Thursday, April 26, 2007

Woke up early this morning cos my stomach growled so badly X(
I need breakfast!.. And good thing is,
there's no school today!. =)
But have ta go back school for a while -_-
After that, went to have lunch with ShiYing, KeWee and Kok.
Mich was on the way too. [Sry dearie, had ta trouble you =( ]
We had Yoshinoya for lunch. Not really nice plus the soup so salty. Kidney failure sia. lol.
Proceed on to Kbox once Mich reached, and we sang till 6:3opm.
KeWee's voice stunned me sia, hahahhs!.. He's quite a good singer.
While ShiYing is sure ready to go K competition!.. Really near to perfect =)
And Mich has a sweet voice too =)
Me??... God, terrible -_-
Thanks to Kewee lo, laughed at me once I started singing the first song "Yi Ge Ren Shen Huo"
Haisyo. Gonna kill this crazy man!!...

Then didn't know my mum not cooking, ended up having bread for dinner -_-
But nvm, loves cheese tarts!.. heehee =D
Tml have both lect and tut.
It's AIMM tut!!.. By Ms Chew ( Thunderstorm).... So scary...
Seriously, I still have the phobia of this kind woman.... (Shivering)
I make sure I study good enough for tml and not make any trouble in class!!!...
Hao le, gtg!...


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