Thursday, November 19, 2009

Was to blog ltr, but I know myself very well, I won't.
Hence, I better blog now before I really fall asleep unintentionally.

So far, work is freaking stagnant.
And all I could say is, companies are all politically carried out.
The Managers, the executives, and whosoever involved look monstrous to me.
They left a pretty bad impression in me.

Once 9am strikes, gossips, tea breaks will come about.
That is seriously OMG =.=

Can you imagine supervising such kind of lower end.
I find it unprofessional.
I won't allow that if it's me as a superior. =.=

And I think I gonna miss some of my colleagues.
Cos firstly, I may be leaving them to Queenstown, thank to some shit personnel.
Or they may leave me.
Happiness is believed to be short-lived!. T.T

I'm just a temp!.
Contract will still end in a short while, and I'll better rest well at home to meditate.

Yet I think this is a great opportunity for me to see how the internals work.
And yea it's true that it's a disappointment that I've gotten.

And I'll certainly lodge a complaint soon after I leave that place.
Very soon.

Spoke a lot to my colleague regarding work & personal stuffs.
And I could say, life's damn complicated!.
At least someone understands...
But I hope the understanding one to be my parents, not others.
Sometime I really need a pair of good listening ears.
The best I could have is Gala's.
Cos forever, she really understands me a lot.

I'm missing Stupid Shit :(
Cos it's been few days I haven't see him at all =.=
Due to work.
And we even talked less than 30 mins a day. =.=
And thereafter I complained a lot.
And well, he's used to it already la.
He can even memorize my script!.
Damn him.

Earth will never stop turning when I come to a halt.
It shows how insignificant human is.
But because of that, I told myself to work harder, and for the sake of experiencing what is called life.
"Get a life", as what some people said, yes I'm sure I'm doing right now. (:

Am awaiting for Saturday to come.
I want my date with Stupid Shit.
Cos I really miss him a lot...

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