Sunday, April 29, 2007

Halo peeps, I'm finally back =)

Hokay, start with my saturday...
Went to donate blood at Pasir Ris CC,
god, was so damn nervous =P
Donators I'd seen were mostly adults.
Hao and me were one of them =)
and so glad that Hao's parents came to give us moral support!.. So sweet =D
The procedure:
1. Fill in the particulars
2. Test for weight and blood pressure
3.Test for blood (Middle finger: Ouch!)
4. Wait for turn to donate blood -_-
5. Test for clear veins availability
6. God, mine was right hand =X
7. Great, they cleaned the area with alcohol
8.Injured painkiller, felt like a huge sting to me =X
9. They insert a thick needle under my skin, no feeling and I dare not look too.
10. (Wth!) That thing is under my skin!!... (Eyes big!)
11. Hokay, I see blood flowing smoothly into the bag
12. I try adding pressure from my hands to push more blood into the tube
13. Kao, so cool~ lol.
14. About 1o mins plus, my bag was full ( Measured by weight)
15. Pull out the needle and bandaged my arm
16. Went to refreshment station to have some water.
17. Hao's bag fatter than me!!.. She won liao lo. lol.

Alright, after all these, we went ta have lunch. Hais, Hao's mum paid for me, so pai seh =X

Went home after that. Oh no, got spotted by mum. Fierce scolding. God, my bro says that her face gone hot red after scolding. ks, fine, my fault again?. Now I realise that donating blood is a crime. And her new knowledge, that blood donating can cause down syndrome after that. What a fact man. Whatever, I'll blame newspaper for this. I cried for almost the whole night. Till my eyes hardly open. That's why I got a bit dizzy this morning too.

Mum said a lot of stupid things and brought up the past again, great, she hurt me so badly. For goodness sake, I'd tried doing for her so much that at the same time, I lost a lot of precious things too. If she don't understand, who will?.

You know, when I see how Hao's mother supported and took care of Hao yesterday, I really hope my mum will do this to me too. Only if she understand the situation, then everything will be of easy handling. Hao's mum said she love Hao, can you say the same thing to me too mama?. Why can't you express a bit of your love to your kids, you really never did for the past 16 years. Hence that made me envy Hao. I make sure that I'll remind my kids I love them a lot in future. Wonder if it's a way to make me independent. Doubt so.

At night, 1 Jie and 2 Jie came Hao's house and we chit-chatted =) So fun to have them around. They're already my real sisters to me le. Losing them will be like losing a family member =(

Oh yah!.. I'd found Taizi!.. I wonder if I should spell his name here. God, perhaps a while ltr ks?. And the most coincident things is that, he named himself Taizi too!.. lol. He has a gang!.. Hahahs. The N-Zire?. Cool =) Thanks peanut and Jie Meis too!. Help me DO THE EXTREMES and gave me details of him =P I'd found him in friendster. Wahahas.

Hope of the day:
1. Do more volunteery work
2. Mum to understand my decision
3. Study hard
4. Me and Hao to get well soon =)
5.1 Jie to be happy everyday of the week (hey guys, don't bully my 1 Jie, or I'll nvr let ya guys off! rrrr...)
6.2 jie to njoy her last day of work
7. 7 meis to cont'd studying hard and her voice to get back soon!.
8. 4 Jie to make more new frens in his new class
9. 3 Jie to slim down!!.. lol. ( I saw 3 Jie trying to squeeze himself through a tiny gap at mensa XP) So funny....heehee... Opps!. Just kd 3 Jie!.


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