Saturday, August 30, 2008

Damn free day today [:
Love it!
Not roaming around & spending money.
Best [:

Have the kick to play majong,
but think the gals are kinda busy.
So nvm.
Just sit back & watch drama bah.

The sky is turning dark now...
Yeah raining soon [:
LOVES raining!

Cya [:

I'd never know that I'll cause someone to avoid me somehow somewhat.
But I did sort of regret that I'd told.
As friends are always the best starting & ending...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Halo [:
Back again!.
Tired shit.
Am so sorry to Mei Ting & Wei Sian,
cos I almost doze off during K.
Anyway, thx gals for taking bus 12 with me!.

Went over to Marina Square to get my clothes changed.
And I feedback to one of the crew that they have this particular design that have tears & holes on them =(
But glad that they accepted my feedback =)
But I spent $10 more for a new design.
Idiot me.

Hokay, tml will be rest day for me.

Wishing you to be happy.
To be happy now, and forever [:
How are you these days?

27 & 28 August 08


Am so damn damn sleepy now -.-
But I'm afraid that I'll be late once I close my eyes again. XP

Btw, I've installed Photoscap (recommended by Hao).
Now I love photo-editing.
Cool SHIT. [:

Anyway, was damn fun yesterday.
Went out with Hao [:
Thanks to Hao's Big bro whom had fetched us over to Marina Square.
And he was damn damn good to Hao la!.
He bought a hard disk for her [:
So sweet.
I think all Big brothers are good LOL. XP
Like Hao said, they have this responsibility.
In the exhibition, Hao bought her Canon printer too!!.
Damn happy for her! LOL.
Okay, if I have the money,
I'll buy her card reader & the photo paper [:
Then we went out to shop shop shop...

After that, met up with Boon Meis fu & his brother Wee Leong for dinner at Hougang.
Had steamboat!.
Wau not bad [:
And shit, now then I remember I owe WL $3!!!
Okay nvm, will pass to Boon.
Or unless he come over Pasir Ris to run?!
After makan, we then went over to Hao's house to try out the printer.
Everything is fine [:
Cos the Canon crew & I psycho Hao buy de! XP
But I thought it's worth la.
Really [:
At last, WL, Hao & me sat down and chit chat for quite some time.
And Boon Meis fu fell aslept.
Btw, I didn't know that WL so friendly de la.
Thought he was fierce or smth.
Ended up we all talk bout many stuffs.
Omg, I think WL is the 2nd guy whom know all my ugly sides le T.T
Yup, then at bout 2am plus Boon Meis fu fetched us home lo [:
Thx thx!.

I came to know that you're doing well.
Through a friend.
It's all indirect from now on.
But nvm, I'd said,
you better better treasure your relationship & treat the girl well.
You'll always have our blessings.
If you're happy, I'll be glad you do too.
And this is the 2nd last time I gonna stop my bad habit of confession -.-

Many Loves* to Family & 7 Jie Meis [:
Actually I'm very happy today de.
Until I found out my newly purchased shirt from Zara kanna one big big hole.
Which I didn't notice when I tried the shirt out =(
Freaking sad.

Tml still have to go back there again -.-
Lame shit.

Emo emo emo emo....
Waste my trip over there again.

Add on tml [:

Nites everyone!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fucked up guy.
You claim to be loyal to your brothers,
& yet you fail to be loyal to your gf.
You make her so sad that she has to smile & hurt deep inside.
I hope I can restraint you and perform intra-cardiac blood collection.
I'd never been so freaking angry before.
The picture didn't make us jealous,
it just tell us how disgusting the picture is.
Oh am I saying YOU?
Sorry [:

Say LOVE when you mean it.

"I can't bring myself to hug someone, & kissing another one at the back"

Joke of the day:
I told 1 Jie, " You know why a girl will jerk her leg up when hug by a guy?"
"Alright, it's because she can check whether there's any affairs behind her..."

1 Jie asked me, "Manda, can I use this?"
I nod my head.
And when she started to apply that on her lips,
I dropped dead laughing like hell.
She was blur & double checked the stick again.
It's a concealer, not a lip balm.

Thx 1 Jie, for making my day full of jokes!

Anyway, had lunch & Earthquakes with my friends this afternoon in TM.
Thx Kok for the treat [:
Then met up 1 Jie & finally my Jie Meis [:

Many Loves* to these people in my life.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Boring & stress SHIT!.
So sorry I'm freaking random.

What I wanna buy real soon:
1. Body Shop Pomegranate Scrub
2. Ear piece

Okay no more le.
Money hard to earn de leh -.-

Hao de, BYE BYE [:

I don't see a reason why I should go for blind dates.
It's lame & not practical at all.
I think I should stop talking to strangers online -.-
Stress -.-

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bored -.-
So much stuffs to memo today =(
I hope I can touch on till topic 3 today [:
[Anyway, to those who knows what I'm talking about, I'm actually started memo from the back]
Yeah, this is absolute retard.

I'm releasing my stress now.
Again, I peep at other's blog.

Listening to Fang Wei Qi's album now.
I love them all!.

Music, part of out life.

Anyway, some stuffs just got stuck in my head.
I'm wondering... if my "yuan fen" really comes, I wanna let it a go.
Cos I can't bring myself to give trust.
Yes, trust to a relationship.
I won't. [:
Immune to not have a him beside me.

In fact, it's already 18 years.
I don't worry much too.

Like my mum said, I'm so freaking MAN that I can even survive alone.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's another inefficient day :[
Didn't study much.
Will & must continue ltr.
For fear that I can't finish memorizing them -.-
It's still a huge chunk though tips are given.
I hope BPT won't be a killer paper on Wednesday.
Or I gonna be real HG HG HG!.
I don't want to fail.
No more please :[

Envy my gals today.
They met up in the evening at HK cafe [:
But yah, I can still join them next week.
As usual, out "tai tai" talk.
Love ya gals*
In case I'm gone one day,
I wanna remind ya gals that I Love Ya!*

Went over to Ah ma's house for lunch [:
It's Po Piah!!.
Absolutely speechless bout it cos it's just too delicious! [:

It's kinda funny to say this,
Ah ma hugged us all when we stepped into the house.
First time Ah ma hugged me [:
And I wonder if she did when I were a baby...
Anyway, it's a long story regarding the past.
I just wanna treasure now and then,
and never let it go [:
Love you Ah ma*

Spoke to Gala today.
We're complaining how hard BPT is.
And bout some stuffs la...

Btw, Photobucket is easy & fun to play with!
Ya guys know bout the new functions they just augmented?
Or ya guys knew it long ago?
Hokay, anyway it's fun la.

Everyday, I'll try to let the past strengthen me.
It's already few months back then,
I'm still trying to forget you.
I can de [:
Many blessings again. [:

-Signing off-

Saturday, August 23, 2008

No mood to study -.-
It's the last paper alr.
Hope I can focus & buck up immediately right after this!.

I'm still stuck at Online Shopping!.

Finally I can get to upload my photos here le [:

This picture is like so long ago. Did I upload it earlier? LOL. (Hao, Rin, Me & Jo) [:

They are people whom I treasure the most [: Love ya gals*

My care group [: (Yumin, Shiying, Michelle, Manda & Carmen)

Stupid gal!. Sleeps when she's taking photo with me -.-

Can exam gets over soon?... -.-

Hokay, that's all for the day [:
I'm bored, but at the same time, have lotsa stuffs to study.

Byebye [:

It's kinda relieving now.
As I'm left with 1 exam paper!!.
BPT, I sure start you tml.

I'm now freaking addicted to Online Shopping,
and I thought it being sinful.
Iyo, but tell ya gals hor,
they are damn cheap & pretty la!!.
How can ya guys not resist such temptations?!.
Skirt at $11, shirt below $20??!
Omg omg omg omg.

Angel: Please stop Manda.
Devil: GO bah GO bah!!. GO GO GO. Seldom you'll get such price outside!.
Angel: Hey you devil! How dare you encourage Manda to spend such money?!. Do you know that she will get addicted and buy a lot of them which may cost a big boom?
Devil: Who cares?! She can have put on lotsa different clothes everyday!
Angel: This is materialistic, and is very unforgivable. You know how poor the people in Africa is till they hardly wear normal T-shirts like us?
Devil: Speechless.

I think I have to talk and persuade myself like this.

Wanted to put up some pictures over here.
But my bro's com got no bluetooth.
So yah forget it.

Anyway, have lotsa time these days.
Will put them up soon.

Okay, back to Online Shopping.

Past tense:
9:30-10:30 RTech paper
10:30- 16:30 Makan cum Shopping
16:30- 00:30 Gals talk with Rin & Min

I love my gals!.
Olwas [:
Plus Hao & Lice & 'Jian' & 'Vin' la.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yeah, finished the freaking 2nd term test papers.
I think I may fail...
I don't know,
I have got no confident this time.
Really NONE.
But no use complaining bout it.
It's over, let it glide through then.



我很抱歉, 在你流泪的时候,
一样会支持你. [:

我们也一起加油!. [:




Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I don't know what is happening to me these days.
I actually have dreams that I'm late for term test papers,
and drown in a big pool of shit.

Alright, I really hope it won't happen to me in reality.
Or I won't know what to do next.

Last since I cried over tests and exams was like so damn long ago,
when yesterday made the history again.
Think I'm over tensed up.
Should not be like this!.

Work & study,
I would really choose WORK over study.

Hope I can get more rest tml & start on with RTech.
This time I won't be complacent,
and never should I.

Small announcement:
1. Congrats to Hao whom had passed her FTT!. (It's her first cum last theory test!.) [:
2. All the best to those whom are taking exams like me [:
3. I never forget to LOVE my 7 Jie Meis [:

Smile more...

I've certified,
I'm letting it go...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Listening to the song EVERYTHING.

I think it suits some of the gals out there.
It illustrates the voice of a gal to her significant one.
Whom had did her wrong,
and saying that she'll forgive and love him as much.
"I don't want your kind lies,
I want you more than you think. "

I don't know what to say.
I can't say that they're dumb,
cos LOVE simply makes you no character at all.

Hence, to some guys out there,
if a gal is to treasure you like you're her EVERYTHING,
do you think it's only fair when you know acknowledge their presence at least?

Gals are angry & noisy cos they care for you.
Gals cry cos she trust that you won't laugh at her.
Gals laugh & smile cos she's happy to have you around.
Gals get jealous easily cos you're her EVERYTHING.
Hence, do you know how much you're being treasured?

If you don't know, then you're an ASS.
Yes an ASS [:

Even if you don't, it's still alright.
Cos ultimately there will be a better candidate to take care of YOUR GAL for the REST OF HER LIFE.

Anyway, I'm not talking bout myself la.
I know I won't be attached for quite a long time.
I'm prepared anyway. [:

It's referring to my gals & friends out there.

Thus, think twice yea.
Try hard hor.

Everything about him is contagious.
I will give him lotsa blessings.

*Missing someone is never fun.
You can only think, cry & laugh bout it.
I just hope ...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Stress over certain stuffs.
Besides work and there's still others.
But I just don't know how to name them out.
Whenever I wanna speak out,
the mood and intention will be gone.

I just hope I can get well soon.
Be it mentally and physically.

Realized having low self esteem is very bad.
Cos it stops me to do many stuffs in various aspect.
I'm not born to be good looking.
Not born to be smart.
I think I'm both ugly & lousy.

Don't know what to say.
In case I need any consultant,
find me one yea?
Thx [:

Take care everyone.
Oh man...
I swear I'd taken the panadol.
But like no difference leh -.-
Am I immune to drugs?
This is saddening.
I hope I get better by tonight.

Few more mins I'll go wash up and rest and study.
I'm lacking the motivation to study.
See how ltr bah.

Had LAST practical test this morning.
I save your holy life dear mouse,
I didn't make you bleed on the cheek.
This also shows that I failed to do submandibular injection -.-

Okay, rest.
BYE [:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Big shit.
Am falling sick now.
Nvm, just a tablet of panadol will do.
Better do.

All the best to all peeps whom are taking their exams this period [:
Can do it de.
But rmb not to neglect your own health.
Try out some laughs when you feel stress.

Catch ya round.
Halo [:

Lame shit.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ah ma,
I don't need your LOVE,
I just need you to remember that you have a grand-daughter calls Jieyi.
Love you Ah ma [:
This is smth I'd long wanted to say but didn't find the right time to say.

Ah ma is cute.
She kept looking at my features when she long never see me.
She said I'd my dad's nose.
She said she liked my small mouth.
She said she kinda like my hair style.
All these she said,
I just feel comfortable and thankful.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am freaking freaking freaking ANGRY with those anonymous ass in Rin's tag.
Halo, just fuck off can?
Don't make me blow my temper here.
Why she needs the space and ya guys keep occupying hers?
Is it so freaking fun to do that?

YES, I am SELFISH, I don't allow my Jie meis to be sad.
I have to be protective over them.
Be it you think I'm over-doing it.

Was feeling freaking sick on the throat since this evening after dinner.
Had the prawn's shell stuck there I guess?
What the...

I WANT everything to be fine soon.

Many LOVES* to Family, Jie Meis & friends.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I am not moody le,
but I'm tired.
I'm still hungry too -.-
Online shopping, here I come XP

Family & Jie Meis & friends.

Sorry if I've been harsh with my words lately to peeps around me,
I'm tired & too many things happen at a time,
hard to absorb.

Okay, another random post.

Many things happened this period.
Again, it's exam period.

F this period.
Hate it.

When life is at stake, many things come to light.
No matter what, I just hope miracles do exist.
If not, I've nth to say.

Nth to look forward.
Simple NTH.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sometime I really deserve some smacking on the face.
I said to let it go...
But I'm still freaking holding on...
Why are you doing this Manda?
Don't it make you a slut or smth?
Why you know it's wrong,
and yet you're pushing yourself further?
Ended up with hurts and misery which you bare alone?
It's enough okay MANDA LIM!.
If you not gonna forget him after SIP,
you die hao le la. -.-

You better make sure that you're still able to face him,
his name,
his voice,
his presence and anything about him!.
That then tells that you're brave [:

Yes you can...
yah you can bah...

Anyway, you won't bother him much too.
He's in his own sweet world...

Thinking how good some gal's life is,
I really hate mine alot.
Pretty, smart, charisma, and whatever you can think of is all you can see in most of the gals.
But in me,
you can only see ugliness, lousy, stupid and whatever you can see in a most disgusting fellow LIKE ME.
I'm that bad.

Now I really have to say:
Not that I reject others,
is me myself being not good enough.

Friday, August 08, 2008


Stressful kid -.-

Study HARD as if you really LOVE the subject VERY MUCH -Manda

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I told myself to study today... tonight...
I shopping online now.
This is so freaking sinful lah!.
But I can't help it.
Think I'm giving myself too much pressure or smth.
Hence I ended up so gloomy and stressful -.-

I don't know why I'm feeling so PMS recently.
I hope it'll go away asap.
I don't wanna have my mood to affect people around me.
Partly, I'm worried for 1 Jie.
Though I know she'll be strong.
I guess this is what we called "xing lin xing" bah.
Whenever one of the gals feel sad,
the others get affected too :(

May god take good care of my Jie Meis,
and let them live happily & healthily.
I can't lose any of them.

Pray hard...*
No sense of urgency for test today.
So calm.
But I know I'm not really prepared.
Try my best bah.
Hopefully I can get to settle down today and start my revision.


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Lately I'm wondering why my mum's attitude towards me isn't that pleasant at all.
Had I think too much?
Nagging from her never ceased.
Complaints from her never ceased.
And I'm always the bolster she'll be punching on.
One thing I know for sure,
she cares more for my 2 brothers than she does for me.
I never thought it being unfair to me,
as no one is perfect,
that includes my mum.
She still dotes on me at times.
As I grow older,
yah AT TIMES only.
Nvm, forget it.
I can't get to blame her.
It's perhaps my fault.

Haven't had my dinner today...
Now it's like close to midnight already?.
Forget it~
I'm mood-less now,
and am having PMS.
Hence, don't try me.

Exams round the corner.
And I'm wondering where's the time.
Whenever I sit down to study,
there will be last minute work to do.
Which is freaking irritating.

But that's my own problem,
I'm blaming myself anyway.

I think many things happened these few days.
Be it to me or my Jie Meis and friends.
I just wanna pray,
pray that troubles will flow away,
and everything to be fine real soon.

Loves* to Family, Jie Meis & friends.

I just wonder why you don't put up your photo with her...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

I didn't realize that I'm so lousy.
In terms of personalities, friendships and even work.
I didn't expect that people have the impression of me that I alway rely on people.
And needs to be taken care of.
But serious speaking, I really don't remember myself relying on anyone.
I do my work on my own.
I do my best out of anything.
I carry myself as a positive person.
But I ended up so FUCKED UP & LOUSY.
Yes okay I admit now then.

It's tearful to hear such indirect comment actually.
Not angry with these people,
but disappointment with myself more & more & more.
How good is GOOD?
How bad is BAD?

I always don't know how to differentiate.

I just noticed that my gals are having some problems in their relationships.
But I just can't help.
The only thing I have is a pair of ears to listen.
But I just can't help.
I don't know what to say.
I'm lost for speech, lost for solutions as well.
What for giving my own opinion when I know they're all craps.

Being single is as bad as well.
I've no one to lean on when I really need a good shoulder to cry on.
When it's time to spill things out,
I've got no mood at all,
and even lost for words.
Cos I just don't wanna add on to the fire.
It may harm the others too -.-

An apology to...
+o 1 Jie when I know ya sad and I can't help much
+o 6 Meis when I know ya have ya problems and I can't help much too
+o my friends for being such a lousy friend and team mate

Being a lousy person is not that bad,
but feeling lousy is really the optimum I can tolerate now.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

Halo Halo [:
I'm lazy to blog~
Unless my com is installed with chinese characters.
Feel like speaking chinese more.

Anyway, was out with my friends and Jie meis yesterday.
From NYP to Woodland to Tamp and back to Home Sweet Home.

Hao de, bye [: