Thursday, December 06, 2007

Yeah yeah!.
Took a damn long time logging in here -.-
Hokay, I've got only 15 mins to blog.

Hmm. Today was studying in Mac and learned a lesson there.
Saw this uncle in his middle age was sort of reprimanded by his manager.
And the way he kept nodding his head silently,
makes me feel a pinch of sympathy for him.
He may be a father of a family.
He had very little education.
He isn't that well to do.
He is banned from luxury due to his very little pay.
Though I can't predict his future, I can somehow assume his current situation.
So yup, from this, I linked back to my parents.
Replace the poor uncle with my parents.
See how they are treated when they were in work.
My family isn't that bloated too.
So my parents tend to reject any leaves and of cos forget bout MCs.
See how hard they work just for the family,
they missed a lot of fun.
Whatever it is, this is life.
The only way we can modify it is to respect.
Give respect to anyone, be it young or old,
we all deserve some basic respect.
Maybe with this, we'll get to live happier and less stressful =)

Hokay, end of evaluation.
Time to get some sleep too.
Oyasumi nasai minasan!.


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