Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The End of 千金百分百...

Finally their suspicions, revenge and hatred is over =)

Suspicions: Too much of it will cause unnecessary problems.
Revenge: Revenge just to wash off hatred, do you think it's possible?. It'll only add on torturing yourself.
Hatred: Rather than hating, why not give yourself a chance to love?.

Hokay, I've summarized what the drama actually wanna convey =D

From that, I've really learnt a lot, so precious, so touching...
and that ended up wasting a lot of tissue papers -_- (My bro's rubbish bin is full of my tears =P)

`Never say love unless you're able to make it till it last
`Say love when you really need to, there's nothing shameful bout it
`If the person is worth you waiting, hey why not be more patient =P
`Your true friends around you are the ones whom had completed the rainbow in you
`You are the best gift your parents had from god, they can refuse to show their love for you, but that doesn't mean they don't love you cos they want you to be strong =)
`Life is so damn short, I don't mind living shorter if my everyday is full of happy images of my family and friends

-*-*-*- Lastly, God will bless ya guys -*-*-*-


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