!. T.T
The next day right after exam.
Kor & Gala both say I SOT SOT, should wait for next week to start and rest for this week mah.
Ya lo.
I should la hor. =.=
But nvm la, start the ball rolling first~
I'll be damn shag starting from next week onwards.
Cos I gonna work as admin & Singtel straight for the entire week.
Day 1 to 6, admin.
Day 7, Singtel.
Kao, like this is insane.
I'll sure get panda eyes.
I swear with my shit.
Sorry, Manda not refine today.

Hao ba, wanna rest and to be cont'd when I meet Shit today. (:

And I'd to admit that you've a superb unreasonable gf.

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