Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Halo Peeps =)
Super no mood today.
Dunno why too...
Anyway, I dunno what more to talk bout.
Feels BGR sucks in every ways.
I promise I won't fall in love.

Anyway, I saw him yesterday.
And kao, I'm such an ass.
Perhaps I'm too bloody shy to show him how ugly I am or what,
and I actually turned away from him.
Why do I need to hide when I don't need to?.
I'm such an ass la -.-
Ended up he waved to me,
he won.

Yesterday worked in Grill with 1 Jie and Jie fu.
Also the first day of work for Jie fu.
He really cliqued well with Veeran.
The person whom I hope I can smack on his fucking face.
And Moon, one whom keep bringing his customers to the boat,
making me and 1 Jie freaking busy.
I wanna term them as Black-White Ass (Hei-Bai Pigu).
And came to know these couples from our boat,
they were very friendly.
They were from Ireland,
which I heard from Jie fu it's in Europe.
Hais, I really sucks in Geography.
And one thing I came to realise,
we didn't even intro our names. -.-
Customer service, not about talking to your customers,
not about the tippings you can get at the end of the day,
it's all bout the satisfaction you earn and hospitality you can give to your customers.

Alright, I'm sort of tired liao.
Actually I don't sound moody,
but I'm still freaking moody today -.-

I love my gals =)
Shouldn't take photo with my umbrella -.- LOL.
Yeah!. I'd finally tidied up my room! =)
Take #1
Take #2

Hokay, tt's all I have for today.
I may feel shitty but I'll olwas be fine.
So need not worry for me.
Simply ignore me, thx =)

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