Sunday, September 28, 2008

Recently, I'm so damn slack that I haven't start out proper for my protocol.
Hence, I wanna do it now!
Slept for hard core 17 hours yesterday.
So happy.
So hope everyday is sleeping day.
That sounds so wrong,
meaning I'm dead already?

I'm so loving my mom.
So love so love so love you Lao Ma! [:
Thanks for all your understandings.
I'm glad that I'm sensible enough to not make you angry,
and you're the best mom I can ever have!

Had a gathering with my 2/8 gals yesterday at Tampines Cafe Cartel.
As usual, we always crap & joke around like nobody's business.
And Wenna ar! So many yellow jokes. LOL.
But it's kinda funny, in fact very la.

Wenna: 40 women walking in a place, guess a location.
Ans: Pasir Ris. (Ba shi li)

I hope ya guys understand the joke.
More to come if I meet them again!.

Then it's Mj with my friends...
Addicted, though I lost quite a lot yesterday.
Cos it's like bit no mood to play.
Cos no key to go home! =X
Have to blame myself, cos I left it in Rin's bag. =S
Anyway, I'm waiting for this gal to wake up lo...
So pig la, think she's still sleeping.
But yah, she's busy recently, all right, grant her few more hours then.

Hokay, time to work now!
Focus! [:

More picts to come soon...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hello back [:

Think recently I'm down with certain level of stress.
But not that bad.
Worst of all normally when I feel stress,
I'll cry a little alone.
But now,
no tears,
only worries and blues.

Some questions I thought to myself:

Why is it so easy to get sad than happy?

Why is it so tough to get things right than wrong?

Alright, I will correct myself with this:

If you don't feel any sadness,
you can't feel the real optimum happiness.

If it's so easy to get things right,
then what for people carry out competitions?

Thanks to Rin & Hao that I somehow know what to do next.
Sometimes it comes to a point that I don't feel like speaking and stone at the wall.
It is not scary to be a failure, it's only scary to me when I can't speak out how much a failure I am.
I will feel worse.

This week, I saw someone whom super duper look like him in Biopolis.
I was stunned for a while,
and regained back my conscience.
Nah... how could be here -.-
Yah it's not him lah.
My big big mistake.
Several months have passed,
but he never leaves that room of mine.
Perhaps I'm too selfish cos I locked that door of the room?
Time to get a key Manda.
A key that will fade the thoughts and in exchange with a good friend.

But yah...
I must must work hard,
must must drive hard,
must must push myself further.
Not staying here stoning.

[Jia you]!
And welcome WL back to Singapore the day before.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Trying to find time slack.
Or else won't have the chance to later after this.

Alright, had girls talk yesterday.
I hope all my gals are well and happy [:
many LOVES*

Will be busy lately.
So yup update soon! [:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

If you sleep on your side with your knees very slightly bent, it shows that you are a sincere and loving person. You are sensitive, polite and gentle. You would never hurt anyone intentionally - you're too nice a person. You have a good heart, and everyone is fond of you. You get along with most people, as you see the good in them and ignore the bad. This is a rare quality. However, at times you tend to be too harsh and critical of yourself. If you make a mistake, you will brood about it for hours - or even days.

*Thx dearie Mich for the mail =D

I think this is freaking true.
If you wanna know what your sleeping position can tell bout your personality,
you can tag me and I'll give you the answer.
So sorry, wanna send ya guys the link but hor,
that's my mail!.
You need my password to get in too. -.-

Alright, these are the options,
Sleep on your tummy the entire night
In a fetal position
On your side, with your knees slightly bent
On your back with your legs crossed
On your side, with your knees curled
On your side, with one knee bent
On your back, with your arms crossed under your head
On your back with your arms and legs straight

Tag me your no [:

Anyway, I'm damn sad yesterday =(
My driving was real bad yesterday.
Bad to the max.
Did so many mistakes, till I'm even fed up myself.
Steven said " You pass by here so many times le you still can't remember your way..."
I was not sad bout what he said,
but I damn hate myself for having such poor memory.
And really weak sense of direction.
From the start I told myself I can do it de,
I told myself not to be afraid,
I told myself it's not a trend that women can't drive,
I told myself I wanna drive to fetch myself and my gals & boys out...
But I ended up disappointing myself.
I wanna say that no matter what,
I haven't give up,
and I will not.
I will do better the next time.
I don't wanna give any excuses for my mistakes,
I just wanna find the solutions to them.
[Jia you] & [Cheer up] Manda!.

And thx WL for the cheers.

Will be performing assay later.
[Work hard] Manda!.
Will treat myself milk tea ltr [:

*To my gals,
I so miss the past too.
No worries, some quarrels and many laughs.
Miss my gals & boys lots lots.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Am thinking some stuffs...
Happy stuffs...
Sad stuffs...
No matter what it is,
I'd grown up alot and I'm sure I'm able to manage these emotions.
Anyway, this is a damn random post,
so yah bare with me.
I wanna talk to myself badly.

Yea yea yea!!
Kanna Steven as the instructor on Monday.
At first, I'd always tot that Steven is a super duper gentle and introvert person,
ended up he crapped with me during lesson.
Now then I know he's single, age won't be revealed,
but confirm he's 30 years old and below.
No worry, any gals interested?

And yesterday is a happy day with my gals.

Hao & Boon, I hope ta see ya guys together until ya guys step the red carpet!
I really hope that la. So must jia you okay! [:

Monday, September 22, 2008


Finally PASS my FTT!.
I'm waiting for that "green signal" in that split second!
Thx guys for ya congrats! =D
*Rin, Hao, Alvin & SiXuan

To all couples:

Ya guys are born to be 2 different unique species.
Both of ya carry different characters, personalities, philosophies and etc etc.
But faith bring ya guys together,
as a team,
as a partner,
as a lover.
It is as simple as that.
You follow the rules,
you pass the test,
you earn your credits,
you get your future.
However, it takes 2 hands to clap.
You need not talk,
you listen,
you lend a hand to,
you nod your head,
you give your support,
all these actions would definitely suffice.
Say "I love You" once a time, not in a blue moon.
But don't ever say that same phrase when you're on a phone,
at the same time on a bed with another person.
It kills.
Not you, but the faith.
Whatever it happens,
be optimistic bout the relationship.
Give it a good try,
if not leave it with good endings.
Most importantly,
both parties should be comfortable with that.
Guys, don't cheat ya gals.
Gals, don't play ya guys.
Be truthful, that's all we ask.
But if you really think you cannot make it,
then cut the game,
go play your monopoly.
Alright, smile couples!.

To singles:

I'd made a conclusion with myself this afternoon.
I told myself I will be happy alone.
But not forever.
Hence, I promise myself to give my best shot when time is to come.
Put away your past,
keep & embrace the good memories,
be happy with it.
It's okay for those whom just left the game I'd said earlier,
cos you're leaving them for a better and nicer one.
I can't define BETTER & NICER to you.
The better and nicer ones will show you with actions themselves.
It's not too late for one to get married,
it's only superb late for one to get cheated after marriage.
Promise yourself that you treat yourself well.
When time comes, come on, grab it!. [:

Alright, that's all for today.
Will start to get busy these days.
Love it [:

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's so sick these days.
Not enough sleep and rest -.-
I don't have time for myself le.
But it's good too [:
I manage to let the thought of him go away.

But I'm happy [:
Cos I managed to meet my Jie meis for mj these days.
Happy shit.
Am glad working in Curiox now [:
Yes I really do.
Everyone is nice and friendly.

Then recently, I went to see doctor for my skin.
It's getting bad, but I really don't bother liao.
It's tiring to keep track of my diet and etc etc.
I think I'll simply use what the doctor prescribed and yea follow the routine bah.
Just don't wanna think so much.
I don't want my look to obstruct my way.
Let me be happy again bah.

Anyway, wad surprised what mum said yesterday,
and I thought it was funny.
She said " Iyo, see la.. the doctor so young! 29 years old, now have his clinic, filial to his parents and etc etc.. What do you think of the doctor? You should marry to such guy mah..."
Then I was like "??!!!! Ma! He's 29 leh!. You don't mind me marrying to a person so much older than ma?!"
Then I was like telling her I wanna intro to my friend (I didn't mention it's da jie, LOL),
then she say "Stupid de leh u, keep it for yourself! "
Funny shit.
Now I'm sure that my mum won't deny my marriage with a older man le.
I'm glad she's open-minded.

Okay, end of story.

Oh yah... sad shit that I can't meet Friendly and rest today.
She's going to Thailand for quite a long attachment over there.
I pray for her to be safe and enjoy herself there [:
And yes, I'll be sending some stuffs to her next month.
Heh heh... Don't tell you guys.

Anyway, be happy peeps.
It's hard to be happy for me,
so I'm trying hard.
Jia you [:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back to blog.
But no pictures this time.
Can't possibly play with photoscap now in the lab.
Sad & happy & tired I'm feeling now.
Hope everything will be fine today! [:

Have driving ltr.
Hope won't be that bad & tired again -.-

Alright, byebye.
Tc peeps! [:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Worked rather late today.
Am tired.
Am a bit depressed.
Depressed over certain issues.
But yah...

I'd once respected this guy.
I see how ambitious he is.
I see how caring he is to his gf.
I see how he showers that kind of brotherly love to rest of us.
I see how he played with us in a superb childish way.
I see how good a person he was at that time.
I rmb what he said to me " Manda... you should have confidence... Don't keep thinking that you're ugly or what so ever..."
I recall how he kept his promise tightly.
I entrusted him with my precious friend.
Years later,
he misused it.
I'm freaking angry with him.
I can't understand why.
I'm reluctant to be rational.
I cursed him.
But until the end the day,
I missed how a good person he is...
I told myself that this guy may change for better in few years time,
and he may earn back what he wants.
But many people object bout this.
I'm wondering,
you sure you're happy with what you're having now?
To like... flirt around? -.-

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's Sunday!.
Last minute notice, went to a GuZheng performance with Rin & her friends [:
Yeah, thx Jie, I enjoyed the soloist part!.
Think I'm rather bad la...
Cos I feel the Orchestra song damn boring...
But the soloist part managed to grab my intention.

Pictures will be up when I'm not lazy...

meeting the gals again ltr.
Damn miss them to the max!.
It's a week, but it feels like more than that!.
Yeah happy [:

Saturday, September 13, 2008

back to blog.
Pictures time [:


Went to terminal 3 to send WL off to Thailand for his NS training.
Makan there with the gals and guys. [:

Before going to Lotus Chalet... Found this super duper big specs in Tamp!
During the chalet... Played with the Kids!. I forgot some names.. LOL. Didn't manage to take photos of Ali Baba & Keith. =(

Monday & Thursday:
Makan at some small cafes in Biopolis.
I'm working at Curiox Biosystem in the NANOS building.
Had fun though [:
My colleagues over there: Dr. Kim, Dr. Leck, Li Ll, Kai Qin, Edwin, Kong Leong, Liyanna & Si Xuan.


It's a makan day with Hao.
Went over to Orchard to have dessert,
then ltr proceed on to WS HK Cafe makan dinner.
Rin & Wils joined us to crap after then.
Thx Wils for the treat though!.
The bruise on his eyes is damn serious la,
kao damn big -.-
But very funny too.
*Thx Big korkor for everything! [: Loves! Though you're still a big fat pig!


Thx Uncle & Ah kim for the donuts!! WOots!~
From Donut Empire.
They're tempting =X

Alright, task of the day:
Update MP & student log books.
Do some house works.


Yeah 1 week completed in Curiox.
In fact, I'm happy to be in here [:
It's not that complicated, and it's rather easy to access my projects and stuffs.
Plus I'm super duper interested in participating the sales part.

Anyway, met Hao to Orchard and buy her stuffs.
Then to WS HK Cafe to have dinner.
Da Jie & orh ba kak Wils came to join us talk crap.

(To Rin & Hao) Most importantly, I wanna add that:
It's hard for me to fall in love in anyone again,
it's almost zero.
Seriously I don't have that special feel for the guy.

Only that we get along as good friends.
I only wanna request not to match make us cos it reminds me of E.
And sad to say the wound haven't heel yet.
I just found out this wound last week on that particular day,
that it's rather deep.
No point pushing when it won't happen ultimately.
Love ya gals for being so concern bout me,
bout my everything.
But having ya gals & rest of Jie Meis is really really more than enough.
I'm freaking content bout it.
Don't worry, I won't die w/o guys.
I'll only die w/o milk teas.
Guys to me...
is nth now.
I can feel absolute nth.


Alright, more to blog bout last week tml! [:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

This is freaking tiring!.
But I'm glad that I'd did subculturing today [:
But with 'eye power' on me, I'm damn stressed la -.-
I will be better next time!.

I realized it's so hard to forget a person.
Yet till now,
it's been months I still can't forget.
I'd said, it's only part of my memory,
it's not mine ultimately.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh no.
I feel a pang guilt now.
That I'm such a spendthrift,
till my mum have to suffer alone financially.
Sorry mama, you earned that pathetic amount to raise us up.
To shower us with gifts that are unnecessary.
To give us what you think you should.
In fact, I don't feel I'm mistreated if you don't do all these things at all.
I just feel we stressed you a lot be it mentally and financially.
You must have thought that you have that responsibility.
And hence you often worry bout this issue.
I'd said, I won't demand any holiday trips from mama,
I'll work and earn for it [:
I will work even harder, just to bring you along for holiday! [:
I wanna thanks you for tolerating with us for so many years,
and that you merely complaint.
I thanks god so much, cos I have the best mum I ever need in this world [:

From then on, I'm planning to cut down my expenditure,
and have packed foods for work.
In fact, that's not hard,
cos there's oven and drinks available in ETC [:
Not that bad.
Can also slim down too.
Crazy ass.

Alright, basically it's the same thing today.
Almost slept -.-
Hais, hate myself like this.
Cos it shows how useless I am!.
I hope there will be lab work tml.
Please, hard core lab works!!.

One funny thing today,
that I met Estee twice today in the MRT!
Damn funny, we were shock bout it too.
Saw dearie Mich, Liang Hui, Wei Liang & Nicholas too.
Again, we gossip.
Think I'm a bit over,
but kao!.
Who back stabbed me in the first place?!
I won't forget de lo.
Watch out!.
I'll stay there and watch how you guys get your retribution.
As what Hy said, bad people gets their retribution.
Anyway, they are just ruining their own reputation

Oh yah, hope my friends I saw in MRT today take good care of their health.
As I can see how shack they were today.
Esp Estee with that pale face!.
Tc ar gal!
As well as dearie Mich, Love you lots!*

Then this morning met up with 1 Jie,
god I don't like to meet peeps at MRT station.
Cos the front and back cabin makes me blur.
I still can't figure it out.
Don't scold me 1 Jie -.-
Anyway, I know you won't XP

I feel a lot stuffs this morning.
I'm wondering lotsa stuffs.
Things I'd done and etc etc.
And I'm glad everything is sort of over now.
And my mode should be high,
for lab works & more "communications" in my new work place.

[Jia you] as what xiao wei also said.
Can't imagine a big guy using such format to say [Jia you] with brackets!.
Anyway, may god bless him and the rest to be fun in Thailand.
Yea everything will be good [:

Cya peeps!.
more to update with pictures today [:

Oh ya, I saw Thilini, Caroline, Peck Gee & Ke Wen in Biopolis too.
Lame shit =X

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It's not NAPFA,
it's attachment that makes my body aches like shit now. -.-
I didn't do much.
Think I'd sat too much.
Did much more fruitful stuffs today.
Like biosafety trainings carried out by Mr Jin Teck.
Then learned subculturing from Liyana.
And lastly told to do 'abusive' work on our DropArray Acelerator LT 100 to test for viability.
By both Dr. Kim & Kong Leong.
That's funny, but it's tiring.
Think only Si Xuan will understand how tiring it is.
And came to know this freshie whom started attachment on the same day as I am.
She's Candice, from NYP.
Had a good talk.
And so envy her that she'll be staying ETC for just 3 months!.
That's so damn cool la! =X
I think due to the extension of our attachment,
we were much more slack in Curiox.
But more work will be done starting tml, I guess.
Please let me perform subculturing tml Dr. Leck...
Or I'll rot soon. =X
Alright, I'm starting to like the department I'm in [:
No regret!.

Meeting 1 Jie tml morning for work [:
Have someone to crap with me le! =P


Monday, September 08, 2008

There's quite a few literature researches need to be done by tonight.
Didn't realize it's alot!.
Anyway, first day of attachment at Curiox Biosystem was rather fun [:
I don't wanna rate the people there.
But I can say they're generally fun-loving.
But in a conservative way.
New lab-pal I met today, Si Xuan [:
Will update asap.
With pictures I promise.
Meanwhile really need to finish what I'm required today.
All I'll be hanging around like mad these following weeks.
[Jia you] guys!.
Will update tml!. [:
Make a wish!......
Was. stun.ned when I hear your name in the phone.
Was. hesitating whether to meet ya guys.
Was. disappointed with myself somehow.
Am .not willing to bring the cheesecakes home.
Am .disheartened when I see the ring you wore.
I m .ake myself suffer mentally.
I us .e a laugh to cover all.
I a .m not prepared to face you further.
Cos .you make my heart sink...
ver .y deeply...
It's .not your fault anyway,
no's fault,
it's .my fault for not being ready.
I ha.ven't forget you.
Ple .ase let me say goodbye to you,
to t .he memories.
Be fine tml & there after! [:

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Halo picture is uploaded! [:

The gang at kuishin-bo (Suntecc Tower 1): dearie Michelle, Carmen, Marissa, Issac, Mark, WeiHong, WeiQiang, KeWee & Kok Tong

The gals at HK Cafe (WS mall) as usual [: LOVES*
Just saw 7 Meis's bloggy.
Hokay, I think I'm slow to realize the 'hidden' msg behind that.
For sake that there's a huge blank between the posts.

Anyway, yea you're right,
no use cursing that kind of person.
We can't call him names too,
cos we've to respect his mother,
as we know she's a nice soul too [:
Just this idiot whom know nuts bout love.
And messing his life like this.
But that's alright too,
Rin will be free,
free from burden in the future [:
1 Jie, have to think for yourself in the long run yea [:
He can never be a good husband,
for holy sake that he can't even perform the role of a good bf.
As we said, to forgive & forget is your choice,
you'll name it at the end of day.
We'll respect your decision no matter what [:

Hokay, it seems that I'm blogging everyday,
every morning,
every night time.
Too free.
Btw, I'm posted to Curiox Biosystem,
one of the department in Biopolis at Buona Vista.
I'm still unsure of the pay.
Hope it's good... -.-
Gonna get a bus cum train concession soon.
97 bucks!.
That's Singapore.
I wonder if it's unlucky or what,
but I'm the only one from Biotech to get into that department.
Heard it's a small department.
And I thought it's good,
cos easier to assess and stuffs.
Nvm, let nature takes its course bah.
Perhaps it's not as bad as I'd thought.
[Jia you Manda]!

Btw, will post up the pictures ltr.
Sorry sorry.
Sending in process.
I have sort of mixed feelings in me now.
Wonder what my emotions should be exactly like or supposed to be.
Anyway, I had dinner with my school mates at Suntec.
Will post up the pictures tml [:
Shall play with photoediting again.

Then it's meeting with my Jie meis again [:
Love chit chatting.
Love real talks.

That's us, we're simple souls [:

Anyway, was rather surprised that I have this friend whom actually back stabbed me in the past.
Without myself knowing it!.
At first I was stunned,
then sad,
then nearly flare up but tried my best not to go further into vulgarities.
In fact, I have to say, she didn't manage to respect herself.
She speaks ill of me,
she gives others the image that she's the devil,
and hence ruining her own reputation.
Moreover, the system of forgive & forget is rather hard to establish right now.
I would likely to forgive as ass like you,
and play around with you.
Need not take me for granted,
once I know you do,
that's it.
I'm not interested in whatever you speak of me,
cos that's definitely not me.
I trust myself, my whole freaking soul.
And God is rather disappointed with you,
for holy sake that you join their service and not learning your mistakes.
This is a shame.
Big shame on you.

The biggest mistake one can ever do is by repeating the same stupid mistake.
I think I'm one of those,
whom kept giving peeps my trust and ended up with wounds.
I cover their dirts for them,
and making a fool out of myself.
I feel happy that I'm able to help others,
but in their eyes,
I'm just a transport system.
I won't be angry anymore,
cos I can't change anything to it.
I am who I am,
if I change,
I won't be Manda le.
I'm not innocent ks,
I'm only slow and not that efficient.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Going back school ltr to know where we'll be posted to for attachment this coming Monday.
Definitely it'll be Monday blue -.-

This is so big shit...
Going Suntec for class gathering,
but I still haven't choose what to wear T.T
"Have to wear nice hor" Carmen reminded me this early morning.
Okay, I will [:
But... jia lut... what to wear?

Feel like wearing high heels...
But I'm having aches at the lower limb -.-
Damn thing.

I'm looking forward to meet my gals!.
Please, time bind us all together again.
I enjoy their companies [:

Will be back with pictures!.
Photoediting time!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hey I'm back [:
Aches all over my body,
especially those muscles at my lower limb -.-
Sure it's to do with NAPFA.
Anyway, did I mention that I failed my NAPFA?
Yah yes I did.
Back in secondary school, I can get a bronze so easily for the past 4 years back then.
But now, it's becoming a miracle if I can ever pass it all.
It's bit disappointing despite having some friends to cheer for me way before my NAPFA.
I feel more sorry to them.
Thx lots peeps [:

Anyway, yah again it's driving today.
In fact, there's nth to be happy or proud of when one is able to take driving.
Cos it's just a mean of purpose rather than hobby.
It's not smth I really like, but smth I thought is important in the future & which may mark as a score for independence.
Nah, got 'yellings' again, that goes...
"You should brake when the Car in front of you come to a halt!. Taxi normally stops here... "
Anything you can think of, yes it's all the mistakes I'd done today again.
I think I inherited my dad's CHIONG gene,
whom loves to speed around with that small little Toyota,
change lane as and when he likes,
without the need to follow the 'rules'.
That's for expert I know, it's definitely not me.
But I just have the temptation to do that.
I see no reason braking and stopping for a Taxi few meters away from me,
when I can change lane as long there's no car beside me.
Isn't this the 'Seniors' are doing them now?
Okay, sorry I apologize if my theory is wrong.

It's another reading day for me too.
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom.
That's another book of this author after reading The Five People You Meet In Heaven.
Nice one I can say [:
He just managed to keep my eyes on his book.

Then I realize that nowsaday, many ridiculous people I found,
are really ridiculous -.-
Take for example at the MRT platform,
they have this yellow line on the floor that specifically guide you where to stand,
and where to avoid.
Or if the person is not deaf, he or she may hear the announcement made at the station.
Loud & clear, to most people [:
However, they tend to have this kind of feeling that a bomb is installed right behind them,
and they have to rush into the train instantly.
And for those poor things (like me) have to make some 'dance steps' by making space for these people to get in, and quickly get our way out of the train, for fear that the door is a few centimeters away from us.
YES, these inconsiderate souls brought my annoyance & vulgarities.
I'm sure some of ya understand what I mean, don't you.

Nvm, I'm always calm.
I trust my soul.

"Life is a series of pulls back and forth. You want to do one thing, but you're bound to do smth else. Smth hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take things for granted. " - By Morrie

Some people out there may self pity themselves, like me sometimes I do.
You can.
But you do it a little in the morning, a few tears. alright that's all. [:

I am who you think I am.
The emo side of one is not born to be like this,
it's the cheerful side we're born to be.

Alright, end of my lesson today.

my family, my 7 Jie Meis, my friends & any other strangers I'd met earlier recently.

Went to Hao's house yesterday for 2 Jie's project [:
I'm Potianak.
Anyway, gg CDC now, may see my bro [:
He's before me.
Will be back [:

I promise I won't fall in love with anyone.
Cos I don't deserve it,
& wo pei bu shan...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Back [:

Oh yah, recently I'd just completed a nice storybook.
The Five People You Meet In Heaven.
And I learned from the book that...

"Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks a person whom harmed us. Bur hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves."

Come to think of it...
Yup that's true.
Don't you feel more annoyed when we come to hate somebody?
Hence, best to let it go & forget them all as if u're a Dorry fish!.

Many things happen for a reason.
But w/o ourselves knowing it.
Leave it to faith & things will definitely fall in place.
This is what life is about.
Bout human nature, bout any other things before or after us...

came to realize we can only be good friends.
It's destined.
So be it.
No use putting emotions into it.
Lost love is still love.

It only takes a different form.

Memory will become your partner,
nutured, held, & danced with

These people are part of my life, my story [:
They are more others of course, but I can't find the photos!.
0800: Drag myself to wash up
0930: Get myself out of the house, way to CDC.
1020: Rain getting heavier... HG. No umbrella. My bag turns into my only shelter.
1022: Instructor holding an umbrella, calling me to run to him. (Duh -.- I didn't expect much, but why not he bring that over as it's bit tuff for me to move around... Nvm then. )

In the car, I tried my best to make minimal mistake.
Yea man, I did it [:
Did blindspot today.
I really did it, for the sake of doing it.
I know Sylvester will nag if I don't -.-

1200: Finally, ended my class & went to pee.
1207: Out of school & off to Kranji.

Read The Five People You Meet In Heaven during the long journey.

1330: Interview at Tuff club.

God, there were 100 over candidates.
Can you believe that?
Didn't expect though.
During the interview, I came to know these 2 ladies (both are mothers).
They spoke to me, yes they did.
And that was one the conversation that goes like this...
Lady: Ah gal ar you see this news.
Poor thing hor.
See the boy only 16 leh...
Me: (I scan for pictures) Oh ya lo ya lo... so young...
Trying to get back to read my storybook asap, as the climax is at its peak alr.
Lady: Iyo ya lo... Come come you can take a good look at that.
(She placed the article right in front of my book)
Me: Oh oh... kks thx.
While reading the article, I gave this look --> -.-''
Forget it I thought.
I make a serious attempt to read through the article,
and trying not to be offensive,
I made a comment that the boy was such a poor thing, and that her family would have been heartbroken etc etc.
Was glad that the lady acknowledge me with a short nod & I smiled to myself,
Few seconds I could even start counting,
Lady: Hey gal ar gal ar, you see this, nows a day the price are like shooting up...
Me: (Smile & nod)
In fact, I'm crying inside me. T.T
Left 2 more pages to complete the book -.-

1530: Managed to leave the place & down to TP for some reason.

I'm lazy to explain.
Perhaps you can ask me personally [:

1700: My body almost shivered as I realized I didn't had my lunch yet.

Well, should be ready for dinner then -.-
Went over to Hao's house, 2 Jie joined us too.
At last, home sweet home [:

I wanted to share bout the storybook I mentioned earlier.
But due to my laziness,
I shall do it tml [:


Monday, September 01, 2008

Just photo-edited. Not as ke ai as you may think of -.- I look rotten.

Went driving today.
Yah as usual, I'm never free from scoldings by the instructors.
Whoever is with me, they will sure nag.
Not their fault though, it's me being slow.
But I swear I won't repeat the same mistake again tml [:
Must jia you orh!
Never give up yourself!. [:
Will be meeting Hao for the 2nd round.
This girl ar, sick again =(
Better get well soon! [:

I'm just a piece of rough paper.
One which you'll jot down & dispose of.

One said: There is someone you can't buy with a zillion dollar[:

I will be doing everything on my own,
I know I can be independent too [:

Having PMS for the entire day today =(
Think it's due to my breakouts -.-
Go away please poppy T.T

Went to temple this afternoon,
then to Serangoon to wash photo,
and then to Hougang buy dinner.

Lastly, to 1 Jie's house for Movie! [:
Had pizza, thx to 1 Jie & 1 Jie's bro, Jerrand!.
And 7 Meis for crapping with me XP

Thanks gals so much [:
For being there with me when I'm feeling so damn moody [:

Yea finally edited my photos!.

"Catch" of the day! [: