Sunday, January 27, 2008

Back again at such hour!. -.-
Slept early today,
cos told Gala and KW to postpone the sharing session to tml at WS Mac X)
Too sleepy le~
KW, u have no choice, WS MAC set!.

So now, I'm awake =D
Wanna learn my pretreatment properly,
so I can peer teach the rest tml XP
So jia you jia you!.

So happy to meet my jie meis yesterday =D
Poor 2 Jie have to work at 2 places a day =(
Must take good care of urself no matter how good is the pay yea!.
Money is olwas "shen wai wu"
So sorry my gals, had to go off earlier =X
So hope that I don't have so much to do =X
And that my holiday is so so far from ya gals T.T
And by the time my holiday comes,
may go oversea for a week or smth.
Hope there's time to catch up with ya gals!.
No matter what, ganbatte MAnda!.


Oh yah, I promised Melvin aka xiao dou miao to buy him a CNY boxer -.-
People, if you know, where to buy ar??? T.T
Will thx u if u can feed me some info!!.
Arigato in advance!!.

Vrroom vrrrrroooomm!...
--> HC's bike. Though it's not those kind of luxury bike, but I still think it's nice leh.
If I can pass my car license,
I wanna get one for bike too!.
And it's Motorbike!.
NOT bicycle 0.o

Hao bah, I gg work le.
Cya guys!!.
Take good care hor!.
It seems that many ppl getting sick so easily -.-

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