Monday, December 31, 2007

Yo peeps!
I'm back again.
Feels so good slacking at home.
No worries, only day-dreaming!. =)
But hais...
My clique meeting out for Sakae Shushi for lunch today.
Wanna join them too,
but no money -.-
Not a single cent.
So broke, bo bian.
All my fault la, lost my spec.
Wanna have sushi so much... T.T

Alright, I'm so so so loving this week!.
Gonna get my spec (maybe on Tuesday..which is tml!.)
and our new furnitures are coming soon on this friday!. =D

Oh yah, wanna congrats Hao and her Boon for being tgt for more than 365 days!.
It's a year le leh!.
Wow, time flies.

This year of 2007,
is happening to me.
Time of happiness and time of depression.
Happiness, is just that little.
Depression, seems to take the majority of my life.
People walk in and walk out of my life,
and I'm quite used to it already.
It makes me stronger anyway, so good for me I've thought.
But a person simply walk out without noticing me.
And I'm missing it.
Whatever it is, whatever reason I can have, I'll nvr admit.
Iya, dunno what I'm talking about too.
I'm really crazy now.

Alright, task of the day:
1) dO housework
2) Slack
3) Distribute task for Jap script.

Ganbatte kudasai minasan!. =)

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ohaiyo gozaimasu!.
Had ur breakfast?.
Yes of cos, had a damn heavy breakfast,
make sure I don't get hungry so easily -.-

Just finish my Jap script,
and waiting for Xuan Yi's reply for her email add before sending the file to rest of gals.
So tiring.
Mentally la.
Plus no spec now,
see the screen till I get more blur vision.
Just saw 1 Jie's blog,
my eye sight like that good meh?.
Cos the degree for my left eye is 0 while right one is 100.
G00d???!. LOL.
But nvm, at least left side can see clearly when someone dumb punch my right eye!.
So lame of me -.-

Papa went out.
He dressed up so formal la.
So long nvr see him in formal wear le.
LOL. Looks funny and skinny to me.
He eat lesser than me sia.
Kao, no wonder I'm getting... T.T
He said he gonna meet his Ex-boss from a sales company.
And his company seems to have some critics,
so need help from my papa.
Feels my papa so wei da.
All his life,
he lives for his interest,
that is SALES.
Wonder why...
But ya, what can we do?.
Sales line is about about taking risk and having good connections.
Now even how out-spoken you are,
you gotta know how to fight and get a stand for ur product.
Anyway, yup it's all bout sales.
I hope my dad won't pull me into this zone,
I will die.
But I do hope he can quit his current job and chiong for sales instead.
Cos his current job is inhuman.

Alright, end of my grandma story.
I am so tired again.
And gonna complete my Amic project ltr.
It's a MUST Manda!.
Damn u for slacking la 0.o
Okay, byebye!.


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wau Seh...
I spent quite a lot today.
This is damn sinful -.-
New spec : $108 (My bro may kill me if he knows it... so dead)
Movie & Makan: $20
God la.
How am I going to face my bro!.
He's my BANK.
He said I can't withdraw anymore money once I get BANKRUPT.
I wanna buy 4D liao T.T
Or the other way out is to work part-time -.o

You see, things which are rather compulsory,
Bus concession (due on 4 Jan 08): $52
New yr clothes: $80
Allowance for this mth: $100
God la!.
I need (52+80+100)=$232
I need a part-time job now.
But I swear I don't have the time and energy to.

Alright, wanna divert my attention to somewhere else,
or I'll go nuts.
Oh yeah!.
Went to watch movie instead of doing my project XP
Of cos I am lah!.
Everyone is,
YOU are all unique!. =))
That is super nice.
In conclusion, this virologist saved his people in exchange of his own dear life.
He actually stayed alive for over 3 years with his dog, Samantha.
Hey see this clearly, HE & HIS DOG ONLY.
God, I can't imagine how he lead that all almost alone.
Rate 4/5.
Good catch yea =D

Alright, gonna take a good bathe and task of the night:
1. Amic project
2. Jap script

Cheers peeps!.
Feels so sleepy.
Waiting for my friend to get online for Jap presentation discussion.
Hokay, just on time, she's online now.
Die la, feels so sleepy -.-
Script script script....
Yawns more~

You know what!.
I actually dreamed of gg China last night!.
Wow cool sia.
I just came back from some places then last min pack my bag.
Brought few sweaters and rushed to airport to meet my mom.
How I wish it was real.
Day dreaming while discussing now.

God la!.
I feel like gg Korea so much!.
Okay okay, that shall be my first pay treat =P
KOREA~ Wait for me!~

Now still brainstorming for the script.
Head gonna burst le T.T
Hope all my projects can be completed asap.
Yawns again~

Waiting for afternoon!.
To shop for my spec =))
Hope the price is reasonable =X
Yeah... Then 1 Jie will be accompanying me there =)
Thx her so much.
Oh yah, maybe I can ask Hao too =D
Alright, back to work.
Cya peeps!.


Friday, December 28, 2007

Halo people =))
Today meant to be a very fulfilling day,
not until my naggy mom came home -.-

But nvm, let's talk smth happy =)
Had a heavy breakfast, with 2 slices of cheese and my HL milk!..
Yummy!. =P
Finished my 2nd drama, My sister-in-law is 19.
I don't really like the ending though,
but I still learn smth from it =)
Wait for clock to strike 10am,
had subject selection for coming year 3 =X
Will be taking Bioprocess technology and Tissue Engineering.
Heard it's simpler,
so yup,

Time flies huh, now I gonna complete my 2nd year le.
Many people to thanks really =)
If they're not there,
you would have see me in some other workplace le.=X
I'd learnt to be strong!.

In the afternoon, I made lunch for both me and my big bro.
We had Fish with spaghetti!.=))
And I found out smth,
I used the wrong powder sia!.
Ended up the fish tasted weird -.-
So pai seh bro!. XP

1st trail---> For myself

2nd trail---> For my bro, which was equally terrible XP

Forget bout the unhappy thing that had happened today.
I hate to repeat things that made me and my life sucks.
But I wanna thanks 1 Jie for chatting with me in MSN just now.
If not, I would have cried non-stop le T.T
Love 1 Jie to lots!.
Muacks!. =D

Quotes of the day:

Unhappiness is the main component of happiness.
Treat UNHAPPINESS as the nutrients that is required for growth of HAPPINESS =)
If not that I'd cried today,
I didn't realize how happy I am today.

Cheers to all!.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Today is another peaceful day =)
Love it.
Cos I can get to do stuffs I olwas wanted to do.
Is to slack and watch drama and cook some nice food =))
Though I know I sucks at it.
Oh yah, went to Polyclinic for blood testing and vaccination (Hep. B and Tetanus) ACTUALLY,
but ended up we did nth of the above.
This was because the Tetanus we had in Primary School offers a period of 10 years "waranty",
hence, we made a waste trip there.
And I'd taken Hep. B not long ago,
so I need to take that.
BUt still gotta go for blood test to prove them some shit -.-
Waste my money.
Damn it.
So I may follow Gala to her family clinic lo.

Now waiting for clock to strike 1pm.
Gonna meet Gala to KCC.
Enjoy ya day too =)
More to update if I've the time at night =)

Quote of the day: Love is not by choice; but by destiny. Hence try your best.

Wanted badly: Spectacle (I can even dream of choosing spec frame!.) T.T
Ring for small finger de. (These days having my old habit back-.-)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Yoyo peeps I'm back!.
Christmas party was fun in Sentosa =)
Though we did nth much,
but the company we had for one another is more than enough =)
Erm, wad else...
we didnt manage to take many pictures,
think just a few.
But we did have nice food at night!.
Barbecue at Sentosa beach!. =D
Oiishii ne!.
And I wanna REVENGE too!.
1 Jie Fu and 4 Jie threw sand at me,
ended up having to wash up -.-
I gonna get from u soon!!!...
But nvm,
overall we had fun.
Then get to know Melvin more.
He's really funny la...
Can't stop thinking he's a...
Hmm yup yup.
But k la, I know he's not.
I'm not that bad okay!. XP

Alright, since there's nth much to tok,
let's bring a topic out to share.
Hmm, how bout Wealth, Jealousy and Selfish?.
Yes yes, I hear "YES"!.
Arigato gozaimasu!.

Alright, coming to such situation,
you guys should have that in mind while watching TV or smth yea?.
In fact, it exists in real life too,
not drama alone.
Why people want wealth so much?.
My opinion: cos human just can't be satisfied.
That's what makes a person so unhappy and more imperfect.
Why are people tend to be jealous of one another at times?.
My opinion: Cos there are some people whom can achieve certain things earlier in life,while those whom lag behind failed. Hence, their goals are blurred and vision shifted to the those holding on to the trophy.
Why some people are selfish then?.
My opinion: They may have lose something very precious in the past, and hence they just couldn't lose it again. Thus they hold on to it very tightly. Or, it's just a disease. A disease which almost everyone has it.
In fact, I'd a little of all above.
Need not be ashame of it,
cos it's just human nature =)
No one in the world is ever perfect,
but everyone is trying to make that a miracle and moving towards it.
I don't think it's impossible,
but with all little diseases we have,
it's still a bit tough.
You know,
human anatomy is very complicated,
up till now, not all specimens in our body are specified.
On the contrary, human feelings were meant to be simple.
Angry, sad, worry and happy.
Isn't it?.
I'm one of the most imperfect person.
Another weakness of mine,
I do not have confidence at all.
How much it costs huh?.
Can I buy it?.
But sad to say, it needs time to build up.
Many people ask me:" Why don't you have a r'ship up till now?. U're not bad.." Bla bla bla...
My ans was:"Cos I'm scared"
Today, right now,
I feel rotten bout it.
Cos it isn't the right ans.
It's because I have no confidence at all.
It's as if my imagination is running wild,
that everyone seems to surround me and say "hey u ugly thing... An ugly duckling wanna turn into a phoenix huh?. dream on..."
See, for these 18 years, I'm letting my imagination run so wild and ridiculous.
Time to change Manda.
And to anyone one else having the same situation as me.
In my life, I'd lost 2 important people.
In order not to lose anymore,
I shall change and help others more.
Wealth, Jealousy, Selfishness,
they shall end somehow in this ugly world.
To change a little, to make others life better too.
Sometime, for certain incident, I get grow a little.
The outside world is bigger than I'd thought,
hence I must make sure I'm ready for every single challenges.
Ganbatte Kudasai minasan!. =)

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Had fun these few days,
while busy with some furniture stuffs at home.
Before I start to share with wad I'd these days,
I wanna apologise to Tonberry and my lovely AF-15 clique of not being able to join ya guys for X'mas gathering.

Mianhamnida =(

On friday, went to Hao's house for potluck,
and we had lotsa food!!.
Oiishi ne!
Thanks to: 1 Jie, 2 Jie, 3 Jie, 4 Jie and 6 Meis for everything!.
Gamsahamnida!. =))
Then we had majong after dinner.
Wau seh, fun fun!.
While 1 and 2 Jie left the place early.
Played till 1:40am,
and 6 Meis fu sent us home =)
Arigato gozaimashita Meis fu!.

Next day,
is Pulau Ubin day!.
It's super fun!.
But tiring~
And oh yea, some pictures to share!. =))

And today me and my Jie meis and Jie fu and Da sao gg Sentosa tonight!.
Looking forward =)

And wanna wish everyone a Merry X'mas and Happy New Year in advance! =))

Saturday, December 22, 2007

My doubts are cleared.
Look forward on Monday badly =)
Love my QJM so much!. =))

Friday, December 21, 2007

Yea man.
This is the 200th post!.
Congrats me?.
Thanks anyway.
Nah, but that's not my purpose,
trying to waste time while waiting for the online video to load.
RRrrr... It keeps buffering every few minutes for some episodes.
So I gotta pray for every single of them while loading.
Pray pray~
Manda is not feeling that good today.
She is not angry,
but just sad.
Sad over things that happened in the past.
Yah, whenever I'm sad,
I tend to make comparison.
I know it's a big NO.
But yah, naturally you'll get to do so.
It's just out of control.
I mentioned I'm not feeling well.
Yah, mentally.
What else to argue when ppl don't understand your point?.
There's no right or wrong.
It's just my perceptions.
Anyone there to agree with me?.
I thought there would,
but sad that there isn't.
Ask me what's a friend to me now.
I will reply,
"sorry, I don't know what's a friend for"
I only know I have a bunch of "siblings" I have,
having no blood-related types of relationship.
We are just that close.
But come to think of it,
is it ending soon?.
Friendship and a relationship,
I failed in accomplishing both.
Am I the one the cause of problems?.
Am I creating all these out?.
Am I being a burden?.
Anything craps you can think of,
am I am I am I??????...
But I'm tired of arranging...
It takes 2 hands to clap.
In my situation,
it takes 7 pairs of hands isn't it?.
All I need is to see that 7 faces,
knowing that they're safe and sound and healthy,
good enough.
Oh yah, then am I asking too much?.
Cos there's not much worries for me,
I'm free and alone,
so I'll get to miss a lot of people whom are bz.
Hence, I hope in future,...
yah yah... yes in future,
I'll be very busy till I dunno what is time.
Being sick is good isn't it,
cos I think no more.
I just sleep and eat and sometimes laugh at mine silliness.
Oh yah, I still love to be dumb.
And last but not least,
thanks 1 Jie for tml's meeting.
Domo arigato gozaimasu.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Lovely Sam soon made me sob so much.
Imagine at the age of 30, you're still a spinster.
And worst of all, u're ditched again.
I think nth can heal my wound again.
It's no body's fault,
just bad luck.

I could imagine 20 more years down the road,
I'm still alone.
Then let's be it bah.
I'm praying no more~

How to become happier?.
Teach me.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Now watching My Lovely Sam-Soon.
Hahas!. She so cute la!.
Then the Hyun Jin-heon so charming too!!.
And they really make up a great pair!. =)
Realized most of the guys in Poly really cannot make it.
Due to how immature they are.
Come on, learn from Jin-heon bah,
that's what I think it's call true love =)
Nice nice.
At the same time,
I'd completed Sudoku from TODAY.
It's difficulty level is just 2 out of 5.
So meant to be straightforward and easy la.
But I took bout an hour to complete that.
Wow, really kill all my brain cells!.
Manda's 1st completed Sudoku on her own!.
Wau seh.
A simple task,
a simple drama can brighten up my day.
See how easily satisfied I am.
I hope I can be like this for rest of my life.
Filled with laughters every single day =)

Hokay, to be cont'd...
Wow wow~
Realized how messed up my life is.
In fact, it has olwas been.
So yes yes, change Manda!.

Aiya, realized that X'mas eve and X'mas I have some important stuffs to do.
So may not be able to join anyone out for celebration.
So greet everyone Merry X'mas in advance yea!. =)
Cheers to all =D

Hmm... What else...
Speechless le,
take care peeps!. =)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

No matter how hateful I used to be,
I gonna change.
I want all kinds of god to witness my resolution.
Sounds like I'd committed some really sinful stuffs.
But yup, I gonna change for a better.
I wanna be the innocent and slow kid I'd been in the very past.

Manda is...
Not confident,

Hence,she gonna change to become...
Confident (not in terms of look, but mindset),
Stupid & Blur,

That will make me happier I guess.
She'll try harder with no one's help.
Cos she gonna be independent no matter what.

She wish:
All to be happy and healthy.
To have their wishes come through for a brand new year of 2008.
All her "single" Jie meis to get their partner soon so that they have somebody to be taken care of.
All her "attached" Jie meis to stay happily and long-lasting with their partners.
Herself to think no more and start working cos she may be flying soon for holiday XP

Cheers =)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Halo ppl.
I have some evaluation to make here.
I wonder if it's sinful but yah... just wanna share.

These days,
or make it this yr of 2007,
I'd really suffered a lot.
Be it physically or mentally.
It's as if I'd turned into a different person.
I dun wanna be that too.
I olwas thought that I won't surrender to fate.
But looks like I'm LOST in every battle.
At times, I will try to laugh as much as I can,
to hide the gloomy me.
But to a certain extend, I feel tired bout that.
It's when I came to realize why am I olwas living for the sake of others and not myself?
Why must I make myself so unhappy in such a way?.
This then makes me hating myself more.
That's why I always say that the world's greatest enemy is myself.
I can't get through my obstacles, it's been a year plus and it hasn't fade away.
Yes, I have no confident,
I olwas complain that I'm ugly,
I'm dumb,
I'm slow,
I'm a bad person,
Anything you can say, yes it's me.
I'm just that bad overall.
I nvr know how to treasure.

Hence, whenever ppl are trying to help me out like introducing guys to me,
I'm like wth, do I need that?.
Why intro a guy to a guy?.
Yes yes, I'm like this I know myself.
But ya.. what to do.

Think of it,
so what if u're super confident of what makes u?.
It's just a question.
Not pin-pointing to anyone =)

Alright, maybe what makes u comfortable is the most impt.
So yup, I'm trying to do a lot of things to divert my attention to all these craps.

This is such a random post.
Come I just dunno what is me.
Wait time will reveal itself.
Alright, smile no matter what =)

Ganbatte kudasai minasan!. =)

Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm sad...
cos it left me...
It's with me 2 yrs...
And I can't bare to leave it like this...
It's swept away T.T

It's my HAIR~~
It seems that I'd taken a wrong move right from the start.
Right from the time I say I wanna change a new hair style.
I feel like stabbing myself.
No more nice hair, hence mine overall looks bad.
In fact, damn ugly T.T
Wau lau...
face so ugly liao, and my hair like that.
Kao, stab more!!.

Hokay la, no point moaning here.
Gotta accept it by hook or by crook.
Think I may tie my hair up often.
What a wrong move.
Like playing chess.

Btw, today's MCT was fine =)
Know how to do.
AT least majority.
Think it's the only paper that I have confident in bah =P
Hao bah, that's all for now.
No matter how sad I am, I'm still glad that I can meet my jie meis soon tml!. =)

Oh yah, wanna thx Gala for staying by MY SIDE in the salon.
W/O u, I may cry throughout!.
Friends are impt no matter what!.
Thx again!.

KuKu head!.
Can't wait 2 yrs to pass quickly!. T.T

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I feel so sick!!!.
Not feeling well at all!.
How to focus for the last test?!.
Jia you!...
And pls get well asap!.
Want to eat also no appetite.
I don't this way to slim down.
It sucks alot -.-

Hokay, gonna take rest before studying.
Get well soon I plead myself T.T

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm so damn tired T.T
Not enough sleep and my vision is blurring.
Wonder if it's my eyes having the problem or just that the mist is playing pranks.
And just finish writing some brief notes for the last chapter and yea..
still pondering what is the difference between a feeder layer and a matrix coating.
Alright, here goes my reading and personal elaboration:
Matrix Coating
-Initial cell cultures releases matrix products such as collagen, fibronectin, etc.
-Helps to improve surface for 2nd seeding.
Feeder layer
-Grown as monolayer on substrate that allows selective or suitable attachment for other cells.

Hokay, I think I still need pictures for more understanding.
Just can't memorise like that.
Gonna kill me -.-

Btw, yesterday papers murdered all my brain cells.
Needs time for them to grow back.
Btw, I doubt that brain cells grow?. LOL.
Cannot right?. Hahahas
Kao, call myself a science student.
Think I'm the dumbest among all.
And yes, think I gonna do badly for both paper.
In other words, fail lo -.-
Hais, nvr escape the F word.
Yes, I mean FAIL!.
Hahahahs. What u thinking about huh.
God, I'm crapping again.

Spent the whole night yesterday trying to install the bluetooth device in my com.
But due to some errors in there, FAILED.
Then SUCCEEDED not long ago!. =)

Hokay, shall pick some nice pictures to share =)
And for ur info, the pictures may be like a month ago or so.

Yea man, and tt's all I have today =)
Quick talk :
To Mich--> Ur blog touches me alot. X)
TO 1 Jie--> COngrats for ur wonderful performance in esplanade!. =)
To everyone--> All the best for the rest of papers =D

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Konnichiwa!. =)

Manda is now:
Crazy over Xing Guan Bang!. (They sing really well, pei fu!.)

Trying to learn some songs. =)

Going to Mac to study and get home early tonight to rest.

Happy and contented cos his msg makes her smile. He isn't everything to her though, but she do treasure that friendship alot.

Rather hungry cos she haven't had lunch. =X (And she wanna slim down LOL.)

Looking forward to next saturday cos they'll be Lotus KBox session again!. [She misses her jie meis alot =)]

Not confident of tml's test T.T ( But she'll still try her best!.)

Hokay, byebye peeps!. =)

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Laughing gas all over me today =P
Laugh all day.
Funny laugh, not funny also laugh.
Just laugh la!!.
And Huiyi worse than me!.
She's near to craziness!!.
Ask her lo.
Her xing guan bang came to Bugis Junction.
And she shook hands with them!!.
That's why she's exhilarated.

And yes yes study time.
Either later or tomorrow.

Hais, I have a small wish now.
To join music forest to sing.
Not to be a singer, but just to sing.
Sing for everyone =)
And compose another song for my jie meis and friends.
And most importantly, for my uncle & grandpa =)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Yeah yeah!.
Took a damn long time logging in here -.-
Hokay, I've got only 15 mins to blog.

Hmm. Today was studying in Mac and learned a lesson there.
Saw this uncle in his middle age was sort of reprimanded by his manager.
And the way he kept nodding his head silently,
makes me feel a pinch of sympathy for him.
He may be a father of a family.
He had very little education.
He isn't that well to do.
He is banned from luxury due to his very little pay.
Though I can't predict his future, I can somehow assume his current situation.
So yup, from this, I linked back to my parents.
Replace the poor uncle with my parents.
See how they are treated when they were in work.
My family isn't that bloated too.
So my parents tend to reject any leaves and of cos forget bout MCs.
See how hard they work just for the family,
they missed a lot of fun.
Whatever it is, this is life.
The only way we can modify it is to respect.
Give respect to anyone, be it young or old,
we all deserve some basic respect.
Maybe with this, we'll get to live happier and less stressful =)

Hokay, end of evaluation.
Time to get some sleep too.
Oyasumi nasai minasan!.


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Manda's back!. =D
Manda's getting beta, so gals dont wry ks =)
Arigato gozaimashita!.

Term tests will be held next wk.
And basically my days are full of school work and stuffs.
Nth much to share,
no interesting stuffs leh...
Sians too..

Oh yah. Gonna intro ya guys a damn nice cantonese song by Fish Leong soon!.
Very nice =D

Very random of me now..
Cos rather tired T.T
Okok, gonna meet 6 Meis for dinner soon le =D
Hope the 4 of us will be back soon to chit chat at mountain top.
I miss those days.

For whatever wrongs a person can do,
we shall never forget to share our forgiveness =)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Think I'm falling sick again.
Feeling cold now when the sun is embracing the earth outside. -.-
And god.. I'm shivering~~~~~
But nth can stop me from studying MCT and Mbio ltr.
Gotta start now or it's damn late.
When I don't wanna myself to be sick, I am sick.
When I wanna be sick badly, I nvr gets sick.
Argh... so sickening.

Yesterday had kbox session with the Lotus gals. =)
But sad that Meiqi ahyi and 1 Jie can't join us =X
Nah nvm, there will be one soon to cover up yesterday's "lost"
And god sry Tony!.
I actually forgot to remind him bout it!.
And ended up he can't join us =(
Sumimasen ne...
Oh yah, it was Ker wei's bdae yesterday!.
And what's funny was that we don't believe him!.
Thought he was kidding mah =X
I think all KWs are hard to get some trusts man.
Serve them right la!. =P
Then the rest went for work, some for movie and other events.
Left me and Hao to shop.
Then went back home round evening time.
Hao went boon's house, and me, home sweet home.
Study session with Huiyi in Mac after that.
Love mac now, our house sia.
Managed to complete my part on MCT report discussion last night.
What a relief.
Alright, and my free time now besides projects is study study and study!.
Was in msn chat yesterday night.
Then chat with him =)
He's working in the same place as 2 Jie now.
Wanna visit 2 jie and him today ltr de...
But I'm super weak now...
Besides Pasir Ris, no energy to move anywhere.
Gomen nasai again...
I miss his face. =X

my activity today is:
1.Study now
2.Go uncle's house
3.Study session with Huiyi in Mac ltr.

Announcement for the day:
1. Those who wanna go watch Enchanted, watch 1st bah. Can ignore me.
2. Will be MIA next week, so next sat might not be able to swim =X Sry =(
3. I hope 2 Jie can take gd care of herself.Since it's a long time I haven't see her.

Manda des.