Saturday, October 31, 2009

Finally another paper down!. :D
I am so so so so happy can...

And what's more, I saw Estee, Shiying and Ting Ting.
We were taking the same Exam paper.
So cool shit.
I wish all the best for them as well. (:

Went over to find Stupid Shit @ Tamp to get Pei Qing's pressy.
Hope she likes it. (:
Happy Birthday gal!! :D

My skin is freaking dry these days. :(
Very sad.
Cos the whole face like hardened like that. =.=
Like clay?

I'm hesitating which moisturizer to get.
Mabeline or ROSKEN?...

Hokay, I miss my Shit.
I miss Gala & Mich.
I miss my Khakis badly!!!.
Last but not least, I so gonna coax my friends to makan Zi Bao Ji with me.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Finally I changed my blog songs!.
Was like wondering how to edit and stuffs.
Got it. (:

Heaven, by Olivia,
do enjoy!.

*Can't focus... Just feel wondering around.
Study make one sicker. =.=
Nvm, I'm working hard to reach the philosophy from Daniel Tan!. :D

Can't wait for that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally one paper down!!!.
Another one tml.
Gosh =.=
Only the second one...
Hope it ends quick!.

Btw, many thanks to Stupid Shit, I don't know why,
with you around, I'm able to relax more le. (:
Loves you.
Cos you're worth loving. (:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

读了那么多, 收获缺少.
谁敢跟我说读书好, 我一定给你一巴掌.

我这次可要忙坏了. =.=
但没关系, 只要两个月, 让我解脱一下吧.
对我而言,工作真的没舍么, 我还是可以很开心.
我的人生可以很简单, 但一定要有目标, 要有自己的原则.
我以为原则不值钱, 但我错了, 它给你身份, 给你该有的地位.

想了许多事, 越觉得自己笨,为何当时不替自己讨个公道.
所以我学会了,如果要给意见, 要为人主持公道, 你必须以身作则, 不要犯同样的错误.
多为人着想, 不要立刻作出判断, 因为这对当事人很不公平.


考试也逼近了, 我该做好我的本分.

*昨天是我人生中觉得最幸福的事件. 由你们踊跃的"参与", 我以满足了. 我这知道简单的快乐是设么. 不是一组人的热闹, 而是简单跟真诚的问候和陪伴. 至少你们信任我... 谢谢!.
Study till I go haywire le.
Mentally tired.
If you say work, I rather work and not study.
Think only I myself can understand that.
Even Stupid Shit don't understand.
Idiot. =.=

Nvm, just feel like resting.
Am waiting for next Wednesday to come, and I need a break.
I am going to...
Let me think bout it then.

Marketing shouldn't be tested in Exam at all.
It should be assessed using projects.
I seriously don't mind working on many many projects just to fulfill the credits for marketing.
Reading for marketing is insane, cos it's common sense, yet the textbook enjoys seasoning the content with vocabs, hence making it look chim and hard to understand.
Wth. =.=
Can't it like simplify that.
I haven't start anything for Macroecons.
That makes me worry a bit wor.



P.S. Omg, thanks Khakis. Kao, Mich's msg really moved me, to max. I teared when I see that. Yes please come!. (:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Today damn tired and sleepy~
Worst part is that I've to travel down to JE to sign my contract for a temp admin job.
I got it!. :D
Will be starting work right after exam.
From now on, besides looking forward for my exam to end, will be my job the next day!. :D
Will have less time to acc shit though... :(
But nvm, I'll do smth bout that.
I'll share my evening with Gala too!.
So well planned.

Alright, nth much to say.
Just to say I'm happy. :D
Tc peeps.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today is a so-so day la.
Woke up and mopped the floor, and took an afternoon nap.
Kao, made me dizzy.

I had milk tea today!.
I satisfied my cravings.
Kai xin. (:

Piang, suay shit today.
Banged my knee for umpteen times.

I decided to remove my previous entry.
To not remind me of this incident anymore.
Cos I don't think I need to be bothered by that too much.
Just let nature takes it course.
What's more, live for present, not for past.
Keep on moving Manda.

Manda not that sad anymore.
Immune to be exact.

Right now I'm just looking forward to end of exam and all the best to my SIM mates as well.
JIA YOU!!!!!.

Btw, very fresh joke that I met now, yea I mean now!.
My second bro was like showing off his BIG chest after gym, then my mum say out "E-cup".
My mum so not refined >.<

Yesterday was a sleepless night.
Watched a horror movie.
Then not feeling that good wor, wanna talk it out, but can't.
Cos Stupid Shit wasn't feeling well yesterday night, and he slept early.
And Gala busy, so best not to disturb her.
Then bo bian, I get back to the old recordings I secretly kept when I had conversations with Shit.
Many funny ones.
And I laughed till I slept.
Random shit.

Hokay, BYE.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I was dragging myself back to past and I do realize that people changes.
I was suspicious with this so called myth in the past, but right now I'm not.

Very sad at times.
Very disappointed at times.
Very pissed at times.
Very confused at times.
Very hesitant at times.

This is how sophisticated I feel human is.
If I were to be a guy, without considering much emotions, I think I would live happier.
In my own world.
Cos I simply don't take nonsense into account.
But the truth is, I am a gal.
I have emotions, a strong one.
I do things and reflect every night.
I give thoughts to others.
I can give up anything for anyone whom I treasure.

But come to this junction, I think it's worthless to do it all.
Cos well, people don't appreciates.

I miss my poly life a lot a lot.
Cos it is where and when I learn to grow up with a group of Khakis.
Telling me yes I have a big head, meanwhile always there for me when I'm down.
I have to say I miss them a lot.
This happens when I was looking back at my graduation photos.
Well, really miss them.
Some are in NS, while some are schooling, so yup I doubt we can meet any sooner.

I really miss them...
I do wor...

Alright, I'm meeting Gala soon.

Managed to finish another 2 chapters of Marketing.
Bit off-track...
Feel like resting, hence I blog. (:

Have so much random thoughts these days.
Don't know why.
Maybe I'm simply random lo.

Alright, my plan right now is get a bath, and walk to central to buy Bubble tea.
The weather is scorching hot these days, hope it rains.
I love rainy days, I really do!.
Oh yah, I was also complaining to my friends that since Singapore can't have this "privilege" to have snow in town, why can't it rains everyday?!
This is kinda insane la hor...
This might pose as a threat to us liao. =.=
Stupid Manda.

Btw, HAPPY BDAE to Tan Meiting! :D
Well, my wife is older than me now.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Had a freaking good laugh today.
When two kids are out tgt, they seriously can play without much concerns.
Punching, tickling, teasing, and whatever you could think of.
Thanks Dear (:
For my ever 1st NYNY I had in life.
And I guess I gonna try the Dory fillet on foil the next round.

Was just wondering, if a guy were to say that "Hey babe, nice skirt, make you look lady..."
Don't you feel very illogical?
And for those indians wearing dhoti (Men's cultural skirt) are either gays or ah gua la?....
Nvm, just a random thought when I was walking back home.

Tagboard is finally removed.
Think I don't need that anymore. (:

Alright, tml I shall stay @ home, rest and study.
Had real fun today.
Thanks Dear. (:

Btw, the Ugly truth is damn hilarious.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tired shit.
From Clementi back to Pasir Ris is very HIGH.
And when you have to stand the entire journey.
Hence, I very agree to Dear's portable chair.
Hey shit, where's your promise har?.

Wow, I learned quite a lot from my friends today wor.
Especially that paranoid Ck whom forever speaks logic.
Then that cc Kelvin aka hamster.
And that Ryan whom loves window shopping? =.=
Plus Lixian whom seems bit sick & tired today.
Anyway, it's still a fun day today. (:

For people whom don't understand should I assume never been able to understand at all.
With such an empty tagboard, you should know what I'm thinking.
If only you understand.
Sometimes, I think I don't need tagboards at all.
Alright, not that impt.
Pain is pain, and that's enough.
Seeing and hearing more makes me sick.
I wanna avoid that.
Hokay, bye.

P.S what are they for? What am I to them? Speechless.
Was viewing some S.H.E recent events in Taiwan variety show, and that kept me laughing till now.

Study ain't that stressful, it's only how you see it.
When your perception changes, you tend to be more positive or negative depending on how you think.
Many issues flew by, I make an effort to solve it in a rational way, but it's kinda hard if it's only one sided party doing that.
And kinda silly to clap alone?
Things that I won't bother much anymore, and even in future.
Just let nature takes its course.
At times, I just wanna remind myself to BE MYSELF.
It's freaking impt.

Alright, just a thought.
Not much issue over it.
Will be meeting my friends ltr for study in school.
Yah... back to SIM and it also mean to Clementi.
Nvm, used to it. (:
I'm only looking forward to have lunch with them and I so gonna psycho them to have Megabites with me.
I'm the nosiest there, they should be able to hear me?.

And gosh!.
It's Wed tml!.
I'm waiting for tml for so long can. T.T
Finally, I can date that Stupid Shit out, not for an hour or so, but for the entire day. :D

Was thinking to jio Gala & Mich out for study tonight...
Nvm, see how I can manage my time today.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Wanting to update since last weekends, but my fingers just refuse to move even a bit.
Anyway, life still as boring due to the confinement I'd created for myself.
Damn it, was to be a beautiful morning when I feel my body got nua & canceled my meetings with Gala -.-
Shit me to max.
Why get unwell at this point of time, cos I was wanting to go TM to have yogurt too!.
Well, I missed it. T.T

Had a bad nap just now, cos it's freaking humid.
What a weather.
2 more weeks to go, and I really must boost up my immune system.
Weak & Manda don't match at all.
Cos well, I'm not.

Actually study ain't that bad, perhaps the weather irritated me.
Wanted to get a cup of pearl milk tea, and for god sake, I remember my bro telling me the fats that gonna store at the side of my tummy.
For this, my bubble dream poked.
Thanks wor.

But Manda happily had a Choc Sundae with Gala at Mac yesterday.
She's bit contented but can't have more or breakouts come awhile ltr on.
Sadness hurr...

Am planning to go on a holiday trip right after exam.
Hope it can be fulfilled.

Or if not, might as well find a PT job.
Manda is penniless now.

This is just a random post out of this week.
If poss, I wish to blog everyday, cos this may get the insane out of me.

Last but not least, I'm still missing my Khakis...
Can they like come out quick & gather up & talk cock...
So bored.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wau damn tired.
Seriously cannot sleep too late, or it'll be damn hard to recover from that kind of shag-ness.

Anyway, viewed Xin Min yesterday.
And I saw this!.
Guess how much is it?!

SGD 28,000!.

Nice car right...
In the past, I like vehicles without backside.
Though I'm seriously waiting to get a Toyota Camry for my own in future...
But yup, most important thing is that Perodua ViVA Elite help consumers save fuel wor...
Not bad hor...

Btw, I heard it's a Malaysian car?

Hokay la, nth much le.
Just looking forward to Wednesday. (:
Having SAKURA perhaps?.
Happy. (:
Thanks dear. :D

Monday, October 12, 2009

Finally I stole some time to blog.
Basically it's just another day for me.
Seriously when it comes to exam, it dampens my mood.
But nvm, there are lots more unhappy thing than what the exam can offer me.
Last week ain't that great.
Cos I bullied my Stupid Shit to the max, and optimum till I can touch the wall le.
And cos of that, I felt so bad till now.
Knowing that this guy has a high level of tolerance.
Yet I tested him.
See, as a buddy, as a girlfriend, how bad it can be hur...

I'm going to file my mood now...
In progress...

Anyway, I'm waiting for my Khakis to come back soon.
Cos I seriously miss them to max can. :(

And yup nth to look forward this week, except for Uncle's Wedding tml!!!. :D
Alright, go back study Manda.

P.S. To Gala & Mich, 2 weeks fly wor!. Soon ya gals can meet ur ai ai.. HEEHEEHEE.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Mugging for tomorrow test.
It's Macroecons.
But one thing bout it, I don't hate it at all.
Quite like the subject cos it stimulates my brain cells.
One thing I'm trying to memorize and have the concept correct.
When R/I is high, opp. cost of holding the money is high, people desire to hold less cash, and hence sell the bond.
Vice versa, when R/I is low, opp. cost of holding the money is low, people desire to hold more cash, and hence buy the bond.
I only understand it a bit.

K la k la, just wish me luck for tml's test ks.
I must pass sia, all papers cost leh.
Not free one. =.=

"I realized it's an exaggeration for things not done in the past but present.
I don't know how further I can elaborate that,
but it only shows more disappointment.
It's not sad to be insignificant,
but it's all the care and concern you'd shown to others earlier yet remains insignificant.
But nvm, I won't mind from now on.
Pain will always get to cease bit by bit."
Cheer up Manda. (:

Picture time again...

Have been neglecting this poor guy for quite some while,
due to work and etc.
Sorry dear...
From the day you started work till now, I'm growing much more independent than I'd expected.
I don't need your regular calls anymore.
Like now, we barely talk for an hour a day...
But nth stops me from thinking of you.
But from now, I need not worry much for you, cos I know you're doing very well.
Proud of you dude.

P.S. And Gala, I'll always be here for you!.

Monday, October 05, 2009

We're in heaven.
If only the place I'm living in is as peaceful as in heaven.
Not much emotions involve, only happiness I could feel...

Miss Dear a lot.
For this time, I shall not call you Stupid Shit anymore,
know you yearn to hear this more.

Alright, picture time again... (:

It's Carmen's Come-Back gathering, we all miss her!. (:

And I gonna miss my Khakis so much.... :(
They are freaking important to me.

Last but not least...
It's him again!...

I'm bleeding in love?...
Btw, that song by Olivia Ong is nice.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Just to get in love with Olivia Ong's Heaven.
Think I shall change my blog song soon. (:

Life in school is... boring.
But I still have great friends around, 5 is enough to make a market, though I know I'm the loudest & brainless among all.
All I want is the process, not the outcome.

Alright, right now I have a little kick to blog with pictures.

I love them...

I love him too...

For whom I care & treasures a lot,
it shall never change as well. (:

P.S. Don't anyhow spend ur $$ hor!. :(
Wo she me dou bu yao...