Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sorry ar...
These days super busy.
Would have no time to blog in few days time.

Found out that driving and having school work at the same time,
isn't an easy thing.
Cos I lose my focus easily -.-

Anyway, just briefly share with ya guys what I'd done during the past few days.
Went Suntec City to work in an exhibition with Hao & Lice.
Got pay and followed up to Hong Kong Cafe to have our dinner cum supper [:

Nth happened yesterday.
Calm sea.

Went for 2nd driving lesson.
Start to move off and drive in a circuit.
Round bends and stuffs.
Isn't easy for me, my car went 'dead' many times T.T
And my poor instructor nearly kanna breast cancer.
Imagine yourself.
One thing to add is that...
My instructor super handsome!
When he drove me around to show the way,
I kept imagining things like how great if my bf drives me around XP
Stupid me -.-
But yah he super gentle.
Just can't stand someone so polite and nice.
I seem to be more MAN than him -.-
Today was Mr. Steven.
Tml will be with Mr. Sylvester.

Hokay, jia you!.
And don't think so much la!.

*revolving around myself [:

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