Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm so damn tired T.T
Not enough sleep and my vision is blurring.
Wonder if it's my eyes having the problem or just that the mist is playing pranks.
And just finish writing some brief notes for the last chapter and yea..
still pondering what is the difference between a feeder layer and a matrix coating.
Alright, here goes my reading and personal elaboration:
Matrix Coating
-Initial cell cultures releases matrix products such as collagen, fibronectin, etc.
-Helps to improve surface for 2nd seeding.
Feeder layer
-Grown as monolayer on substrate that allows selective or suitable attachment for other cells.

Hokay, I think I still need pictures for more understanding.
Just can't memorise like that.
Gonna kill me -.-

Btw, yesterday papers murdered all my brain cells.
Needs time for them to grow back.
Btw, I doubt that brain cells grow?. LOL.
Cannot right?. Hahahas
Kao, call myself a science student.
Think I'm the dumbest among all.
And yes, think I gonna do badly for both paper.
In other words, fail lo -.-
Hais, nvr escape the F word.
Yes, I mean FAIL!.
Hahahahs. What u thinking about huh.
God, I'm crapping again.

Spent the whole night yesterday trying to install the bluetooth device in my com.
But due to some errors in there, FAILED.
Then SUCCEEDED not long ago!. =)

Hokay, shall pick some nice pictures to share =)
And for ur info, the pictures may be like a month ago or so.

Yea man, and tt's all I have today =)
Quick talk :
To Mich--> Ur blog touches me alot. X)
TO 1 Jie--> COngrats for ur wonderful performance in esplanade!. =)
To everyone--> All the best for the rest of papers =D

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