Wednesday, March 05, 2008


So great to rest at home =)
When ya alone, ya can bring yourself to deep thoughts.
It's holiday now, but I'm rather sad cos Mummy decide not to go China anymore.
Nth makes me look forward now.
Except meeting my friends.

"Whatever comes will go, just like a river-flow"
Nice quote?
Just a random post today.
I'm like always crapping and gets nth real.
Anyway, I'm glad that I have PS I LOVE YOU to entertain me.
Thx 1 Jie for the book XP
For now, I wanna earn enough to buy myself a DS lite! XD

Tml will be going Grill to work.
And sadly, me and Hao left CafeIguana.
Though we were so stressed up by the system there,
we manage to learn a lot of stuffs.
And the wine fermenter there in Brewerks!. =))
Iyo, but it's rather pai seh la... we work for only 1 day -.-
BUT, I'm also glad I left that place,
cos I feel more comfortable in Grill =)
Miss Sam so much!. =P

Short Msg corner:

To 1 Jie* Da Jie take good care of yourself yea!. I feel this attachment may be hard for you cos you have to see unbearable fate of those little babies, BUT you gotta pull yourself through yea!.
Life's just that =(

To 6 Meis* Hao ar I'll try to lower down my volume when I talk de! =) So sorry somehow =(

Hey come on guys tag me when ya see my blog yea...
I'm so bored~
Sayonara minasan!.

Take lotsa care too!. =)

I love my girls!. =)

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