Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hello back [:

Think recently I'm down with certain level of stress.
But not that bad.
Worst of all normally when I feel stress,
I'll cry a little alone.
But now,
no tears,
only worries and blues.

Some questions I thought to myself:

Why is it so easy to get sad than happy?

Why is it so tough to get things right than wrong?

Alright, I will correct myself with this:

If you don't feel any sadness,
you can't feel the real optimum happiness.

If it's so easy to get things right,
then what for people carry out competitions?

Thanks to Rin & Hao that I somehow know what to do next.
Sometimes it comes to a point that I don't feel like speaking and stone at the wall.
It is not scary to be a failure, it's only scary to me when I can't speak out how much a failure I am.
I will feel worse.

This week, I saw someone whom super duper look like him in Biopolis.
I was stunned for a while,
and regained back my conscience.
Nah... how could be here -.-
Yah it's not him lah.
My big big mistake.
Several months have passed,
but he never leaves that room of mine.
Perhaps I'm too selfish cos I locked that door of the room?
Time to get a key Manda.
A key that will fade the thoughts and in exchange with a good friend.

But yah...
I must must work hard,
must must drive hard,
must must push myself further.
Not staying here stoning.

[Jia you]!
And welcome WL back to Singapore the day before.


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