Monday, September 15, 2008

Worked rather late today.
Am tired.
Am a bit depressed.
Depressed over certain issues.
But yah...

I'd once respected this guy.
I see how ambitious he is.
I see how caring he is to his gf.
I see how he showers that kind of brotherly love to rest of us.
I see how he played with us in a superb childish way.
I see how good a person he was at that time.
I rmb what he said to me " Manda... you should have confidence... Don't keep thinking that you're ugly or what so ever..."
I recall how he kept his promise tightly.
I entrusted him with my precious friend.
Years later,
he misused it.
I'm freaking angry with him.
I can't understand why.
I'm reluctant to be rational.
I cursed him.
But until the end the day,
I missed how a good person he is...
I told myself that this guy may change for better in few years time,
and he may earn back what he wants.
But many people object bout this.
I'm wondering,
you sure you're happy with what you're having now?
To like... flirt around? -.-

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