Thursday, May 29, 2008

I am so crazy & stressed up! =X
But I must jia you! [:
Just because I know I can do it.
Wei Hong always remind me: Don't pass your paper, SCORE your paper! [:

And cos you said this, I really tried my very best for first few tests!
I will jia you de!
I'm not those free-riders.
I know I really worked hard [:

And wonder why so many people asked me bout marriage.
Karen says she may not want any wedding dinner in future.
But I thought it's the most important event in a girl's life.
Once a life time! =X
I would love to have a glamorous wedding,
wearing those pretty gown....
heh heh heh...
Get a bf first Manda! -.-
Always day-dream, come back to reality bah,
so ugly that's why no bf -.-
Hao bah no matter what jia you jia you!.
In what?
In your studies! [:

It's again a long time I haven't hear from you.
And cos of you, there's a huge gap I'd unintentionally made.
I should be the one at fault.
To have like you, & make myself suffer so much.
It's never easy to think of you at night and cry alone...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

When I'm reminded that I'd never been in love before...
When I'm all alone for 19 years...
When I saw a couple kissed so frantically today...
Wonder how's the feeling like...
But... I don't think I'm ready for it either.
Don't mind waiting...

Sick & tired of school work,
of term tests.

But no use complaining over it,
as everyone is going through the same solid procedure.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I just can't focus as I'm drifting away from what I need ta study...
What's wrong with me -.-
Been a lousy student & always am =(

Alright, Manda FOCUS!.

*Term test is round the corner, and I can't help being EMO bout that!

Monday, May 26, 2008

那就这样吧 [:


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Just came back from my Uncle's wedding buffet.
Was cool as I'd never participated in such an unique event.
Alright due to my laziness, I'm unable to upload the day's photo.
Hence I'll do it when I'm free yea [:

Anyway, once I came back home today,
watched Si Chuan's charity show and I just ended up wetting my blouse.
They are just a big big bunch of innocent and chirpy kids,
but have ta end their life after the heavy earthquake this time round in Si Chuan.
I just couldn't bare to see those scenes.
Some adults were killed too.
There's a mother of a few months baby whom was killed too.
She kept her baby alive & left a message for her "My dear, if you're still alive, mum wanna you to know that I LOVE YOU..."
Poor baby... :[
I love kids, who don't?
But have you ever imagine how hurtful you'll feel when you see these Si Chuan's students getting killed in such tragic.

Played with my cousin's kids today.
They were really fun loving.
When these little kids come running towards me and gave me big hugs,
I feel so blessed you know...
So lovable and innocent. [:

Anyway, the wedding had a sweet ending tonight.
And my blessings to my uncle and his wife [:

Loves* to all.
& my condolence to all victims' relatives and friends.
Guys, let us pray for them to move on and may God guide the angels to a place where they belong...

Don't start to LOVE when you start to LOSE.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ya, that was in the day...

Anyway, had a great breakfast with my gals [:
1 and 2 Jie [:
Thx for waking up so early for me,
feel bad =X
Next time round will be me accompanying ya gals for breakfast yea? [:

I am disappointed with myself for not being able to produce efficient work.
I doubt my ability now.
I hope I can do better next time.
So jia you Manda!


Monday, May 19, 2008

虽然勇气可嘉, 但这毕竟是个比赛嘛,应该好好利用自己的长处才好。
但没关系,因为比赛已结束, 输赢也并非重要,最重要的是过程。
能认识那么多来自不同地方的参赛者,我相信各位都授予无穷 [:
我也多希望能通过音乐来认识更多音乐人士, 然后一起合作,为爱音乐的观众增天更多色彩!
我想,等我考到驾驶执照, 我就要往我的梦想前近!

我又好几首歌没有音乐, 就像花儿没有水似的,毫无生命。
如果这个认真的真的存在,请 tag 我好吗?


What happens, happens for a reason.

好吧!不要在回顾感伤的事情了,多看开点, 日子会比较好过。


所以对于姐妹们或家人的误会有多深, 我都不该去计较,因为这世界没有完美的人,而全都是我爱的人 [:
六妹, 找一点在跟你聊吧,你姐需要点时间 [:
好肉麻哦, 当隐藏真心话是不对的!

Think I'm too bored that I started blogging again.
So boring...
Cos I'm studying LAST now -.-
Jia you orh Manda! [:

Just got a call from Gala,
she told me her uncle collecting $26-$28 for each practical session.
So cheap la!
He even said that he could book the FTT earlier for me in MAY!.
Omg... This is a bit too crazy for me..
Think I'll ask him bout June XP

So happy [:

Though I'm so worried of my stupidity...

Hokay, now picture time..
Though I haven't got the rest from Frenly...
Think it'll be in the next post soon.

Iyo, dearie so shy!!. Can't get a good shot of you!. LOL.

I think Frenly is cute in this pict!. LOL. I look lyk... kao.. Monster?

Argh!. Dou hua [: Full of memories...

I hope my hair can be like that... LOL. Lyk boy boy XP

But yah... Now it looks this way. A bit short, no I think VERY -.-

What happens, happens for a reason.
Reflect [:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

God, just completed my Tissue Engineering Practical 1 literature review.
It's killing me definitely -.-
I still have Practical 2!
Think I take a break before proceeding.

Went to Geylang to have nice food yesterday.
With Karen, Peck Gee, Huiyi, Han Cheng and Kok.
Had a good chat yesterday.
It's really relaxing [:

And of course I won't miss my dou hua!.
But sadly, the dou hua doesn't taste good as before.
Or maybe the memories were sweet?
I would still prefer the one in the other Lorong avenue.
Whatever, I still enjoy myself to the optimum! [:

I realized it's not the food that excite me,
it's the optimum feel of reaching the destination after quite a long walk!. XP
This sounds stupid.
But yah, that's me!.

My phone batt is flat now.
So perhaps I'll update the photo again tonight or tml [:
I think I haven't upload a lot of them.

Life is not fun, yet not too bad for me.
I think I enjoy them all.
Esp the new and old clique I have.
Have been tgt for 3 years.
And I hope we do meet out more even after Poly [:

And blessings I'd got it from god,
he gave me my Jie Meis and that made me feel really fortunate [:
Love them all to lots.

So glad tt he msg.
Again, they are gg to 'Saved Messages' in my phone.
I'm not crazy over him,
but I just miss talking and studying with him.

I am still finding him.

Hokay, sayonara minasan!.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I think life is simply peaceful for me now.
Wants to know nth.
Just study, eat well and sleep longer [:

These days I'm surprised that I think nth at all.
Several things just can't get off my head.
But I choose to put them away for a while and take a break if possible.
I like to talk nth now.
But my ears are always wide open [:

Anyway, have been careless these days.
Especially yesterday's lab -.-
Poke my fingers 2 times, and banged my leg.
I wonder how's the saline in my blood now.
Won't die anyway, so I don't bother.

Went out with my fav gals on Thursday.
Caught a lame movie " Chongkak".
It's a horror movie and I admit I covered my head....
But yah, smth wrong with the storyline.

And yesterday instead of running,
met up with my Jie Meis for dinner and movie.
Watched "Sky Of Love".
I only like the story at the back.
Too draggy for the starting le =[
But yah we did cry...

Wanna post up some pictures to share.
But haven't get them from Frenly yet.
Hence I'll wait and post them up again then [:

Suppose to do my hw now.
But I'm slacking.
Think I take a short nap and do ltr.
Need rest.

Geylang trip with friends ltr.
Am excited.
And I have to say,
I'm a lousy organizer -.-
So many peeps can't make it.

But yah, usual got Gala, Kw, Kok and rest.
So should be fine [:

*I'll never forget the days you brought us there for supper.
You let me live on with these very nice memories.
I may not need to be with you,
just that I'm glad that I'd known you [:

I like this view, cosy and nice [:

Today's quote:
Plan for tomorrow, Live for today.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Think I'm not feeling good -.-
Stupid weather.
If wanna rain, can keep on raining?
I hate the sun, hate lights ]:
But I feel like gg for a sun tan soon leh...
Iyo... feeling sick now.
Maybe not enough sleep.
Hokay, update more tml [:

Nites and tc everyone [:
I always find it hard to capture certain opportunities.
And what it takes, is all about hard work.

If I have this chance,
I wanna do just one thing.
Having the passion may not be enough.

Alright, dream on then Manda.
Finish your diploma and plan your steps properly bah.
You can't even solve your problem and moving on like that -.-

Overslept just now.
Was supposed to finish studying RTechB far early.
But yah, OVESLEPT -.-
Nvm, I'd finish that and gg lalaland soon [:

Wonder what's my girls doing now.
Busy too I guess?...

Friday arriving.
What I'm most looking forward to [:
& perhaps one ore task.
But yah, I'm still hesitating.

See first bah.

I'm drowning myself with his names.
Why am I doing such silly stuffs.
It's like I have nothing better to do and collecting troubles and problems for myself.
Being a "freeman" is no good.

I'm the kind of person whom prefers to get settled down soon.
I'm just that simple.
Just wonder how complicated a person is -.-

Realize it's just another random post.
More to come as I'll be damn stressed out this while =S

Hao bah, everyone jia you!

Yes I know this is a boring post =X

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Feels so sleepy when I wanna study -.-
This is 'human nature', isn't it?
Anyway, I have a nice and sweet morning today [:
I know I've thought too much,
but the joy in me just can't stop [:

Alright, will be back to crap ltr.
Time to take a nap! [:

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sometimes, it's not about person you wanna pin-point at.
But I seriously just wanna argue about the situation itself.
I think I should have confess it out earlier,
yes much more earlier,
so we won't have to bring all the topic out at once.
Yah, frankly speaking, it's unfair to the girl.
But I just dunno how to put it in words.
Anyway,I'll still declare what I need to.

If it's me whom have complicated the stuffs,
I apologize as that's my fault.

Yah no point arguing.
I know your stand but I'd pin-pointed the wrong problem.
Yes my fault again.

However, you may need to do your part too.
Which I'll tell you soon once we have the time to do so.
I don't wanna drag, cos we're so close till we should say and not hide the problem.

Alright, cya soon then.
Meanwhile, no argument.

Once and for all, I just wanna know the truth.
Don't ever lie to me,
or I'll be really disappointed.
Manda believes anyone.
But once you lie......

I wanna chase you.
But it's so hard.
All the guys are the same,
same species,
same characteristics,
what more can I say?
I think I'm the one not worthy.
Your name is always carried in my mouth.

It's time to get someone who really cares....

Hais. Whatever -.-

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Time to update my FRIDAY & SATURDAY [:

Firstly, special thanks to : Rin & Gala & Carmen for being concerned with my BTT [:
Love ya gals to lots!.

Alright, let's talk bout what I did on Friday:
Had 2 rather short labs.
Really enjoyed myself to lots [:
First wad LAST lab, it's a module related to animal handling and techniques, etc.
So we did experiment on mouse.
The three mice we got were super aggressive,
so all 6 of us (Karen, Lee Phin, Peck Gee, Wei Hong, Jun Jie & me) were totally freak out by them. -.-
Poor Wei Hong & Jun Jie kanna bitten by those mice.
There's one very funny incident when Jun Jie tried to restrain the mice and somehow the mouse got agitated and turn over it's head to bite Jun Jie.
For fear of getting hurt, Jun Jie flung it back to the cage.
Once the mouse dropped hard in the cage, it seemed stunned and panted very heavily.
And it was reluctant to move till it gets over the fear.
And one sad incident was that we were supposed to punch the mice's ears for identification.
Stupid Yee Mon dun wanna us to waste time to wait for that ONE & ONLY PUNCTURE,
ended up our group has to use scissors to cut instead. -.-
Karen restrained the mouse for me,
and I started cutting.
During the process,
it was unbearable.
I put on alcohol and tried to get to the right position to cut.
My hands were shivering heavily I swear T.T
I feel so painful for the mouse.
(Thought I would never -.-)
Anyway, my poor thing had a blood stain in the tip of it's right ear.
I think I can recognize it by the stain next coming Friday.
One most bad news is that we'll still have to kill the mice at the end of practical T.T
(Can I not do that? -.-)

Okay, today I had my Basic Theory Test at CDC.
Wanna share a good news with ya guys,
cos I manage to pass for the retest [:
So fear that I fail again!.
In fact, I keep telling myself that I wanna drive my gals and him out for supper.
Another funny incident happened during the test:
There a old lady sitting behind me whom had finished the test,
and the invigilator came to her and say:
"Oh... You fail... Never mind, try again. Go book your retest downstairs after this. Good luck."
He said so loud la.
If it's me, I think I will feel embarrassed O.0
Anyway, it's over now.
Booked my PDL, but unfortunately the counter closed at 12pm,
can't book my Final Theory Test.
Perhaps I'll make another trip on Monday to CDC again -.-
So troublesome.
But somehow, I feel it's worth it [:
Cos of him...

*I suddenly thought of this in the morning... Besides you, I dunno who to like le. Seems that it's a dead end =X

Hokay, shall end here le [:
Nights everyone!

They just wanna protect themselves, they are harmless [:
Basic Theory Test ltr...
Okay la, it's a retest -.-
Scared T.T
Okay, pass or fail,
I'll try my best!
I wanna drive you around for supper at night [:

Update more ltr [:

Wonder what will my mood be like after BTT =S

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Sometime, it's best to stay away from problems and not touch it at all.
It seems that singles have so much troubles -.-
Don't like it.
Plus it's not my business at all :[
Do I sound cruel?

It's like people vent anger on me for things I'd not done or said wrong.
And when they're too engrossed in their situation,
they tend to forget mine.
I won't blame anyone for this,
just that I feel so unlucky -.-
I love to help,
but don't reproach me if it hadn't benefit you -.-

Anyway, for a guy whom normally speaks loudly,
whom normally gives a hack-care attitude,
deep in him,
he's weak and pitiful.
I had neglected this point.
And when I knew he cried after the incident,
I felt sorry for him :[
Understand the kind of feeling he's going through now.
Soon, believe me,
it'll fade but it needs time.

When I'd the strong feeling towards him,
and that we were rather close as we'll often meet out to study.
Now that everything ends for no reason,
I was once at a lost.
Cos I certainly had enjoyed and treasured the process
Yes, this is the turnover Kok will be challenging with.

Hence, good luck orh [:
I'll help if I can...

I want a kid like this [: LOL. So cute la!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Had a long day today.
Feel so sleepy even during lecture -.-
Studying is now a torture to me.
School works are piling up.

Why am I the ham in the sandwich again? -.-
I think I'm fated to help anyone I know well or not that well...
Wth I'm talking bout...
You understand?...
Sometime it's good not to know anything [:
Alright, I'm tired.
Ready for a nap now!.

Let me dream of S.H.E again [:
I hear the thunder...
Hope it rains heavy today [:

Ppt presentation ltr.
Jia you to all!. [:


Monday, May 05, 2008

Halo [:

Today is a long day.
All I can feel is boredom.
But thx goodness there are friends in class whom I can crap & share songs with :D

Grouped with Michelle & Ya Zi today.
No offense here, but I just feel Ya Zi not sociable enough.
But yah, I've no rights to comment anyone,
as it's just their nature.
Can't blame too [:

You see, when people feedback me with their own judgment against one,
I'll sort of trust them and get affected very easily.
Hence, I wanna get rid of such bad habit.
Not everyone speaks right,
I am not them,
thus I shouldn't bother too much.
I should judge with my own eyes.
Not with my ears!!.
No matter what, I wanna wash my hand off certain stuffs and get on with life.
Human are just not perfect.
It just happen that some beings are too imperfect [:
It may not be their fault too.
So I hope we don't blame them for it.
Let's tolerate and help them change for the better ks?!.

Observing the blessedness most of my friends had,
made me feel so envy for them [:
It feels very good to be taken care of.
It feels even good when your significant buys you a couple ring!. :D
Hao & Boon, WH & his gf are a good example [:
So sweet of them.
My blessings to these couples as well as the rest!.
Hold on tight and till the end, no matter how tough the journey is!

I dunno if I'm waiting,
I'm so unsure of my own feelings.
Maybe I'm just not ready for that.

Or should I say feelings are just ingredients added to the beings,
hence it's not compulsory to have any at all?
I can be just as plain,
without those feelings which are so useless as if they are ingredients which I can't add it to any dishes 0.o
That's just human nature again I guess.

Alright, time to bathe and relax!!

Nights & Sweet Dreams! [:

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Had a BIG BIG CAT FIGHT with my bro today.
So pissed off!
Looks like this weekend isn't really smooth for me -.-

But nvm, 1 Jie says angry will cause more breakouts.
I will hereby calm down now.
Buy ya, DON'T PISS ME OFF for nth!. :[

Good thing is that I finally finish my part on CSAS as well as those individual works.
Alright, should cheer up and relax a little now [:

Have been motivating myself to pass my BTT this week.
He & rest are my motivation [:
I gonna pass it well and bring YOU around to have supper instead.
You can rest and wake up only once we reach our destination [:

Hokay, early class tml -.-
Nights everyone! [:

Hotel Manager...

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Today's lab is a bit boring.
I'm really weak in RTechB =(
But no use too.
So I must try my best =)
Anyway, I dunno whether I'm just dumb or not hardworking enough.
Cos I somehow knew what is gg on in class....

After lab went home to slack.
Till evening run =)

Was very pissed off with my bro.
But I'm lazy to say what exactly happened.
He really PISSED ME OFF!.
Never seen such an irresponsible person.
Will surely smack his face if he thx me.
Cos I just feel like it.

I'm rather busy to describe what I did these days.
So I briefly type it this way.

Wed: Caught 'Over Her Dead Body' in Cathay with my cousin.
Thurs: Watched 'Iron Man' in Cineleisure with Rin, Moo, Denise & Sean.

That's all then =)

This is our Lao cai --> Rin
This is our shy Lao song --> Min
This is me me me me me! Lao Lin --> Yi
This is the sassy cat =) It tried to pose for me to capture it LOL.