Saturday, May 10, 2008

Time to update my FRIDAY & SATURDAY [:

Firstly, special thanks to : Rin & Gala & Carmen for being concerned with my BTT [:
Love ya gals to lots!.

Alright, let's talk bout what I did on Friday:
Had 2 rather short labs.
Really enjoyed myself to lots [:
First wad LAST lab, it's a module related to animal handling and techniques, etc.
So we did experiment on mouse.
The three mice we got were super aggressive,
so all 6 of us (Karen, Lee Phin, Peck Gee, Wei Hong, Jun Jie & me) were totally freak out by them. -.-
Poor Wei Hong & Jun Jie kanna bitten by those mice.
There's one very funny incident when Jun Jie tried to restrain the mice and somehow the mouse got agitated and turn over it's head to bite Jun Jie.
For fear of getting hurt, Jun Jie flung it back to the cage.
Once the mouse dropped hard in the cage, it seemed stunned and panted very heavily.
And it was reluctant to move till it gets over the fear.
And one sad incident was that we were supposed to punch the mice's ears for identification.
Stupid Yee Mon dun wanna us to waste time to wait for that ONE & ONLY PUNCTURE,
ended up our group has to use scissors to cut instead. -.-
Karen restrained the mouse for me,
and I started cutting.
During the process,
it was unbearable.
I put on alcohol and tried to get to the right position to cut.
My hands were shivering heavily I swear T.T
I feel so painful for the mouse.
(Thought I would never -.-)
Anyway, my poor thing had a blood stain in the tip of it's right ear.
I think I can recognize it by the stain next coming Friday.
One most bad news is that we'll still have to kill the mice at the end of practical T.T
(Can I not do that? -.-)

Okay, today I had my Basic Theory Test at CDC.
Wanna share a good news with ya guys,
cos I manage to pass for the retest [:
So fear that I fail again!.
In fact, I keep telling myself that I wanna drive my gals and him out for supper.
Another funny incident happened during the test:
There a old lady sitting behind me whom had finished the test,
and the invigilator came to her and say:
"Oh... You fail... Never mind, try again. Go book your retest downstairs after this. Good luck."
He said so loud la.
If it's me, I think I will feel embarrassed O.0
Anyway, it's over now.
Booked my PDL, but unfortunately the counter closed at 12pm,
can't book my Final Theory Test.
Perhaps I'll make another trip on Monday to CDC again -.-
So troublesome.
But somehow, I feel it's worth it [:
Cos of him...

*I suddenly thought of this in the morning... Besides you, I dunno who to like le. Seems that it's a dead end =X

Hokay, shall end here le [:
Nights everyone!

They just wanna protect themselves, they are harmless [:

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