Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Yoyo peeps I'm back!.
Christmas party was fun in Sentosa =)
Though we did nth much,
but the company we had for one another is more than enough =)
Erm, wad else...
we didnt manage to take many pictures,
think just a few.
But we did have nice food at night!.
Barbecue at Sentosa beach!. =D
Oiishii ne!.
And I wanna REVENGE too!.
1 Jie Fu and 4 Jie threw sand at me,
ended up having to wash up -.-
I gonna get from u soon!!!...
But nvm,
overall we had fun.
Then get to know Melvin more.
He's really funny la...
Can't stop thinking he's a...
Hmm yup yup.
But k la, I know he's not.
I'm not that bad okay!. XP

Alright, since there's nth much to tok,
let's bring a topic out to share.
Hmm, how bout Wealth, Jealousy and Selfish?.
Yes yes, I hear "YES"!.
Arigato gozaimasu!.

Alright, coming to such situation,
you guys should have that in mind while watching TV or smth yea?.
In fact, it exists in real life too,
not drama alone.
Why people want wealth so much?.
My opinion: cos human just can't be satisfied.
That's what makes a person so unhappy and more imperfect.
Why are people tend to be jealous of one another at times?.
My opinion: Cos there are some people whom can achieve certain things earlier in life,while those whom lag behind failed. Hence, their goals are blurred and vision shifted to the those holding on to the trophy.
Why some people are selfish then?.
My opinion: They may have lose something very precious in the past, and hence they just couldn't lose it again. Thus they hold on to it very tightly. Or, it's just a disease. A disease which almost everyone has it.
In fact, I'd a little of all above.
Need not be ashame of it,
cos it's just human nature =)
No one in the world is ever perfect,
but everyone is trying to make that a miracle and moving towards it.
I don't think it's impossible,
but with all little diseases we have,
it's still a bit tough.
You know,
human anatomy is very complicated,
up till now, not all specimens in our body are specified.
On the contrary, human feelings were meant to be simple.
Angry, sad, worry and happy.
Isn't it?.
I'm one of the most imperfect person.
Another weakness of mine,
I do not have confidence at all.
How much it costs huh?.
Can I buy it?.
But sad to say, it needs time to build up.
Many people ask me:" Why don't you have a r'ship up till now?. U're not bad.." Bla bla bla...
My ans was:"Cos I'm scared"
Today, right now,
I feel rotten bout it.
Cos it isn't the right ans.
It's because I have no confidence at all.
It's as if my imagination is running wild,
that everyone seems to surround me and say "hey u ugly thing... An ugly duckling wanna turn into a phoenix huh?. dream on..."
See, for these 18 years, I'm letting my imagination run so wild and ridiculous.
Time to change Manda.
And to anyone one else having the same situation as me.
In my life, I'd lost 2 important people.
In order not to lose anymore,
I shall change and help others more.
Wealth, Jealousy, Selfishness,
they shall end somehow in this ugly world.
To change a little, to make others life better too.
Sometime, for certain incident, I get grow a little.
The outside world is bigger than I'd thought,
hence I must make sure I'm ready for every single challenges.
Ganbatte Kudasai minasan!. =)

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