Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm so slack now.
Suppose to study la.
End up blogging.
Know there's a lot to catch up.

Btw, I realize smth bad about me.
I don't like him at all.
He's just a blanket to me.
To cover me up,
avoiding whatever truth it is.
No matter what,
I'll olwas be alone.

I'm not scared at all.
NO fear,
left only strength and the old me.
Wanna let bygones be bygones,
wanna let my future be my assets =)

Jia you lo MAnda,
no matter how much discrimination you'd gotten from others,
you're who you are,
and you are not olwas wrong.
I'm innocent ks,
so stop pin-pointing me ks!.
I know what I'm doing,
obviously time is not yet there.
Even if one day,
I died for no reason,
at least I'd fulfilled what I wanna be.

From today onwards,
I wanna treat as I'd gotten some deadly illness,
and hence motivate me to lead my days well and happily.
No matter how sad I am,
I promise to put on my smile to welcome whatever shit coming against me.
I'm just not scared ks!.

Ganbatte kudasai Manda san!.

--> See how brave the cat is!!. LOL
Thought it's cute anyway. Hahahs

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Apparently, I have many work to do.
But damn me, I'm slacking now -.-

So many things playing in my mind,
but I just tell myself to forget bout it.
So irritating.

Alright, will be back soon when I have time tonight =)

Monday, January 28, 2008

So sians la.
Want to sleep sia.
Why there's so much thing to do,
and yet time is still so insufficient =(

I just don't feel right today.
Kept thinking stuffs which I shouldn't.
That's just pure imagination.
Yes it is.
Must be wild imagination la.
So yah don't worry Manda!.
You won't fall for that!. =)

Hao bah,
Ganbatte for my Abchem test tml!.

--> Jia you!!!

--> What the hell am I thinking?!. STOP IT!. T.T
Went out to study with Gala in the evening in WS Mac.
Met my cousin in the bus too, so qiao.
Gala went shopping in AMK today and bought me a shirt!!.
Wow wow!.
So nice, it's green!.
Her favorite colour hahas.
Thx so much!.
Gonna wear it tml!.

Studied for a while and got chased away.
So end up shop in the mall for a while and went over to library.
The seats in cafe is nice la!.
So big and comfortable =)

I'm super pissed off with TKW!.
An asshole I can say.
He do stuffs that serve him well,
but he's far off too selfish le!.
Really don't understand such an idiot.
Seriously, why should I bother in the first place?
Treat him as rather close friend in the first place,
and things that he do really makes me puke.
He's out of track now.
And that's his retribution!.
HATE him to the core!.
Don't have such a friend!.
And btw, whatever I said to him,
I'm just speaking the fact.
I am who I am,
I don't need to change for E!.
Why should I?.
It's YOU whom wanna such criteria,
it's none of his and my business la!.
You are such a FAILURE cos you don't even know wth u're doing and yet u refuse to seek others advice!.
You're dame HG HG HG and it's ur fucking business!.
I'll neva speak to u from now on.
TKW better FO my sight!.

tc peeps.
Don't get con by such person.


*You do what you think you're right, but you missed out your own integrity.
*You just SUCKS!.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Back again at such hour!. -.-
Slept early today,
cos told Gala and KW to postpone the sharing session to tml at WS Mac X)
Too sleepy le~
KW, u have no choice, WS MAC set!.

So now, I'm awake =D
Wanna learn my pretreatment properly,
so I can peer teach the rest tml XP
So jia you jia you!.

So happy to meet my jie meis yesterday =D
Poor 2 Jie have to work at 2 places a day =(
Must take good care of urself no matter how good is the pay yea!.
Money is olwas "shen wai wu"
So sorry my gals, had to go off earlier =X
So hope that I don't have so much to do =X
And that my holiday is so so far from ya gals T.T
And by the time my holiday comes,
may go oversea for a week or smth.
Hope there's time to catch up with ya gals!.
No matter what, ganbatte MAnda!.


Oh yah, I promised Melvin aka xiao dou miao to buy him a CNY boxer -.-
People, if you know, where to buy ar??? T.T
Will thx u if u can feed me some info!!.
Arigato in advance!!.

Vrroom vrrrrroooomm!...
--> HC's bike. Though it's not those kind of luxury bike, but I still think it's nice leh.
If I can pass my car license,
I wanna get one for bike too!.
And it's Motorbike!.
NOT bicycle 0.o

Hao bah, I gg work le.
Cya guys!!.
Take good care hor!.
It seems that many ppl getting sick so easily -.-

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wau piang.
Today really HG lah -.-
Forgive me for being so vulgar,
but really have to release my mental and physical STRESS!.

Pract theory test 2 was rather a disaster to me la.
Think I'm too complacent,
hence end up HG in lect room -.-

Today's Mbio lect ended early,
went over to the KFC makan lunch.
Realize my appetite like quite small leh -.-
Why like that again?.
Used to be a big eater!.
Good or bad, god bless.

Waited for that KW till 8pm then we (Gala, PG, HC, KW) started climbing up and down to get into Bedok Reservoir from school -.-
This is so sugoi!.
Asshole, damn him for being so late.
Say got traffic jam, okay fine forgive him.
HG him all the way,
ran 4.8 km in total!.
That is a big big accomplishment,
Never had I ran such a long distance and never even stop for a second!.
yeah Gala we did it!.
And thx to PG whom kept motivating us in front.
He kept telling us we're near destination,
but end up I saw the sign board "3.5km".
Wau piang, HG again!.
1.3 km more to battle!.

After bathing and everything,
we went over to Changi Subway makan supper cum dinner.
The guy whom I seen earlier last year was there again.
He's really shuai lah.
His bloody eyes,
damn it charming -.-
But yah, so what huh!.

Then saw many Ah guas...
They are really of extremes.
Either super CHIO or super UGLY & OLD -.-

I just wanna say I'm tired.
And there's lot more to do tml!.
My Saturday:
1. Study
2. Go out with my jie meis.

Better better study well this time MAnda!.
OR u really gonna be HG 0.o

I wanna apologise to Lotus peeps that I can't make it for work,
cos I'm too busy le.
Projects and exams.
I don't have good time management.
I will die after working for the whole night.
And I may be tutoring kids this year,
but still be back to grill when I'm free to work =)


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hai Minasan!.
Ogenki desu ka? (How are you?)
Must be good right =D
So desu ne. (I see.)
Li desu ne!. (That;s good!)

Kyo wa (Today is) very unlucky!!.
Hais -.-
Banged my head on the tree when I'm trying to search smth from my bag.
Then nearly tripped over some brunch or leaves and almost fell down.
God la.

On the way to school,
I'm considered lucky le =D
I was like sitting in between the 2 seater in bus 8,
then look out of the window and saw this formally, well-dressed guy.
Think roughly our age?.
Then I divert my attention to other place else.
Later on someone having very nice fragrance came to sit beside me,
and I quickly move my butt to the side.
I took a peep on my left hand side and uh huh!.
It's the guy la!.
I dunno what is happening to me.
Cos I blushed when I reach school -.-
What the hell am I thinking about.
Come on,

And earlier in the morning,
I found out that I lost my lab coat T.T
So no choice,
I borrowed from Huiyi for MCT and Ivan for ABCHEM pract.
Whats more!.
I came for MCT at the wrong time slot la!.
Thought it was at 1pm,
but 12pm instead -.-
Sometime, I'm really blur like sotong -.-
But ya, I'm already one.
But hey, if not I'd came to the wrong slot,
THAT nice event wouldn't have happened le -.-
I feel myself like a pervet like that.
Oh yah, then I plead Mr. Zhang to let me practice the haemocytometer!.
Then yea he agreed to it!. =)
And thx to Frenly, Carmy & Mari whom guided me too =D
Thx goodness they are there. =)

After then, went for AMIC meeting with Mr. Loh,
and lastly, ABCHEM pract test!.
Thx gdness again,
I know how to do.
Better don't fail -.-
But can't be complacent too.
Better watch out for other lab tests Manda!.

And Gala and I went over to the coffee shop opp TP.
Shop and chat and drink milk tea.
And bought some decorative stuffs for CNY at home! =D
But so ex la -.-
Don't tell my Haha.(Mother)

After alighting the bus,
I am damn it happy....
When something
on my shirt and short.
It's a...
Bird shit T.T
Yucks la!.
Now really my turn -.-
First and second was dedicated to 1 Jie and 6 Meis.
SO funny.

that's the end of my story telling.
Gtg rest le.
Tml having Mbio lab theory test again -.-
Hope I know how to do.
Ganbatte kudasai!. =)

My feelings are summarized for the day.

1. Happy Birthdae Da Jie!.
2. Thanks to Carmy, Frenly & Mari!.
3. Thanks to Ivan & Huiyi!
4. Thanks to Mr. Zhang!.

Cheers to all,

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Halo halo =)
Mata aeta ureshii desu ka!. (Nice to see you again!)
My nihongo really not that good lo.
Verbally weird -.-
But yah, since role play is soon to come,
I must ganbatte!.
I started to memorize le.
Like I can ask my gals : Ano, futari wa nani o shitai desu ka?
(What would you girls like to do?)
Then they will sure say: Kaimono desu!. (Shopping!)
And I wanna watch the new eiga (movie) Body 19!.
Heard it's good =)

Today was sugoi (amazing) in a way.
But I don't know how to explain myself.
Anyway, I enjoyed myself today to a certain extent =)
Though I said I hate school, but certain stuffs still motivate me to move on and work harder.

What else.
Oh yah!.
I'm now chatting with him.
Can you feel the JOY in me?.
Yes yes, I can feel it myself.
No matter what,
as long he talk to me,
I'm glad enough.

gtg le la.
Wanna turn in early too =))
Oyasumi nasai!. (Nites!)
Ja mata!. (See you again!)

Done by Gala
(Thx u so much! Kohi suki desu!. )

--> LIKING involves a formula being defined as STUPIDITY
--> I LOVE my gals too!.

Suki desu.


Monday, January 21, 2008

I want to cry.
I need a shoulder to lean on.
I need someone to give me a slap on my face to wake up.
Cos I'm near to hating school and not going to school at all.
Then wad should I do?.
This is being irresponsible.
Sometime I have so much to tell,
to tell anyone that I've changed.
I just need a nice talk...
but at times,
I just don't feel like speaking.
Maybe I need a detector to my brain?.
What the hell am I doing sometime?.
I don't even understand myself.
Btw, I'll post my new song ltr.
Need ta do some changes.
OKay, brb.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just went running.
Wau piang.

I chat with him yesterday night.
He seems to have someone in mind.
A potential girl he may have fallen into and waiting for.
I'll wish him all the best.
Though I'm a bit jealous of the girl XP
No matter what, he's the best man I'd ever met.
Not like that K ass, LOL.
Now what he gets serve him right.

I just wanna say,
if anything is to happen to you in future,
I'll really care =)
And btw, get your knee cured soon.
Take good care of yourself and my blessings to you and your girl.

Hao bah,
I just wanna complain I'm tired after the run.
Gonna study for tml test soon.
Come come give me some motivation.
Shall post my new song tml night.
Pls wait for me =)
I need bad feedbacks,
so that I can further improve it.
Most importantly, audience accepts, & that Uncle hears it.
So many thoughts,
but I'm too lazy to post more.
Alright, shall stop here.
Take care peeps!.

1. QJM gathering this sun.
2. Mich dearie take good care of yourself ar!. =)

Sayonara!. Ja mata~

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm now damn damn tired.
Stupid head is spinning and...
near to no mood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I should be doing my role play now.
But what the hell am I doing here.
Hokay, I shall shut this down and do my stuffs first.
I'm siao za bo.

Siao ar!!!!.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yeah yeah!
My temptation for the day had ended =D
No milk tea, but had A-Ta-Ji ice cream from LING LING~~Ice cream uncle.
Wow wow...
I'm good today la,
studied and done my tutorial WS.
Tml gonna have tutorial quiz,
but I should not take that lightly.
Give my best shot lo.
My motivation for the week:
1. Sat--> Pay visit to my Uncle
2. Sun--> Da jie's bdae celebration =D

And smth to add in,
I may not have time now,
maybe during the weekends or smth,
I'd composed a song for Uncle.
I'll upload it soon when I have the time yea =)
Wanna share my love for Uncle to everyone else,
and that HE shall olwas live in me.
Miss you Uncle =)
Rest in peace, we'll be good =)

Wadeva it gives, it's a bonus,
wadeva it removes, it's just a mistake.

Learn to be happy everyday.

Cheers to minasan!.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Really feel like sleeping sia.
Translation isn't that easy to do.
It's torturing la.
I guess I'm having sort of mild depression le.
Just hate what and how my life is now.
I hate poly life.
Dunno why.
Can I return to sec school?.
PRCS still the best yea.

These days, but 5 weeks more,
don't think I would like to go anyway.
There's no fun at all.
None at all.

Wadeva it takes, bare with it.
Take care peeps.
Jia you and don't be like me -.-

Friday, January 11, 2008

"You're pretty chilled out! You're going to live a long, happy life, maybe even retire to an island. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy winters with loved ones. You'll die asleep on a ferris wheel."
Wow... Serious?.
That good?.
I don't trust such stuffs la.
Don't mind dieing early too.
What's the point of living so long?.
I've no targets now.
Just see around lo -.-

And as long I'm living,
I wanna live a happy day,
smile and make others smile with me.
Cos their life will be much more beautiful than mine.

Then tml is sat.
Just wanna stay at home and clean up the house.
Has a lot of assignments to complete too.
So I must finish them no matter what!.

These days, I'm feeling crazy.
Half crying-half laughing.
Think I'm ready to go mental hospital soon.
And sad la...
Kaida gonna die soon in the next episode in Huang Jin Lu...
So sad for him.
Stupid Kaijie...
Useless jerk.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

早上有一个小会议, 中午呢也有日语测验.
天啊! 真是老了-.-
其实,像 ShiYing 的所作所为并非是错也.





Monday, January 07, 2008

Halo minasan!
Okay, let me estimate how long I gonna study online now.
Cos dun wanna study at my desk,
sort of too messy for me to focus.
So I shall blog it here and like Hao says, share with ya guys!.
Alright, I shall start from topic 4 =D

What is a Freeter?.
A freelance part-time worker of age 15-34 (excludes students and home makers)
Like part time employees, temporary employees or those whom are unemployed but actively seeking for a full-time job.
"Iyo, there seems to have a lot Freeters in S'pore too -.-"
And there are some people whom are distinct from these Freeters, we call them NEETS.
Okay, there are basically 3 types of Freeters.
1. Moratorium type:
These are ppl who dislike competitive work but enjoy life and CHILL~
2. Dreams pursuing type:
They have a specific dream to follow.
3. No alternative type:
They want to work but can't find any, may be due to lack of skills or bad luck.

And hey, why there is an increase of no. of Freeters in Japan for over 20 years?.
This is due to:
- Change of labour market
- Globilisation of business
- Less recruitment of new staffs
- Rich society

Hourly pay for the Freeters is 1000yen (roughly S$13)
But their daily expenses is high, can't compare them with S'poreans.

You'll now be thinking, when did Freeters start?.
Uh huh...
It actually started during the bubble economy from 1986-1990.
It is a time when land and stock prices shot up in Jap economy.
And this is when Nikkei share prices (Jap stocks) pushed over to 3500 yen!. The Japanese were very rich by then and Freeters hence increased during the LOST DECADES from 1982-1995 and RECESSION PERIOD.
In year 2005, which is rather a recent case,
Jap unemployment rate is listed below for different age categories:
25-29 is 6.4%
20-24 is 9.0%
15-19 is 11.7%
Total rate is 4.7%,.

Wow, this must be crazy!.
You'll come to realize that the youngsters don't bother to work at all during that FAT period isn't it.
That's silly lo -.-

And do you know that Freeters had caused a quite a number of social problems in Japan?
-Like skilled labour shortage
-Income gap
-Collapse of pension system
-shortage of labor and low birth rate

Thus, there's always a solution to a problem.
Solutions from government:
-Job advertisements

Councils involved in this programme would be the MINISTRY OF HEALTH( talks about LABOR and WELFARE) and MINISTRY OF ECONOMY (talks about TRADE and INDUSTRY)

Hokay, I think that's bout it.
Iyo I'm so tired now.
Wonder if it's the Tetanus that caused that drowsiness.
I shall go do housework le,
ganbatte kudasai!=)

*May be back again in the evening LOL.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Yo minasan.
Today is a busy and tired day.
Moved furnitures here and there.
Clean the windows,
mop the floor,
tidied up storeroom...
Wau will die.

Then my cousin blanja me Jap cuisine at Elias CC there.
Not bad la but price not that reasonable -.-
I still love Ajisen!.

Okay, end of post.
Just feel like wondering around~


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Halo ppl.
I'm still alive now.
Yesterday was an emo night for me.
So slept rather early.
Thought my results won't affect me,
but apparently it did.
Dunno how to explain how I feel now.
Though shitty, but come to think bout it,
I just gotta move on.
How many times I'd failed doesn't mark me dumb I hope.
I need a milk tea to calm down LOL.
And I msg Alan that I quitting I-Guides.
Know he will flare up,
but again I gonna give up my pride.
Whatever pride I have, it can't earn me my diploma cert.
I just wanna finish these, and leave school.
Mentally disturbed.
I now then realize I have no goals at all.
It's all shattered somehow.
My dream for Hotel Manager is dim.
I can't see any light,
I'm blind now.
It's really a big turnover for me.
Can't accept it but I know I gotta.
Anyway, pls smack my face cos I'm such an irresponsible chap.
I hate myself.
Never once I'd love myself.
Forget it, who understand.

Am now starting my research,
pls prove me wrong.
For this 1 month plus,
I gonna work doubly hard and thrice smarter.
Jia you to all too =)

Friday, January 04, 2008

I gonna give up I guides le.
The more I think,
the more I think I should be focusing.
I just can't multi-task.
I'm really a slow-learner.

For once I said I'm not sad at all,
I'm lieing.
Been thinking all bout it since I reach home.
Then I told my mum bout it,
she ask: "Why u so slow huh..."
Mummy... I also dunno what's happening to me.
It's not working at all.
But I swear I've been trying my best.

What if I fail my exam?.
Who would really help me when I need help?.
Say is easier than act.
I must really be independent this time I swear.

Failing so many tests.
The pain is similar to how I feel when I lose smth precious.
He said he wanna talk to me,
maybe he wanna console me yea.
I'm waiting...
Even if he don't,
I'll still be glad that at least he tried.
He's a really nice person.
So stupid KW, stop talking bad bout him or I'll smack u!.

I'm stupid I admit.
Can I have the last chance to try again?.
It's free right?. =)
I will jia you...
no matter how bad the situation is.

And thx 1 Jie for reminding me that I'd updated to similar posts yest!. =)

(BTW, I admit I'm an irresponsible chap)
Arigato gozaimasu!.

Cheers peeps!.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I'm so dead now.
Cos I'm not feeling really good.
In fact, a bit numb too.
I failed my term test again.
U see, AGAIN.
This time worse,
only passed 1 out of 4.
I really dunno whether I should laugh or cry.
Or just stone there.
I stopped Huang Yan today to ask bout tml's tut.
Then asked her bout my term test results.
You see, EXPECTED.
But worse than my expectation.
Cos thought I would only fail 2 for worse situation.
This shows that: I'm worse than what I'd predicted.
This isn't good.
Am I too complacent?.
But I did study leh.
Why like that ne....
Partly is due to carelessness.
See, I'm dumb.

I feel down now.
Feel numb bout crying.
Feel stupid when I cried for my poor results.
What for?.
Yes, Huiyi is right,
"What done is done"
You either work hard on it or u cont'd to cry till u turn blind.
Crying and self-blaming is silly.
Very SILLY!.
Gotta do smth ks Manda.
I know you failed many times.
But this is life,
get up on ur feet now and stop complaining!. =X

Tml shall be looking forward to my new furnitures =)
And yup, Mdm Huang Yan will be meeting me for a TALK.
I know what gonna happens tml le.
I'm prepared anyway.

Be GLAD that you can learn from your mistakes again!.
Ganbatte kudasai!.
Failing tests won't make u die lah.
Cheer up Manda...
Yah... try to smile hor...

Crazy gal!!. Just out of mind lah. Hahas.

No matter what life gives u, smile and take it's challenge!. =))

Okay peeps, gtg le.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

This is so so tiring~
It's just the 1st day of school,
and I ended up so dead.
But relieved that my craziness remains when I see my fellow schoolmates.
Hais, most of them spotted my stupid hair T.T
So sad.
I just hate my hair now.
But I'm telling myself that HAIR GROWS so no worry!. =)
No choice, gotta console and give some positive facts to myself.

Had lectures, tutorials and lab today.
And there were long breaks in between all these lessons.
So we just crap and let time pass!.
I just love crapping.
And I'm not in the right mood to really start mugging books now -.-

Got my Spectacle this evening at EYESMATE!.

New Spec ^^

Xiao za bO -.- LOL.

Okay, cheers and tc peeps!.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Yo peeps!.
The crazy gal is back again!. =D
Yesterday still manage to ton the night,
and had 3 rounds of majong.
Seriously, had no luck at all.
That's why I have no mood to play -.-
But nvm, still proud that my eyes are opened wide throughout the night.
(Btw, no offense to the gals hor, so dun think too much ^^ )

Hokay, went Ikea today,
bought some boxes for magazine and stuffs.
Then had their Today's Specials Fish cutlet with rice, and some Swedish meatballs!.
It was damn nice la!. LOL.
Rather full after a cup of coffee.
But this isn't enough for me.
I'll still need some deserts!.
That's why I waited for the Ice Cream Uncle and bought a cup of A-Ta-Ji Ice cream.
Wau seh, just so happy!.

Then in the middle of watching Golden Path,
I was sewing Bro's pants when Micheal called.
Yes, I'm really busy these days sia.
Feel worth it after all!.
Cos I'm happy =)

Alright, coming to conclude with my 2008 resolution:
1. Pass my coming exams
2. Lead my life good
3. Help those whom really needs it
4. Be good to EVERYONE. (It's hard, but I'll try ^^)
5. Gonna clean up my house!!. LOL.

My wish:
Everyone to stay PINK and HAPPY!.
Dad to move on with his sales job.
Grandpa and uncle to rest in peace & I wanna tell them that I love them.

I am so sleepy now...
Forced to stay awake T.T
Okay, I shall sleep w/o them knowing tt.
And Happy New Year peeps!. =))