Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Practically slacked for the whole morning.
Then went out with mum.
Then came home not long ago.

Forced my bro to help me upload background music for my bloggy,
wanna make it nice so not to waste 1 Jie's effort =P
And Yessa!... Bro did. =)
Thanks again fatty chicken XP Wahahahs.
(I know you're peeping my blog now!)

I dunno wassup with me these days,
confirm not me,
and I really dun wanna be that.
So introvert and ya,
I hate myself now.
Things really changed,
I wasn't that prepared too.
But I can choose not to change,
as long I have the belief in me, in everything =)
I wanna be super duper cheerful person,
not to make white lies again =P
To study hard and put a relationship behind.
Yup, Tony and Auntie Winnie were right,
having a relationship for me now is too early,
and who ask me to be so damn mature -_-
No good~

I'll still wait for my Taizi, not the one from TP,
but one whom I assume I'll meet one very day =)
But firstly, I really have to keep this deep in my heart till I forget bout it completely ((:

Tml... will be busy I think. Wanna go library then meet my jie meis if possible.
Gosh, miss them quite a lot =)
And as for Mich, think she's busy with her er hmm bah.
So yah... surrounded with so many couples, and I would have to be prepared for late replies and stuffs le lo =(
Nvm, Manda still have jovial Manda,
she will play her role in a brand new life now =)
Anyway, being independent is what I must do, isn't it.

Wishlist for the week:
1. QJM gathering
2. Lotus gathering at KBox
3. Visit the library
4. Rest and rot as much as I can before e busy sem arrives!.. =(
5. School to start soon!!.. Can't wait to work hard =P
6. Do more stretching


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