Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time flies, it's mid June now.
And I'm officially SIM student.
Went over to SIM Headquarter to get my enrollment done.
YEAH!. [:

Then later on maybe going over to Expo to find 2 Jie for lunch,
and evening to find my mum for dinner after her hair cut,
and lastly Gala at night to have a good talk.
This is my programme for the day.

I'm really yearning for an oven.
I'm so wanna bake cake.
But damn shitty, that I don't have oven at home!.
Dad, you love me right?.

Just before school opens, I must play enough.
Or I'll regret for the rest of my life.

What else to add...
Oh yah, did I mention bout getting a hard disk from Suntec IT show?
I bought it finally, @ $95.
From Western Digital.

Thanks to many many peeps whom had helped me to look up.

I'm craving for Western today, should I?
Cos it's a long time since I exercise? =.=

Alright, seriously nth interesting to blog.
Blog is somehow my company now,
to speak to and later I'll reply answers to myself.


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