Sunday, August 12, 2007

Halo everybody =D
Suddenly dunno what to talk about. lol.
Hokay, let me talk bout thursday!.
The day when I really enjoy myself,
no work, only them =)

In the afternoon bout 230pm, we met at usual bus stop.
The we refers to 2 Jie, 6 Meis and me =)
Both babes were super pretty!. Wore dress and black cardigans.
As for me, totally no mood to dress up myself,
end up wearing T-shirts and shorts.
Like going market like that.

We then went to Tampines mall to have Pasta Mania!!.
Mama mia!.
We called for combos and sad to say,
the garlic breads disappoint us.
But nvm, the rather long chit chats we had managed to compensate our disappointment. lol.
Iya, gals ar, we forgot to take photos of the food!. -.-

Realised that some people is taking advantage,
so yah,
watch out man.

Hokay, then we met Tony and his fren, Wei Xiong in Funan IT mall.
His friend so funny lah!.

After we had Anderson's Ice cream,
we stood outside Funan and got frantic over the fireworks.
lol. But think it's me alone lah.
I'm siao za bo sia.
In addition, I hope you guys know that the day I'm evaluating is National Day!.

We waited for 1 Jie and Jie fu,
then proceed on to a pub, blue blazze at Boat Quay. (Thanks to the blogs from Jie and Meis, that I know the name of the pub)
Yeah!. Then Wei Xiong treated us to his Martel!.
So we had Martel+ green tea =D
Had beef hor fun for dinner to =)
Then we played games and sing KTV!.
Hao and rest know that I'm a lousy drinker, so kept diluting mine with green tea.
Thanks u gals =)

Think I had too much or what,
I felt sleepy and started to rest on the sofa.
Of course I'm visually and mentally clear of my surrounding la.
The rest thought I'm drunk and had fell aslept.
I saw them chatting near the toilet and thanks goodness my eyes were small,
I then spy them for a while lo XP
Later 6 meis fu came to talk to me.
Yeah, had so much enlightenment from him,
thanks u meis fu =)
And yeah, manda-aka-6 meis is really fine le =D

In 6 meis's blog, she mentioned bout meis fu like ji kor bei,
omg!!.. really laugh out loud lah!.
And btw, I not ding dong bell lo!..
I'm really alert lah!!.
And meis ar, not all guys having that honest look means that they are nice guys lo.
I'm not interested, but yah, did notice him only mah -.-
Anyway, the day is fun and I love ya guys a lot!.

Thanks to:
7 jie meis
Ms Ang

for giving me motivations to work on.
I will jia you de =D

Da Tou

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