Friday, January 04, 2008

I gonna give up I guides le.
The more I think,
the more I think I should be focusing.
I just can't multi-task.
I'm really a slow-learner.

For once I said I'm not sad at all,
I'm lieing.
Been thinking all bout it since I reach home.
Then I told my mum bout it,
she ask: "Why u so slow huh..."
Mummy... I also dunno what's happening to me.
It's not working at all.
But I swear I've been trying my best.

What if I fail my exam?.
Who would really help me when I need help?.
Say is easier than act.
I must really be independent this time I swear.

Failing so many tests.
The pain is similar to how I feel when I lose smth precious.
He said he wanna talk to me,
maybe he wanna console me yea.
I'm waiting...
Even if he don't,
I'll still be glad that at least he tried.
He's a really nice person.
So stupid KW, stop talking bad bout him or I'll smack u!.

I'm stupid I admit.
Can I have the last chance to try again?.
It's free right?. =)
I will jia you...
no matter how bad the situation is.

And thx 1 Jie for reminding me that I'd updated to similar posts yest!. =)

(BTW, I admit I'm an irresponsible chap)
Arigato gozaimasu!.

Cheers peeps!.

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