Wednesday, September 03, 2008

0800: Drag myself to wash up
0930: Get myself out of the house, way to CDC.
1020: Rain getting heavier... HG. No umbrella. My bag turns into my only shelter.
1022: Instructor holding an umbrella, calling me to run to him. (Duh -.- I didn't expect much, but why not he bring that over as it's bit tuff for me to move around... Nvm then. )

In the car, I tried my best to make minimal mistake.
Yea man, I did it [:
Did blindspot today.
I really did it, for the sake of doing it.
I know Sylvester will nag if I don't -.-

1200: Finally, ended my class & went to pee.
1207: Out of school & off to Kranji.

Read The Five People You Meet In Heaven during the long journey.

1330: Interview at Tuff club.

God, there were 100 over candidates.
Can you believe that?
Didn't expect though.
During the interview, I came to know these 2 ladies (both are mothers).
They spoke to me, yes they did.
And that was one the conversation that goes like this...
Lady: Ah gal ar you see this news.
Poor thing hor.
See the boy only 16 leh...
Me: (I scan for pictures) Oh ya lo ya lo... so young...
Trying to get back to read my storybook asap, as the climax is at its peak alr.
Lady: Iyo ya lo... Come come you can take a good look at that.
(She placed the article right in front of my book)
Me: Oh oh... kks thx.
While reading the article, I gave this look --> -.-''
Forget it I thought.
I make a serious attempt to read through the article,
and trying not to be offensive,
I made a comment that the boy was such a poor thing, and that her family would have been heartbroken etc etc.
Was glad that the lady acknowledge me with a short nod & I smiled to myself,
Few seconds I could even start counting,
Lady: Hey gal ar gal ar, you see this, nows a day the price are like shooting up...
Me: (Smile & nod)
In fact, I'm crying inside me. T.T
Left 2 more pages to complete the book -.-

1530: Managed to leave the place & down to TP for some reason.

I'm lazy to explain.
Perhaps you can ask me personally [:

1700: My body almost shivered as I realized I didn't had my lunch yet.

Well, should be ready for dinner then -.-
Went over to Hao's house, 2 Jie joined us too.
At last, home sweet home [:

I wanted to share bout the storybook I mentioned earlier.
But due to my laziness,
I shall do it tml [:


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