Saturday, July 05, 2008

Weekend= BPT project + TE PBL + RTech lecture notes + LAST lecture notes
Am I suppose to be happy or sad?
Everyone is busy now...
Everyone is restless now...
Everyone is panicking now...
Is this all bout life?
In future, I may be more busier than now.
Will I have time for my friends and family?
I'll need to plan my time well le =(

Driving next Tuesday.
At the same time, worry that I can't make it -.-
No matter what, I don't wanna waste the money.
So I must try my best.
Though I know I'm very clumsy.
Being ugly, no one will fetch me around.
So I'll have to fetch myself to places I want.
It's all bout independent now...
Yah... Independent...
Jia you orh Manda...

*Where's my prince?...

Going to TM ltr with my bro.
Yeah happy!.
Can go out relax for a while [:

1) My jie meis to be happy.
2) My family & friends to be healthy.
3) My driving to improve.
4) A right person to come into my life.......

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