Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wow, my korkor spent alot today.
For his shirt, formal wear and shoes.
And I damn "aunty" while picking clothes for him.
(Realised that managers nowsaday are freaking young la!. And handsome =P)

Ltr meeting my gals, Kw and Hy.
Nth to say le.
Wanting to buy Gio long Tee-shirt.
Looks nice to me =)
Has this nice slogan "Live, Laugh, Love"
Yeas, MAY buy =)

My PSP will be ready soon I think,
quite excited =)

Hao la, wanna go do business le.


Love withers faster than a plant.
I dunno how to love,
and who to love =X
I am tired!!!!!!!!~
I am always complaining -.-
No la, feel bit moody cos my sore throat getting worse,
and my voice changing real SEXY -.-

We acc Lice to Grill for work,
and came back Grill to have desserts =)
We had Asian Wings, Grill octopus and Balinese crepe!.
Though I am angry with Mr Chandra sometimes,
he's still cute to me!.

And last but not least,
thx Mr Sam!.
For all you had done for us =)
*More octopus and free drinks.
We were damn stunned when we looked at the bill.
All 3 of us, Rin, Hao and me kept laughing.
We love Mr Sam!. =D

Then we went other place else till late night.
Crap alot~
And so sad no one wanna play Do Re Me with me =(

Hao la, I share pict with ya guys in the next post =)
Gotta prepare to go out and shop with korkor le =)


Quick msg to 1 Jie:
You are always special to us =)
I love Norin Chua MeiLing!.
And Chan Li Hao too!. =D
But I'm STRAIGHT la -.-

Friday, March 28, 2008

Halo halo people!.

I am tired~
But damn it have ta wait for my hair to dry before I can turn in.

Worked in Grill today =)
Freaking Moon and Chandra sent so much customers down till Alex and me got crazy.
So messy, and Sam came to help us =)
Think Sam dislikes me, cos he always pick on me -.-
He like Hao more.

There is a cute Russian lady (customer) kept smiling to me before she left and even gave a flying kiss!.
So cute la, so I gave her back one lo =D
(Don't say don't have, expensive one u noe!. XP)

Bad news for Grill:
We can't go Almafi eat supper le =X
Damn u Anna, BACKSTABBER!.
Your retribution is what happened to your sad life now.
Hate you to the core!.

Good news for Grill:
New shirt coming!
Meaning we have our lotus logo!. =)
And when I ask Sam if he wearing the same thing as us (he probably get annoyed again),
and replied: I want you to disappear within 3 seconds.
(Vroom) We vanished asap XP

Today's tips was good,
$7 per person =)

Hokay, some picture to share.
But not from today de.

Nice Mee~
Qing teng ( I cook de ks wahahahs =D)
I love messy hair =)

Oh yah, I still don't understand why Didi insist I'm a gentle/polite gal when I ask to excuse to fart -.-
It's only a reminder, gentle meh? -.-
I am who I am, won't ever change for anyone!.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's a hot and tiring day to me~
Woke up, makan lunch, and went out Joo Chiat Temple with mama =)

Met up my 5th Aunt there,
she waited for more than half an hour for us XP

Had free food and drinks,
the uncles there were very kind =)

While waiting for bus 33 to come,
I psycho the them to take Taxi,
faster and more comfortable =)

Cost me $9.40 -.-
But I don't mind la XP
Tired leh~

Went over my aunt's house,
slack and makan again.

Till evening we proceed on to Ikea and Giant.
shop shop shop~

That's the end of my day =)


LOVE Chew Mama =D

Hokay, working tml and meeting 6 meis and 7 meis for Grill =)
Hope everything is fine for 7 meis today in Grill =D
Jia you!.

Byebye =)

I am happy today because...
I learned to cook Tom Yam Maggie mee for korkor
I brewed some chrysanthemum tea
Da Jie bought me a memory card for PSP le!.
(Manda must rmb to return 1 Jie $$)

I am sad today because...
I miss my uncle out of sudden

I was freaked out today because...
There is "smth" in the dungeon and when Alex said he heard some knocking sound.

I am puzzled today because...
I came to realize that my life span is rather short so I might die at young age?
Iyo, I really gotta prepare "yi shu" le -.-

I wanna say...
I love Norin Chua & Chan LiHao!. =D

Monday, March 24, 2008

Halo minasan!. =)
I am...
Am wondering and gonna solve this mentality problem of mine.

I trust anyone easily.
I do my best to help anyone,
be it giving out my time and attention.
Perhaps I'd owe these ppl in the previous life and now I gotta return.
Hence, I shouldn't be angry bout it.

Sorry, just a random post.
Meanwhile, wanna confirm what a person I am.

Cooking some dessert.
Hopefully it turns out well.
I sort of regret putting the "bai mu er"
Cos it smells weird.
Kinda ruined my soup T.T
I think it may taste nice.
I gonna miss my gals-out for my mommy.
I wanna disturb her.

Alright, I'm yearning for milktea~


So lazy to update my daily life.
Cos it's so so so so boring~

Sumimasen minasan.

Just return back home from movie.
(with Hao, Rin, Jo and Tony)
Encountered a lousy customer service from CS food court.
You ASS.
Don't make me become your boss,
I'll sure sack you till you can't even buy a piece of underwear.
Then we finally settled our butt on GV to catch Rule #1.
Storyline is SO SO~
wasn't nice as expected.
Too draggy at the start.
But overall was alright la.
And sadly Fiona Xie didn't appear much in the scene -.-
After that, we went makan at Kovan area.
Rest had Nasi Lemak while I had He Ji Bao.
The Bao was so so so so BIG.
No wonder it's freaking ex -.-
No logic at all.

Then Jo drove us back home safely =)
Thx Jo!. (if ya reading this blog~)
TONY!. you better treat JoJo well, she's really a good catch =)
Can be a hao lao po~

My tummy a bit full now.
Bit regret having the bao~
Not really worth.

Btw, I saw him that day.
Did had a heart race.
But it's short, really short.
I'll leave it to fate, the game is up to you to play.
I'll watch then.

M called to meet up,
so sorry bout that but I really had ta say "it's gone".
Wonder if it's his lies which had caused all these craps feelings but I'm sure how I feel bout it.
One thing I realized too,
I'm so damn freaking lousy,
but I still choose my love.
Do I have this freaking rights?
No matter what,
I just hope I can get ta find my prince before I die for some stupid reason.
Dear friends and family peeps,
if I ever die someday, I would request to have milk tea and subway every week,
need not worry that I'll kanna liver cancer or whatever shit.
and I wanna tell my friends, esp my 38 gals that I love ya gals to lots.
If not that I'd ya gals by my side,
I wouldn't even smile at all =S
To my family peeps, I love ya guys too.
And need not be irritated by noisy naggings and bad temper.
If... If la...
Burn me a DS lite!.
I'm so afraid I'll be too bored to even start haunting at night.
But I might be a coward ghost?!.
Anyway, just a reminder la, if I die, do grunt my wish and pray for me to god to find me a good partner in the next life hao mah =)
P.S. I've seen people writing their "yi shu", so I think I should start writing one too. In case mah.. hahas.

Hao la, wanna rest le =)
Nites peeps!.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Rather busy these days,
and it's tiring =(
Business in Lotus is getting good,
and it marks good and bad to us all.
Except that freaking moon.
I hate him. Hate hate hate!.

Di did smth stupid yesterday,
but thx to him that we had a delicious supper =)

Sam did smth weird yesterday.
Moon: Sam!. Table for 5
Sam:Restaurant closed!.
(Turned to me and giggle)
Come down! (Called to moon)
Me: Stunned and laughed.

Sam: If you were my daughter, I'll marry you off early.
Me: Har.. why?
Sam: Because you are noisy.
Me: Hais, I know =X

Sam:You shall watch the rest eat Pasta and I'll give you plain rice with soy sauce.
Me: Okay... T.T
(And he said the same thing to Lihao, chey~ Not creative -.-)

And in conclusion, WE STILL LOVE SAM!. =)

Will be meeting Hao ltr for work.
While 1 Jie and Jie fu gg for wedding dinner ltr.
So can't meet up.
Anyway, cheers for all =)


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cramps over le, now kanna indigestion instead -.-
Looking lyk an ass now.
No mood to tidy up myself, my emotions and etc.
If you look at me now,
I'm no difference from junk.
Yah I'm a junk now.

How I hope I can return back to the past.
Forever be a secondary school student.
The sweet moment I had but never kind of lose it.
Everyone is looking forward, but I'm backing off.
But I understand that humans are damn freaking complicated animal.
We are forever can't be satisfied.
We yearn for smth we know it's hard to get but damn ass we are, we wait and pray for it to come someday.

Btw, to YOU whom I know you dun even know I have this blog.
I won't be waiting for you anymore.
YOU are just a friend I came to know.
I never trust love...

I trust what I see before me,
don't need sweet talks,
a random msg will be good enough.
What I talking about.
Can I smack myself till I'm awake?
Or I shall never be awake?.
What we live for?.
What's the point?.
Where's my destination?.

Hey shh...
Don't tell me,
I gonna dig them myself.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Not feeling well these days.
Not feeling good at all.
Why happy days are just a short period of time.

But I'm a little delighted for kor kor cos he don't need to leave credit Suisse in June,
as his boss wants to sign him on.
That's great isn't it,
he need not worry le =)

I want raining days.
I want to be in dull places.
I hate sunlight.
I dunno why.

I love the salad aunt made for me =)
Thank you =)
It's tasty.
I'm eating a lot these days,
maybe due to da yi ma.
But I'm feeling very sick and cold these days,
let me get well soon.
I wanna work in Grill with my Jie meis.

Btw, I'm finding chinese physician.
If you have any address of some famous physicians,
can help by informing me?.
Can tag me too =)
Thx =)
If not, life is so dead for me.
I need a cure.

Sayonara minasan,
Ja mata =)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Halo Peeps =)
Super no mood today.
Dunno why too...
Anyway, I dunno what more to talk bout.
Feels BGR sucks in every ways.
I promise I won't fall in love.

Anyway, I saw him yesterday.
And kao, I'm such an ass.
Perhaps I'm too bloody shy to show him how ugly I am or what,
and I actually turned away from him.
Why do I need to hide when I don't need to?.
I'm such an ass la -.-
Ended up he waved to me,
he won.

Yesterday worked in Grill with 1 Jie and Jie fu.
Also the first day of work for Jie fu.
He really cliqued well with Veeran.
The person whom I hope I can smack on his fucking face.
And Moon, one whom keep bringing his customers to the boat,
making me and 1 Jie freaking busy.
I wanna term them as Black-White Ass (Hei-Bai Pigu).
And came to know these couples from our boat,
they were very friendly.
They were from Ireland,
which I heard from Jie fu it's in Europe.
Hais, I really sucks in Geography.
And one thing I came to realise,
we didn't even intro our names. -.-
Customer service, not about talking to your customers,
not about the tippings you can get at the end of the day,
it's all bout the satisfaction you earn and hospitality you can give to your customers.

Alright, I'm sort of tired liao.
Actually I don't sound moody,
but I'm still freaking moody today -.-

I love my gals =)
Shouldn't take photo with my umbrella -.- LOL.
Yeah!. I'd finally tidied up my room! =)
Take #1
Take #2

Hokay, tt's all I have for today.
I may feel shitty but I'll olwas be fine.
So need not worry for me.
Simply ignore me, thx =)

Sunday, March 09, 2008

I am...
And thx 1 Jie for making me a new bloggy skin again!. =)
I love it =D
Hao la, I will tok more in the next coming post.
Tc peeps!.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Ohaiyo minasan!.
I am NOT rotting, don't worry =D
Managed to wake up early to take my med,
then went back play psp.
So sad la, I need to buy a memory card enough to save my games.
Cos I'm currently using my bro's card,
and pathetically, he only has 2 games -.-
Warrior some more.
Bo bian, I'm super negotiable.
But hor, the game was nice leh,
kill those freaking creatures till very shiok =D

Several more mins I gonna go bathe then prepare myself to meet Hao Hao =D
Can crap to her bout yesterday's work le =)
Iyo, I realise I can't live without crapping.

Today after work may be meeting my korkor at Raffles area,
so we can take cab home tgt!.
Save money =P
Anyway, cab driver is our uncle,
he very nice de =D
Then we can crap home again.

My life's full of crap!

Alright, gtg le =D
Tc peeps!.
Be back again tml =)

Where shall I rot tml?...

Had fun working today in Grill =D
Today's crowd was rather fine with me.
Greatest accomplishment was table 210, 12 peeps in total!.
Kao, split bill some more -.-
Initially I asked Alex to take order for me,
then I see him so stressed up,
ended up taking orders myself.
But it was fine la, they all had same food,
so easy to deal with.
Then they tipped us bout 10 bucks?
Thanks Alex too, for crapping with me.
I can't tahan long hours in Grill without crapping.
And yah!.
Mr. Chandra was so freaking cute la!.
He managed to make me think and laugh in the bus back home.
Anyway, I had fun today la =)
Maybe it's a good thing to work thrice a week,
have both money and fun.
But really have to depend -.-

Tml will be working in grill again.
And meeting Hao in the afternoon to makan lunch then off to work.
Thx Hao Hao for wanting to acc me to Grill tml =D
But I know la, u wanna find lao pa, so main purpose not me mah...

Hais bth, wanted to share some babies pict with ya guys,
but this com is lagging somehow.
Nvm, I shall share it tml then =)
No I mean soon today =D


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Sup sup sup!.
I'm freaking bored now la -.-
Days just pass by like that,
can't imagine how I gonna drag myself back school again after this long vacation =(
Iyo, so hate school.
To the core...
Opps XP
But I love my schoolmates of course!.

I dunno what's up with me these days.
Whenever I stay alone at home,
I can think a lot of rubbish -.-
But thanks goodness I know how to laugh and relax and make myself do some house chores.
See, see, see I am so damn strong.
Iya, crapping again o.0

I've come to a conclusion that I won't like somebody whom like to sweet talk.
Cos I feel like smacking the person somehow.
I dunno who I am waiting for but I'm surprised that I'll still look into his profile to see if he's still single -.-
Wth I am doing, but he seems to have a lot of nice gals around him.
Let it be then.
Whatever, go on read your storybook Manda.
Damn ass rot too much 0.-

"Don't look at me like this, I admit I'm cute =P"
I want babies!.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


So great to rest at home =)
When ya alone, ya can bring yourself to deep thoughts.
It's holiday now, but I'm rather sad cos Mummy decide not to go China anymore.
Nth makes me look forward now.
Except meeting my friends.

"Whatever comes will go, just like a river-flow"
Nice quote?
Just a random post today.
I'm like always crapping and gets nth real.
Anyway, I'm glad that I have PS I LOVE YOU to entertain me.
Thx 1 Jie for the book XP
For now, I wanna earn enough to buy myself a DS lite! XD

Tml will be going Grill to work.
And sadly, me and Hao left CafeIguana.
Though we were so stressed up by the system there,
we manage to learn a lot of stuffs.
And the wine fermenter there in Brewerks!. =))
Iyo, but it's rather pai seh la... we work for only 1 day -.-
BUT, I'm also glad I left that place,
cos I feel more comfortable in Grill =)
Miss Sam so much!. =P

Short Msg corner:

To 1 Jie* Da Jie take good care of yourself yea!. I feel this attachment may be hard for you cos you have to see unbearable fate of those little babies, BUT you gotta pull yourself through yea!.
Life's just that =(

To 6 Meis* Hao ar I'll try to lower down my volume when I talk de! =) So sorry somehow =(

Hey come on guys tag me when ya see my blog yea...
I'm so bored~
Sayonara minasan!.

Take lotsa care too!. =)

I love my girls!. =)