Friday, August 24, 2007

I wanna bang my head!!!!
I wanna bang my head!!!!
Stupid me, dunno how to distinguish Hypersensitivity!.
BANG more!.
Da Tou really empty-minded.

Wanna take a short nap after paper,
but the qn, the Qn!!.
Made me feel so bad and suffocated.
The rest said that if rest of question I know how to do,
I should be fine.
But I feel so wasted.
So wasted!.
I may get better grade, maybe C instead of D?.

Can I BANG my head again?!.
Wanna cry but can't cry out..
It hurts till... I can't describe.
And yah...
I gotta overcome myself.
A step to move on...
I need counseling -.-
I just feel dumb la!.
I can't believe my effort is gone just like that!.
But plead God will be merciful to grant me a PASS kks?.
It'll be more than enough for my case now.

I had to lie to myself..
And smth funny, I feel it more miserable failing a paper than not been able to get a bf!.
Hahas. I managed to laugh at myself for a while then return back to emo state.
But what's wrong with me,
I shouldn't let all these affect me.
Freak me.

Ks, things that satisfy me today:
Fruit tart
Blouse or u can call it a balloon shirt(???..)
All black except the tart.
The tart is colorful,
I hope my mood can be that color now..
Bless me pls.
Just some will do.
I'm not greedy.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Still in the midst of struggling.

Memorized vaccine development not long ago,
so yah what I can recall is Recombinant DNA vaccine
(e.g. Hepatitis B vaccine),
DNA vaccine, whereby plasmid DNA encodes an immunogen
and injected subcutaneously, synthetic vaccine,
an immunogenic peptide that is able to mount a protective immune reponse,
and virus-carrier vaccine,
using live virus such as poliovirus by means of a vector,
then what happens when virus enters into host cell?.

Wahahas let Miss Lim tell you...
Virus will construct replicates in the host,
express it's foreign genes which serve as a vaccine to that particular antigen.

Pardon?. to which antigen?.
Don't ask me, ask the notes.
I just memorize it blindly XP
Haisya.. Bless me pls bless me!.

Sick and dumb and yes so unlucky to have come to Biotech and suffer like hell.
But nvm, if I pass my exam, it's worth it all!.

Cheers Manda & Cheers Everybody!.
Still in the midst of struggling.
Memorized vaccine development not long ago, so yah
what I can recall is Recombinant DNA vaccine (e.g. Hepatitis B vaccine),
DNA vaccine, whereby plasmid DNA encodes an immunogen and injected subcutaneously,
synthetic vaccine, an immunogenic peptide that is able to mount a protective immune reponse,
and virus-carrier vaccine, using live virus such as poliovirus by means of a vector,
then what happens when virus enters into host cell?.
Wahahas let Miss Lim tell you...
Virus will construct replicates in the host, express it's foreign genes which serve as a vaccine to that particular antigen.
Pardon?. to which antigen?.
Don't ask me, ask the notes. I just memorize it blindly XP
Bless me pls bless me!.
Sick and dumb and yes so unlucky to have come to Biotech and suffer like hell.
But nvm, if I pass my exam, it's worth it all!.
Cheers Manda



Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Production of plants with prolonged shelf life using direct gene transfer method:

1. Generate plasmid(Ti/Ri) containing genes for extended shelf-life.
- Plasmid can then be transferred into plant cells by various direct gene transfer method.
2.Liposomes/ synthetic lipid vesicles:
-liposomes allow entrapment of DNA and can interact with a variety of cells
-plasmids will eventually be transferred to their nucleus
-liposomes protect foreign DNA contained inside from nuclease enzyme attack
3. PEG+Ca2t+high pH
-for direct gene transfer to dicot and monocot protoplast
-with PEG at high pH in presence of ca2+
-for delivery of naked DNA or DNA encapsulated in liposomes
-increases permeability of cell membrane to DNA
-stable integration of introduced DNA
-regeneration of transformed plants
-application of low A.C supply and high D.C supply
-induce transient pore formation in plasma membrane for entry of DNA
-time taken is critical for DNA transfer and cell survival
-optimum conditions
-foreign gene expression achieved in intact bacterial, yeast and etc.
-as well as protoplasts of fungi and plants
5. Microprojectile bombardment
-using high velocity DNA-coated microprojectile
-exogenous DNA or RNA can be coated on surface of microscopic tungsten/gold microprojectiles
-then accelerated to high velocities by a particle gun to pierce walls and membranes
-using capillary micropipettes
-most direct and precise method of delivering DNA into specific cell compartments
-but requires sophisticated euipment and well-trained personnel

This question is worth of 15 marks.
15 marks!.
Omg.. I hope my answer to this is roughly there.
Ks, this is just for practice and understanding.
Gonna memorise soon.
Biotech = memorise = so died

Done =)
will be back soon!.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wake up early these days,
just to study for exam T.T
But nvm,
if I manage to pass all,
it's really worth it.
And umpteen times I keep telling myself,
"if I fail this semestral exam, I will drop out"
But don't you find me being contradictive?.
I mean I know I'll miss my friends there,
then why I say all these?.
As if I'll really do -.-

6 meis
so pissed off by me yesterday.
I'm so sorry gal.
I'm optimistic,
but not to my situation.
Whatever, just ignore me. lol.

Yeas peeps,
I'm really studying very hard.
First time,
each and every single day,
I'm concentrating and building up my confidence and morality.
Hahas. Hopefully it helps =)

I must believe I can, yes Manda can can!.
Then Tony called yesterday,
asked if I'm in Clarke Quay,
and that triggered my thoughts for Grill.
Hais. I miss there so much so much.
A place where Manda change to be an independent ass.
Ks, I shall visit Sam and Chong and Aunty Kwan and Sotong Jie one day after exam =)

basically I've been studying these days and I'm sick too.
Sore throat+ flu+ cough + ulcer.
And it's really disturbing when you're studying.
Think my body can't handle the stress.
As long I'm mentally prepared,
I'm on my way!.

Ks, cheers everyone.
And stay away from ME.
Don't wanna spread my germs to ya guys T.T
Drink more water and take vitamin C if necessary!.

to All

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Feels so tired.

But I won't stop.
I keep on reminding myself,
it's barely 2 weeks,
after this,
the day will welcome us with rainbows again =)

Manda ar Manda...
You can do it!.
Trust yourself.
You are stupid but you still manage to survive through so much obstacles.
You won't die so easily!.

Recently, I'm so disturbed over certain stuffs.
I wanna help but I shouldn't interfere.
And it's not outsiders whom can make comments to...
Anyway, I gotta wash my hands off these.
What I can do is to accompany, share and care.

Can't sleep last night.
Why am I so bothered by peeps around me,
and hence I realized I neglect myself.
But isn't that the purpose I'm living for?.
To help and care...
Pls god, if you do exist,
do give me lotsa strengths,
so that I can help others and myself.
And too, I realized I'm getting a bit annoyed,
but it's my fault.
I shouldn't have thrown my temper onto them.
Instead, it should be the problem itself.
Manda, you gotta know how to deal with these situation!.
Grow tough!.
Jia you...

Cheers & Love,
Da Tou

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Halo everybody =D
Suddenly dunno what to talk about. lol.
Hokay, let me talk bout thursday!.
The day when I really enjoy myself,
no work, only them =)

In the afternoon bout 230pm, we met at usual bus stop.
The we refers to 2 Jie, 6 Meis and me =)
Both babes were super pretty!. Wore dress and black cardigans.
As for me, totally no mood to dress up myself,
end up wearing T-shirts and shorts.
Like going market like that.

We then went to Tampines mall to have Pasta Mania!!.
Mama mia!.
We called for combos and sad to say,
the garlic breads disappoint us.
But nvm, the rather long chit chats we had managed to compensate our disappointment. lol.
Iya, gals ar, we forgot to take photos of the food!. -.-

Realised that some people is taking advantage,
so yah,
watch out man.

Hokay, then we met Tony and his fren, Wei Xiong in Funan IT mall.
His friend so funny lah!.

After we had Anderson's Ice cream,
we stood outside Funan and got frantic over the fireworks.
lol. But think it's me alone lah.
I'm siao za bo sia.
In addition, I hope you guys know that the day I'm evaluating is National Day!.

We waited for 1 Jie and Jie fu,
then proceed on to a pub, blue blazze at Boat Quay. (Thanks to the blogs from Jie and Meis, that I know the name of the pub)
Yeah!. Then Wei Xiong treated us to his Martel!.
So we had Martel+ green tea =D
Had beef hor fun for dinner to =)
Then we played games and sing KTV!.
Hao and rest know that I'm a lousy drinker, so kept diluting mine with green tea.
Thanks u gals =)

Think I had too much or what,
I felt sleepy and started to rest on the sofa.
Of course I'm visually and mentally clear of my surrounding la.
The rest thought I'm drunk and had fell aslept.
I saw them chatting near the toilet and thanks goodness my eyes were small,
I then spy them for a while lo XP
Later 6 meis fu came to talk to me.
Yeah, had so much enlightenment from him,
thanks u meis fu =)
And yeah, manda-aka-6 meis is really fine le =D

In 6 meis's blog, she mentioned bout meis fu like ji kor bei,
omg!!.. really laugh out loud lah!.
And btw, I not ding dong bell lo!..
I'm really alert lah!!.
And meis ar, not all guys having that honest look means that they are nice guys lo.
I'm not interested, but yah, did notice him only mah -.-
Anyway, the day is fun and I love ya guys a lot!.

Thanks to:
7 jie meis
Ms Ang

for giving me motivations to work on.
I will jia you de =D

Da Tou

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Feels weird today.
Like not me at all.
Yah, went to school for an hour, came back home,
and gonna skip Karate ltr.
I need to prioritize and of cos, exam comes first.
No use going for Karate cos I might leave the school anytime if things ain't right for me.
I love karate..
I wanna participate in the grading this year...
But somehow, lots more things are challenging my time and tolerance.
What can I do.
Yah.. Hao is right, what if god don't exist.
Whatever happens, is my mindset lo.
Nvm, I will work hard.
I won't surrender to obstacles.
Come on, just small matters!.
Manda can surely do it!.
Some things can't be solved,
not that I wanna avoid them,
but instead they avoid me!.
What can I do about it?.
To chase them around like nuts?.
No way man.
Or I'll not be Manda.
I'm born to be tough, to be like a man,
to be brotherly to all.
So be it, I don't mind =D

Besides that, I wanna apologize to my 1 Jie and 6 Meis for causing ya gals to worry for me again.
I don't want this to happen again.
I want ya gals to be reassured that I'll be fine no matter what.
Be it single, double, triple... lol.
I'll still be solid.
Things can be flexible de mah, if you are able to think through thoroughly,
you're still yourself and shows that I've grown up a bit more!. =)

To certain things I may know nuts.
But come to life, I learned alot and yessa,
I accept all.
I'm born like this,
I respect myself for being like this lo.
But that doesn't mean I don't change to be a better person la.

Everyone needs to die,
why don't I live and get the taste of life,
and hence no regret when I'm not on earth anymore =)

Yessa!. Cheer up Manda and peeps who are not feeling that good.
Come on, we can pull through all.

Study hard!.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Actually I'm not sad anymore..
But when I come across alot of things,
I'm feel so depressed.

A question to god,
"Why are you so cruel to me?."
"Had I done anything sinful in my past life that you ought to punish me emotionally?"

I know there are always ups and downs in life,
but why obstacles kept rushing towards me...
I don't want to be an unhappy person T.T
I can't help to be sad, I can only try to suppress my feelings.
To be strong, I smile and laugh every single day.

The day when he replied to my msg,
I was like wth.
Why such person would have entered into my life again.

I don't need sympathize,
I just want honest peeps.
No guys.
I'd rather know gays duh.
Cos at least they are true right there in the heart.

If you aren't true there,
how to live happily ever after?.
If you love the person with no commitments,
what is call eternity then?.

I really don't understand.

同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。

I like this.
Copy and paste from other's blog.
Read this and perhaps you may be enlightened =)

I can be freaking weak emotionally,
but I can be strong mentally.


Friday, August 03, 2007

do re me
My question to u,
Do U Really EXIST?.

Hokay, I succeed in forgetting you =)

Had so much talk today,
realized so much thing.

As what Kiwi had said,
never goes against the mother's nature.
He's absolutely right.
Thanks for the enlightenment man.

If you ever find a guy you like,
just speak it out,
it won't kill anyway.

But for my case,
too bad it fades away long time ago,
till now,
no interest in any man.
I really dunno why.

Trust is gone,
faith is lost.

Anyway, I wanna be happy =)

Certain things you just need not explain but it's there,
If you ask why, there's no meaning anymore.

From here, I realized how much I treasure my friends and family,
if I ever lose them,
I might have died.
Maybe the reason for me to move on,
is to brighten up other's days and hence mine too.

From today onwards,
heart is locked,
key is gone.
I will move on for my dream,
a diploma first.
I shall make a close step towards hotel management.

Gambatte kudasai =D

Hope ta cya soon!.


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Simply feels so weird today.
Aimm lab for merely an hour and break for a long time before PCT lect started.
Managed to finish CSAS draft and yah, hope Vigi won't be so fussy and make things hard for us -.-
And I'm really tired of editing my introduction again!.
Pls don't torture me again T.T

Was in deep thoughts today.
Once I'm free, my imagination starts to run wild.
I can't help recalling, only way is to leave me alone and have a good rest.
Don't request for story here, cos I dun even have the contents here.
All I need is peace bah.

I think he's the only person I'd never even met and yet had some feelings for.
And I fell into his trap.
This shows manda is dumb.
Why things just don't go well for me?.
What a dilemma -.-
Confusion is all I have.

So near yet so far.
Only if you encounter the real situation, you'll know what substance is.

Hokay, let's not talk bout him anymore.
I ought to forget bout him.
Move on manda.

Went for karate in the evening.
Then crap alot again.
I'm an insane today and yah rather than emo-ing?. lol
If I can make others laugh like hell, why not?.
I don't care what others think of me, just do what I desire.
Sensei was so humorous today lah.
Teaching and joking along...
Then he reminded us of the grading.
Omg!. It'll be held real soon!..
So scary and I really need to attend more trainings T.T
Simply not tough enough.

Hayashi rocks!.

Hokay, above are some movements or we call stunts we used in karate. Main purpose: To block and not to kill!. lol.
And yeah!. I love the last pict, only pict I can find in yahoo image XP
Sparring!. I hope it's spelled correctly -.-
Hahahs. Yah, I love kicking, I'm a violent ass!.
Hokay, I'm done for the day and gonna tuck in soon =)
Nites peeps!.
Oh yah, take good care of ya health too!. Woots.
