Friday, September 28, 2007

So fed up with the breadshop today.
Auntie Serene already confirmed with me that there's no work today!!.
And yet when I finished swimming this afternoon,
she called to ask me whether I'm free to work tonight.
Initially, I'm suppose to work this morning,
but she said Auntie Irene change her shift to morning,
so yah, forget it.
Then now YOU're asking me back again??!.
Like an emergency call which I know will happen.
Too bad, I'm not gonna abide to all these nonsense.
If you dunno what's a middle finger for,
you want me to show you?.
Super pissed off.
Irresponsible ppl doing fuck up stuffs.
See see..
She called a few seconds ago to ask me work again on saturday morning.
Wau piang!!!.
If not that it's cos of her mum admitted to hospital,
I'll not give a fuck la!!!.
Argh!!!. T.T
Angry, fuming, frenzied!!!!!!....
Can you see the smoke out there???!!!!.

Sorry 1 Jie, caused you to have sun burnt today =(
But thanks too!!>
For teaching me breast stroke.
Though improve a bit but still can't make it leh -.-
Hais, problem lies on me lo.
Nvm, jia you Manda!!. =)
Enjoy a lot moment with my Jie meis and other nice friends =)
Thx peeps for being there olwas!.

After swimming, went to have LJS.
Grilled chicken wrap is nice but ex -.-
Fuurin haven't distribute our pay yet.
So sad T.T
2 days de pay leh.
Can buy my foundation and concealer too.
Wanna buy a sunscreen too!!.
Think SPF 30-50 will be enough bah.
I don't wanna ganna skin cancer!!. =(
okok, gonna write out my wishlist le.
People, my BIRTHDAY coming soon!!.
Ks lah, so bu yao nian.
Might be organising a chalet or smth for everyone to gather and have fun.
Not yet confirm.
More info will be given in oct =)

Things I enjoy the most is gathering with my Jie meis and have milk tea!.
And chill with Huiyi and rest too!.
Yeap, we gonna jie pai to become jie meis soon =)
Hahahs. We're like destined to meet one another this lifetime.
So I gotta treasure them alot alot =)
Okay, think this is the only positive post I'd so far?.
Hope it'll all maintain...
Jia you jia you!.
One day if I ever die,
I know I'd lead my life contentedly.

Gonna meet my gals soon at mountain top.
Secret gathering.
Actually is suppose to be aunty chit chatting session la.
This is my lifestyle.
I simply love it.
And if you hate me for being in such a way,
I'd no choice cos I just wanna be nice and truthful to myself.

And one thing is..
I got a call from him.
And unknowingly,

I'm superb happy deep in my heart.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Yes, I'm already in City Hall.
But I came back to Pasir Ris again.
Was ready to go to ZOO!!.
But don't know why, my body stops me from moving on.
Physically and mentally disabled today.
Come on, what is happening to me again?.
I felt myself like a psycho.
Somebody losing their way.
On the way home, really hope someone can talk to me.
Guide me to wherever I think I gotta go.
But yah, wth I'm doing now.
Yes, I'm sick.
To Tonberry peeps:
Sry for the last min delay as I really don't feel well. =(
Will pay ya guys for the tix soon =)
Hope ya guys had fun too.

However, I'm considered lucky to have enjoyed work this morning.
Made chicken burger, Jumbo sausage and both spicy and non-spicy chicken floss bread.
It's easy and fun.
But too bad my camera not enough memory to shoot those breads.
I made de leh.
But it's actually very simple.
But I still think that they're not safe for consumption.
Not fresh de lo =(
Then went home early to rest and end up like that..
Why today.
A bad day -.-

Something is missing.
Something is dead.
This something simple can't be explained.
Alright, looking forward to tml,
hope will be fine then =)

Take cares everyone!.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

ya lor..

Whatever it is,
I dare not to even dream of it.
This world is so unreal.
Whenever I recall the very little conversation with him,
I feel so happy and contented.
It's enough,
don't mind not meeting,
don't mind waiting for him to come online late at night,
though I'm very sleepy and tired.
but now...
It's like...
so empty.
Till I hardly come online.
I dislike such a quitter.
but I don't hate him.
See how stupid am I.
To easily have crush on a person.
My weakness.
Blame having a heart,
having a over-matured mind.
Really thanks to him,
I can't get over it since Thursday.
That very special Thursday.

don't talk to me bout my relationship.
Cos I really sucks at this.
To my Jie meis and especially Kiwi,
don't intro me to any guys.
Or I'll feel myself like a gay -.-

hope I can find a way out bah.

Vacation will be ending soon in 3 more weeks time.
Though 3 weeks gonna pass.
Not enough at all.
october will be all mine.
slack and play!. =)

Karate seems so far far away...
No time to attend the trainings due to work.
It's all due to my sucky arrangement of schedule.
Argh.. what should I do...
I'm wondering whether I'll continue soon..
hmmm... omg..

Gonna work throughout from mon to sun next week.
God bless man.
But I'm sure to stop work when oct starts.

Starts to save some money Manda!.

the more I think of my birthday,
the more I hope I can skip that day.
No idea how I should celebrate.

Aiya aiya...
still a long way to go..
I'm so weird~
Gonna stop here le.
So boring~


Friday, September 21, 2007

Today is a rather fruitful day.
Went to uncle's house for Granny's death anniversary.
I'd never seen her,
how I wished I'd known her more.
That is why I regretted so much for not been able to visit my Grandpa often in the past.
Like I said,
past is past.
Don't try your best to treasure someone or something when they're already gone.
Cos it can never cease the guilt.
Alright, then I went to work in Fuurin with 1 Jie and 2 Jie.
Hmm, the operation sucks alot.
Especially the manager.
I dunno her name but I do know she's a fat ass.
She seemed to lack of basic experience cos she can't even bother to brief me what to do.
When I'm NEW there.
She only knows how to eat, walk around and gives useless instructions.
And seriously, I'd never seen such poor management.
She expects me to pick up each and every single work by myself.
And she's damn it smart when she asked me to pass the dish over to B3,
when she hadn't even guide me the table numberings?.
She really really deserves a smack from me.
Alright, sorry peeps.
I'm not rude,
I don't smack or even touch ppl for no reason.
But somehow, the LADY I'd mentioned really deserve it?.
However, I love working with the gals =)
Love ya gals!.

Btw, if 6 meis is able to work again as usual,
I'm willing to back out cos yea,
I'm not suppose to be there initially.

To my 6 meis:
Know you're tired and stressed out due to school work.
And that you may missed Boon a lot.
But come on,
you have us here.
Whom will always be there for you.
Be it rain or shine!.
Understand how you feel now,
Which I had too when I'd exam.
But it'll be over soon again yea.
When you feel turned off,
speak it out to us,
you'll really feel beta =)
Love you no matter what =D

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You're growing in many ways, and today makes that obvious to the world. Your new maturity could manifest as something totally unexpected, so make sure you're ready to flaunt it when you finally notice it!

Means knowing a lot of the outside world?.
But you know what, it's ugly.
So what if I learned a lot?.
I hate those things happening outside.
Am disgusted.
You would too.
How shall I phrase it then.. -.-
So many dreams,
so many hopes,
but the truth destroyed what I'd never owned.
If I were to be strong,
I gotta play along with the game you understand?.
Which genes actually complicates human beings?.
Why are some ppl thinking so much, so deep, and I can tell you,
they are not happy at all.
They are smiling happily on the surface and deeply hurt and wounded in them.
Things that are missing in life,
I treat it as I'd never needed.
Things that hurt me in life,
I treat it as I deserve it somehow.
Things that brightens up my day,
I treat it as a bonus.
I don't wanna live my life through so much regrets!.

A rule to be applied in life:
Do not judge a book by it's cover,
cos you'll never know what happens next after a long period of time.
Lost?. Pages turned yellowish?.
You will see then.

I dOn't WaNt tO knOw,
knOw Nth.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Met 1 Jie and she accompanied me to AMK hub.
Thank you so much 1 Jie!!.
So blessed to have you there!. =)
Then 6 meis came to support me too =)
Work as a part time Pampers promoter and met nice colleagues there.
Thanks Mich for introducing this job =)
Look forward to 9pm, cos I'm meeting the gals soon!.
Went Sumo House to have Japanese cuisine!.
1 Jie had Ramen,
while me and Hao had cold noodles with tempura.
Wow!. Cheap and nice!.
Think 1 Jie will upload the pictures soon.
After everything, met up with Huiyi and Ke Wee to talk.
Then yea, somebody is a real bastard.
What's bout Love when you dunno how to Love?.
No, never tell me bout entering a relationship,
I'm tired and sick of such stuffs.
Big NO!.
Whatever happens, family and friends shall come in the first.

Alright, ltr have smth on.
Cya guys then!. =)

Thanks to:
1 Jie & 6 Meis for accompanying and waiting for me in AMK Hub =D
Mich for getting me a nice temp job =)
Huiyi & Ke Wee for the chilling sessions which I think I learnt a lot =)


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Halo peeps =)
All I can say is...
thanks for the concern these days.
I'm sincerely thankful and yes,
I'm blessed with so many nice friends around =D
But yah..
when one's in such a situation,
think it'll be a normal response to my previous post.
No one is wrong bout that,
I mean it, no one.
And especially 1 Jie, u need not feel sorry!!.
I love ya gals so much,
of cos I want the best life out of you!.
No matter how little time ya gals can give me,
I don't mind at all.
Serious =)
It's different now,
different ppl, different life.
And moreover times are changing,
we dunno what will happen yea?.
I can occupy my times with other things else like work and karate and slack at home.
And we can meet out sometime too,
it's okay de.
As I said, accompanying me = burden to you
Everyone has different perception of such situation,
so we may have arguments,
but all and all, they are avoidable.
I think it's a big mistake to blog it how I feel,
cos the show of emotion somehow attracts attention.
Which is unnecessary and I regretted it very much =(
In the 1st place, I shouldn't have even such idea at all.
This is definitely so wrong!.

I don't wish for anything,
just you guys to be happy and in whichever way ya guys wanna it to be =)
Let me be the companion be it you're sad, happy or angry.
I'm willing to share all.

Jealous doesn't means envy.
Jealous includes unnecessary revenge and hatreds.
Envy brings about blessings and long-term friendships =)

Though I'm not pretty, not nice, not sweet and for sure not good-tempered.,
I'm willing to learn from all above.
To a person with full of flaws like me deserve nothing at all.
Wait is what I can do.
So yah, don't worry yea.
Hope time will give me an answer one very day =)

take cares peeps!.

And yessa,
so happy!. Gonna work in Grill soon tml =D
With Hao and Cindy =)
Hope they will need someone last min,
and 1 Jie can join us.
any other staffs gonna pang seh Sam tml?
Can reserve that place for 1 Jie?.
So hope that she can work with us.

And next Wed Hao can't join us to work for the Lackerol promotion.
Why RP start school so early T.T
Seems that we're all not fated to work tgt =(
But nvm, we may be planning to meet her after work.
So yah, chill~

Hokay peeps,
time to watch TV.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

I'm back!.
Today sucks.
Weather is hot,
suppose to mob the floor,
but I ended up having naps.
Woke up and prepared to meet Mich & peanut for lunch.
Had Long John Silver's grilled fish.
Omg, both Mich and I regretted so much.
But still I finish up all.
On our way out of TM, met 1 Jie, 2 Jie and 6 Meis.
They just finished their work.
Then Mich went home first,
walk with the gals after that.
I'm so extra today.
The gals have their dates and I'm blur out of sudden.
And 1 Jie brought me home.
Sometime, I really feel like a burden to them.
Being single seems so lost.
I dunno what to do sometime.
Tears rolled.
hokay, buck up gal.

Work tonight super boring.
Hais, really don't like the bakery shop.
So hot and so many fake ass.
But I like the ah gong and ah ma there.
All are so cute and friendly.
Whenever I see them, I'll miss my ah gong.
I have an ah ma, but she's never there for me.
She ignored me in the past,
but I'd already forgiven her le la.
But for now, we're not that close.
Don't really miss her.
I want my ah gong,
want him to bring me to the nearby mama shop to buy ice cream and
bring us all to playground!!.
Love and miss him alot.

Hokay, don't really enjoy today.
Only the moment when I sleep and chat with my friends.
ks, end here.


Saturday, September 08, 2007

I'm now working in a bakery shop near my house.
But I think it sucks la.
Ganna bullied by some bitch.
Really bitchy.
Omg. I can't stand such a ridiculous person.
Sudden change in her fuck up attitude makes me fear of her even more.
But I'm more disgusted by that.
Come on, I'm not the kind you think I can get bullied and not say out,
don't try me.
You'll never wanna know what will happen to your fucking freaking bitchy face!.
Omg omg omg.
I never get such problems from my past jobs!!.
Stop treating me like a fool and instruct me as and when.
Fuck it that you're not my boss.
Even if you are, you are fucking wrong!.
Hear that?!.
Omg omg omg.

Forget it.
I'll work and see how.
If I'm really not happy with the job,
I'll quit and I make sure I ruin your fucking reputation.
First time I fuck so much in my blog.
I hate to say that and if I do,
it means that I'm really fuming!!!!!!!...

Hokay, I'm fine now -.-
Met Huiyi yesterday, chit-chatting session.
Love talking bout life,
and that we learn from what we exchanged.
But it's okay Huiyi, it's just a matter of time.
Things fade but nice memory remains.
It'll somehow feel good 1 day.
You'll surely find a really nice and lasting guy!!!.
But make sure you don't get bullied again hor -.-

Met my 1 Jie, Jie fu, 6 meis and meis fu in Tamp mall after that.
Bought shopping vouchers for our birthday gal Fiona.
Took bus, met Tony and went to Fiona's bbq-cum-chalet.
It was really great to see Jeremy, Desmond and Kent there.
Haven't see them for quite a long time.
And especially my darling sotong Jie!!.=D
She looks Prettier le =)
Then Mr Sam came too!!!.
He's the spotlight man!.
And once I heard the word "hey Sotong..",
hais must be that ker Wei lah... -.-
But yah, I miss lotus and the peeps there so much!!.
How I wish the rest were there too!!.

Thank you Sam,
thanks for understanding my stand,
thanks for your ever forgiving grants,
thanks for being so fatherly.
I'll be back to grill soon =)
But work for just 2 days per week.
Or I can't cope with the rest of my work. XP

Then ya la ya la..
that evil meis fu said smth that made me so paiseh.
Out of sudden dunno how to argue back for myself -.-
But yah, no feeling, it's already dead.
Yah, the gals are right, so many guys there,
but so what?.
I don't live for guys, I live for myself, for money and family and friends.
I look like a guy, a GUY!!.
That's why it's either of these cases:
1. They are jealous of my charming looks.
2. They are interested in a GUY
3. They can only be brothers to me. Yah buddies.
And to all above, I don't give a hack.
Sexy pict?.
Just to build up self-esteem.
But till now, my mindset is not yet changed.
I'm olwas the boyish Manda,
will never even change for anyone.
I don't feel good to be in such a situation,
that's why God is fair to have given me the determination to move on.
Yah... MOVE ON..
Vacation = work = Money = what?.
Maybe I'm living for money but I dunno what I need them for -.-

Stories I'd heard of made me wonder,
what is call love?
how it feels like?
Maybe I'll never get to taste that.

Thanks to the turkish freak that I learnt what is call unrealistic.
I hate my judgement so much.. so much that...
I hate myself too.
For what makes me now.
Like a guy.
Not a gal.
But trust me, I won't be a les.
Don't get me wrong, no offence to these gals,
but yah at least they are leading happier than me!.
I know I'm not happy,
but I gotta be contented now.
Come on, live on for your freaking self.

And oh yah!!.
Wanna thanks dearie Mich for getting me temp job.
Though it's just a few days, but yea, I'm really happy with that!.
Thanks for everything gal =)
I think I'd owed you so much that I dunno how to repay you =(
But yes, heartfelt thanks =)

Alright, going out for dinner with my family ltr.
So happy though I know it's just a short moment,
but you know it's so precious to me...
Seldom have the chance to go out as a whole,
and yes, again I've smth to look forward to.
Loves Mum and Dad,
thanks Dad for waking me up in the morning.
thanks Mum for the your delicious dinners you'd made for 17 yrs and the nags you never fail to give me =P

Ok, byebye =)

Da Tou

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Finally I'm able to log in to bloggy.
Kao, waited and tried to reload so many times -.-
And YaYa!!.
I'm watching The Coffee Prince Shop!!.
Argh argh... So nice!. =)
How I wish I could be a guy man...
Ya a guy...
Though I have sexy in my blood?.
I can be a sexy guy mah!!.
right right?!!.

Youtube is functioning slow again...
waiting waiting...
meanwhile watching other episode.

But the characters in the drama are very funny,
so ya peeps,
watch it watch it!!!.

One day...
one very day,
if I have the capital,
I hope I can migrate to somewhere else.
Somewhere cold and yeah.. CHILL CHILL...
Then I wanna set up a Cafe there, make nice sandwiches,
Frappe, hot coffee and tea...
CHILL again!.
Then yeah, with my 7 Jie meis and rest of my friends to CHILL with me..
What a nice dream =D
Yeah, if Manda can get her degree for business soon after her diploma ends,
she will go for it.
Go go go!!!.
Be her own boss, employ her fellow staffs.
But then...
where's the dream for Hotel management?.
In singapore?. -.-

Hokay hokay..
let's end this topic.
It's rather boring.

Talk bout yesterday then.
Stayed in meis's house overnight with 1 Jie.
They edited my bloggy and I gave them my moral support in lalaland.
But they never complained XP
kks, then they STEADY la!.
Lied to me that they went downtown to buy Mac.
And I felt a pang of guilt as I was aslept.
Ended up they called McDelivery -.-
Duh duh.. very funny har!.
But yah, quite funny!. lol.
I feel so kiddish cos they're olwas taking care of me instead of me doing so.
But yah, they never complain.

slept throughout the whole chilling morning and
6 meis's mum bought lunch for us.
Yummy!!. Delicious~
And that lasted me for the whole day till I'd supper (Bread) after work at 1030pm.
Cute Dad bought noodles for me in the evening but I've no time and appetite for that.
And end up I forgot to take that home!.
Wonder what will it turn like his morning..
Turn mouldy ar?.. T.T
My noodle..

This morning, had great appetite.
Eat bread and went out to buy milk tea.
Milk tea with nice drama!.
This is what I call LIFE!.
Live for what you want and make it a BEAUTIFUL ONE!.

Have work and karate.
I'm so GAY!!..

I may come back again to blog.

Cya!. =)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Now I'm watching 1 Jie playing Harvest Moon -.-
suits her.

Hokay, basically exam is over, and yessa!..
I'm so gay!.
Hell is gone and heaven approaches.
Can rest and play and work and CHILL.
This is paradise.
Alright, nth much to talk bout now.
simply it's holiday!.

And I'm dreaming now...
Sort of enjoy first few days of my vacation now.
Most importantly, I met my darling jie meis.
Miss my er jie lots!.
Where are you SONG RUI MIN!.

Take lotsa care!.
