Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today is a so-so day la.
Woke up and mopped the floor, and took an afternoon nap.
Kao, made me dizzy.

I had milk tea today!.
I satisfied my cravings.
Kai xin. (:

Piang, suay shit today.
Banged my knee for umpteen times.

I decided to remove my previous entry.
To not remind me of this incident anymore.
Cos I don't think I need to be bothered by that too much.
Just let nature takes it course.
What's more, live for present, not for past.
Keep on moving Manda.

Manda not that sad anymore.
Immune to be exact.

Right now I'm just looking forward to end of exam and all the best to my SIM mates as well.
JIA YOU!!!!!.

Btw, very fresh joke that I met now, yea I mean now!.
My second bro was like showing off his BIG chest after gym, then my mum say out "E-cup".
My mum so not refined >.<

Yesterday was a sleepless night.
Watched a horror movie.
Then not feeling that good wor, wanna talk it out, but can't.
Cos Stupid Shit wasn't feeling well yesterday night, and he slept early.
And Gala busy, so best not to disturb her.
Then bo bian, I get back to the old recordings I secretly kept when I had conversations with Shit.
Many funny ones.
And I laughed till I slept.
Random shit.

Hokay, BYE.

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