Monday, September 22, 2008


Finally PASS my FTT!.
I'm waiting for that "green signal" in that split second!
Thx guys for ya congrats! =D
*Rin, Hao, Alvin & SiXuan

To all couples:

Ya guys are born to be 2 different unique species.
Both of ya carry different characters, personalities, philosophies and etc etc.
But faith bring ya guys together,
as a team,
as a partner,
as a lover.
It is as simple as that.
You follow the rules,
you pass the test,
you earn your credits,
you get your future.
However, it takes 2 hands to clap.
You need not talk,
you listen,
you lend a hand to,
you nod your head,
you give your support,
all these actions would definitely suffice.
Say "I love You" once a time, not in a blue moon.
But don't ever say that same phrase when you're on a phone,
at the same time on a bed with another person.
It kills.
Not you, but the faith.
Whatever it happens,
be optimistic bout the relationship.
Give it a good try,
if not leave it with good endings.
Most importantly,
both parties should be comfortable with that.
Guys, don't cheat ya gals.
Gals, don't play ya guys.
Be truthful, that's all we ask.
But if you really think you cannot make it,
then cut the game,
go play your monopoly.
Alright, smile couples!.

To singles:

I'd made a conclusion with myself this afternoon.
I told myself I will be happy alone.
But not forever.
Hence, I promise myself to give my best shot when time is to come.
Put away your past,
keep & embrace the good memories,
be happy with it.
It's okay for those whom just left the game I'd said earlier,
cos you're leaving them for a better and nicer one.
I can't define BETTER & NICER to you.
The better and nicer ones will show you with actions themselves.
It's not too late for one to get married,
it's only superb late for one to get cheated after marriage.
Promise yourself that you treat yourself well.
When time comes, come on, grab it!. [:

Alright, that's all for today.
Will start to get busy these days.
Love it [:

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