Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Finally get to blog le.
Sry for being so lazy, but seriously was rather busy these days =X
However, I enjoyed every days of mine.
Work, yeah I'm a damn workaholic.
That's what I found out this vacation.
Tony actually intro me a job as labtop promoter and yessa it was fun!. =)
Met a lot of new friends, let me name them..
Wang Tian cai, Cheng Hanwei, Micheal, Menferd, Sandy, Mr Ang, Mr Ong and 2 Eyvonn!.
Really learnt a lot these 2 short days.
Thanks Tony for being so kind to me lah!!.
Let me rest and buy food for me =)
Thanks thanks =)
And the testi you sent really touched me sia.
No lah, I'm not that hardworking lah =X

And loved my 2 gals!!.
1 Jie and 6 meis =)
For coming down to Tao payoh and support me!. =D
And we actually discussed what happens if we haven't met during secondary school..
I think I won't be that cheerful now le..
It's like living for others instead of myself?
Looks chim right?
but yah, think the gals will understand.
Iyo, no matter what, now that we've met, I believe and have faith that we'll be forever tgt!. =)
Wahahahas. =P

Then received a real bad news yesterday.
Feel sad and yet no solution to it.
All I can do is to pray... =(
No matter what, I trust miracles happen!!.
Come on, gotta try!!.

Alright, basically that's all for these days.
And yeap, peeps pls take good care of your own health!!.
For those who smokes, not asking you to quit, but try to minimize your bad habits.
For the rest, drink lotsa water!.
Weather is so unbearable -.-

Love to ALL!. =)

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