Thursday, September 25, 2008

If you sleep on your side with your knees very slightly bent, it shows that you are a sincere and loving person. You are sensitive, polite and gentle. You would never hurt anyone intentionally - you're too nice a person. You have a good heart, and everyone is fond of you. You get along with most people, as you see the good in them and ignore the bad. This is a rare quality. However, at times you tend to be too harsh and critical of yourself. If you make a mistake, you will brood about it for hours - or even days.

*Thx dearie Mich for the mail =D

I think this is freaking true.
If you wanna know what your sleeping position can tell bout your personality,
you can tag me and I'll give you the answer.
So sorry, wanna send ya guys the link but hor,
that's my mail!.
You need my password to get in too. -.-

Alright, these are the options,
Sleep on your tummy the entire night
In a fetal position
On your side, with your knees slightly bent
On your back with your legs crossed
On your side, with your knees curled
On your side, with one knee bent
On your back, with your arms crossed under your head
On your back with your arms and legs straight

Tag me your no [:

Anyway, I'm damn sad yesterday =(
My driving was real bad yesterday.
Bad to the max.
Did so many mistakes, till I'm even fed up myself.
Steven said " You pass by here so many times le you still can't remember your way..."
I was not sad bout what he said,
but I damn hate myself for having such poor memory.
And really weak sense of direction.
From the start I told myself I can do it de,
I told myself not to be afraid,
I told myself it's not a trend that women can't drive,
I told myself I wanna drive to fetch myself and my gals & boys out...
But I ended up disappointing myself.
I wanna say that no matter what,
I haven't give up,
and I will not.
I will do better the next time.
I don't wanna give any excuses for my mistakes,
I just wanna find the solutions to them.
[Jia you] & [Cheer up] Manda!.

And thx WL for the cheers.

Will be performing assay later.
[Work hard] Manda!.
Will treat myself milk tea ltr [:

*To my gals,
I so miss the past too.
No worries, some quarrels and many laughs.
Miss my gals & boys lots lots.

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