Thursday, October 04, 2007

I'm lazy to post right now...
cos there's a nice show right now on channel 8!!.
lol. Pls pardon my laziness XP
Gonna post some pictures here for ya to 'enjoy'..
Hmm accidentally cut my finger. Realised that the original dull red blood color of mine turned out to be bright red here. Cool huh.
met 1 Jie and 2 Jie to work in Fuurin =) Had Han River for lunch =D Rather cheap and nice la.
had chicken set for myself...
The gals tucking in

And our deserts after the main!!. Choc ice cream for 2 Jie and Pudding for both me and 1 Jie.
"One day one pudding, keeps all troubles away!."
After all fun and laughters, we're back to work....

After a busy-cum-clumsy day (for me)....
1 Jie trying to kiss me!!.
Help ar!!.

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