Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hey I'm back [:
Aches all over my body,
especially those muscles at my lower limb -.-
Sure it's to do with NAPFA.
Anyway, did I mention that I failed my NAPFA?
Yah yes I did.
Back in secondary school, I can get a bronze so easily for the past 4 years back then.
But now, it's becoming a miracle if I can ever pass it all.
It's bit disappointing despite having some friends to cheer for me way before my NAPFA.
I feel more sorry to them.
Thx lots peeps [:

Anyway, yah again it's driving today.
In fact, there's nth to be happy or proud of when one is able to take driving.
Cos it's just a mean of purpose rather than hobby.
It's not smth I really like, but smth I thought is important in the future & which may mark as a score for independence.
Nah, got 'yellings' again, that goes...
"You should brake when the Car in front of you come to a halt!. Taxi normally stops here... "
Anything you can think of, yes it's all the mistakes I'd done today again.
I think I inherited my dad's CHIONG gene,
whom loves to speed around with that small little Toyota,
change lane as and when he likes,
without the need to follow the 'rules'.
That's for expert I know, it's definitely not me.
But I just have the temptation to do that.
I see no reason braking and stopping for a Taxi few meters away from me,
when I can change lane as long there's no car beside me.
Isn't this the 'Seniors' are doing them now?
Okay, sorry I apologize if my theory is wrong.

It's another reading day for me too.
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom.
That's another book of this author after reading The Five People You Meet In Heaven.
Nice one I can say [:
He just managed to keep my eyes on his book.

Then I realize that nowsaday, many ridiculous people I found,
are really ridiculous -.-
Take for example at the MRT platform,
they have this yellow line on the floor that specifically guide you where to stand,
and where to avoid.
Or if the person is not deaf, he or she may hear the announcement made at the station.
Loud & clear, to most people [:
However, they tend to have this kind of feeling that a bomb is installed right behind them,
and they have to rush into the train instantly.
And for those poor things (like me) have to make some 'dance steps' by making space for these people to get in, and quickly get our way out of the train, for fear that the door is a few centimeters away from us.
YES, these inconsiderate souls brought my annoyance & vulgarities.
I'm sure some of ya understand what I mean, don't you.

Nvm, I'm always calm.
I trust my soul.

"Life is a series of pulls back and forth. You want to do one thing, but you're bound to do smth else. Smth hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take things for granted. " - By Morrie

Some people out there may self pity themselves, like me sometimes I do.
You can.
But you do it a little in the morning, a few tears. alright that's all. [:

I am who you think I am.
The emo side of one is not born to be like this,
it's the cheerful side we're born to be.

Alright, end of my lesson today.

my family, my 7 Jie Meis, my friends & any other strangers I'd met earlier recently.

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