Sunday, July 27, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Melvin & his Mum!.
(So cool, both son & mother have their birthdays fall at the same day [: )

Went Melvin's Birthday party yesterday.
He was damn freaking drunk yesterday that I don't think he'll remember what he did yesterday.
Okay, and he's noisy when he's drunk.
Jack and rest of his brothers as well.
And I really wanna make an apology to Beevan!.
I'm damn freaking guilty!.
As I caused him to take 2 cup of mixers at once.
(I really don't know that these can be shared among us! :[ )
I owe you BIG ONE. -.-
The guys had their BROTHER TALK.
And Rin, Hao and I thought we should do the same thing too!.
Cool right?.
7 Jie Meis TALK!.

Hokay, wad I'd done yesterday...
- CDC for driving
- Went Town with 1 Jie and meet the rest ltr in Far East Plaza
- Shopped at Cotton On and brought a bra (LOL!~) as well as 2 ladies shoes shop and award myself with 2 pair of shoes. Brought a smiley BOXER for Mevin's pressy too.
- Proceed on to East Coast Chalet for Melvin's birthday.
- Home sweet home.

Driving wasn't that bad yesterday.
And as I drove along, I didn't realize I'm on my way to TP!.
So cool la!.
That kind of feeling is simply awesome! [:
* To Hao: Don't feel demoralized gal!. You're far way smarter and faster than me!. Hence I believe you can do well de okay meis?!. Jia you!.

Alright, nth much for yesterday.
Just fun and drinks.
Iyo, I really hate mixers. -.-
It tastes so horrible ASS!.

No Vodka for me.
Hate it -.-

Okay, today is rest day [:
Like ON LEAVE like that.
Yes rest well.
Will go Hao's house in the evening ltr.
Shall do my TE report at the same time [:
Jia you jia you!.

When it's time to forget, please forget.
No use drilling back to the past & please let it go...
It'll not fair to them I'd thought...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yeah finally got a stamp yesterday [:
Went jogging with 2 Jie, 1 Jie can't make it due to her attachment that ends late :[
Ltr going out with the gals again! [:
Going to Melvin's birthday party at East Coast Chalet there.
Fortunate boy, have a chalet for himself.
I want to have also hard lo -.-

Yeah going driving ltr le [:
But sad thing is...
My next lesson after this will be dragged to 18 August.
Saddened =(
Hence, I must jia you le!.

Okay byebye! [:

Loves* to all my friends!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Waiting for my group mates to send me their stuffs for collation...
Finally finished my part [:
Everything gonna end soon.
Quick quick please!

Recently, I have gained some new stuffs from The drama [Yi Qie Wan Mei].
I'll talk bout it again next time.
Cos I don't have the chinese characters in my com right now -.-
Will do it soon [:

Alright, love to all*
Esp to my Jie meis & friends [:

Hmm... Stress la -.-

More of this [: Yummy!

I keep reminding myself to stay happy and not live cos of you [:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I want to thanks ya gals whom will always be by my side [:
Btw, I failed my FTT -.-
I thought I'd deserved it.
Cos I didn't study much.
Anyway, I'm really like a junk now -.-

It's busy.
Very busy.
Very tiring =[
I hope my gals will jia you for their stuffs too.

I'd said I'm undeterred.
Hence, even I'd fallen hard, with wounds and bruises,
I will still get up to seek for ambulance.
Lame shit -.-

Okay bye peeps.
Tc! [:

Monday, July 21, 2008

I thought I saw him on the way to school...

But I told myself to not think too much.
It can't be that coincident.
As we seldom see each other in school recently.

I was listening to my ear piece, telling Manda to jia you as she is independent de [:
I tried to blast my music at the same time,
to get that optimum feel.
Then once I reached school, I took a glance at my phone.
My message appears to be from him.
He said he saw me just now...
He said he called out to me but I didn't hear that.

I am sorry...
I didn't know you were at the back.

It happens that after you're attached,
I keep seeing what I shouldn't be.

It also shows that I can't do much for you...
As this is what your gal will do for you...

May you stay healthy & chirpy as usual.
I will still give you my blessings as usual [:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wau siao liao la.
Still have PBL 2 to complete.
Next week is the submission le!.
Strength: Able to complete work in ADVANCE of the scheduled time.
Hello, I think I'm lying cos it's not that easy -.-

Alright ltr have lunch with 6 meis.
I dragged her to.
Cos it's just a short lunch so I dare not ask the rest of gals.

Alright, blog again ltr.
Realized I'd not much thing to talk bout right now.
Brain dead le la :[


Saturday, July 19, 2008

This is so freaking tiring!.

Alright, stop all my emo-ness.
But I am so freaking pissed off today!.
Realized how selfish human are at times,
understanding what human nature is.
Yes it is like that!.
If you're living for the sake of yourself,
why not you own the world,
have everything you want,
and be alone for the rest of your life?
Come on, it's the people around you whom had made things happen for you.
So you should appreciate!.

Hokay, happy thing is that I'd finally got a chop for driving!.
Gear shifting considered pass XP
Actually I plead Sylvester de lo...
I gave him many many reasons why and how I made the effort to do it.
I told him I imagine I'm the bus driver when I'm actually at the passenger seat.
Then I practice my gear shifting, clutch, acc and brake lo.
It's fun actually, train your muscle but it looks bit nut when any stranger catch you doing that!.

Anything I wanna add???
I will still be busy next week... T.T
In fact, busier.
Alright, stop complaining.
How bout picture time?

See this!. I decide to cut this hairstyle when my hair is long enough [: Mei mah???!!!

I only bought the bottom. Super cheap lo!. At Nichi in Vivo City, $29.90 only! For a formal bottom is considered cheap le dui mah [:

My mum's room... and when I have the mood to dress appropriately... LOL. ya la, I'm ugly -.-

Hao bah, time to sleep le...
Everyone sleeps early too [:
Oyasumi nasai!.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Who cares?
I don't mind being a spinster for the rest of my life!.
Pui Pui Pui Pui!.
Please stop introducing & pushing GUYS to me!.
Gonna kick your DAMN ASS!.

Alright, after being angry...
I am tired -.-

Had a smooth Mock Interview with Ms Sng today.
Thanks God [:

TWO more quizzes to go tml!.
Jia you!.

What else I wanna say...
I kanna stuck at Gear Shifting AGAIN -.-
Okay, I'm slow.
I'm always did.
But I tell myself that "My GREATEST ENEMY is MYSELF"
Hence, Manda Lim, buck up!.

Anyway, thanks 1 Jie aka Rin whom had been jiayou-ing for me these days [:
I will de!.

Ganbatte kudasai minasan! [:

Okay byebye~
And stupid TKW!.
Be careful hor ASS!

Friday, July 11, 2008

How many times must I repeat that I'm tired -.-
I'm so naggy.

Today, I'm learning to see things differently.
I feel that human beings are of disappointment at times.
We always judge by the outlooks, and never try our best to look what's inside them.
And that's why we never understand the real meaning for LIFE.
We lead our life for the sake of doing it,
and we're always abandoning the most important thing in life.
That is PASSION.

Many of us lost it.
But I'm sure we can get it back soon [:

Hao bah, that's for today.
Byebye [:

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

As usual, today is tiring!.
Was 2o mins late for class this morning,
despite the fact that I'd reached the bus interchange freaking early.
To SBS customer service in-charge, I regret to say that I'm far from satisfied from the new change which the company had applied recently.
The decline in the number of bus 15 had brought all passengers with inconvenience,
and that the extended bus interval is certainly annoying!.
If the company is capable of increasing bus fare,
I hope we do gain something fair from the company at the same time.

And yesterday, thought I would have a smooth driving lesson...
Ended up so horrible.
Instructor had changed to an old one (but that isn't the main concern),
and that I'm too slow in terms of reaction.
Why like that...
Can't change gear on time...
Saddening ar!
If others can do it, I must do it too!.
Hence, I must not give up!.
I know I'm freaking dumb, but my drive goes on!.

*I realized how much I miss him deep in there.
Without myself knowing it.
I don't wish to be the third party cos it makes one stupid and it hinders their progress.
My blessings for them nvr stops [:

Monday, July 07, 2008

Today is so dead~
Couldn't explain how complicated I feel deep in me.
But I'm just so disappointed.
Enough of saying so much negative stuffs.
I just wanna get on with my life and live it well.
That's all.
I want myself back to those innocent days.
Where I thought everybody are nice people.
Yes, you guys better be!.
So I won't feel so confused le T.T

Just finished a small small portion of RTech topic 5.
Gosh, it isn't easy -.-
But I have a valid reason to skip.
I'll try my best to make up de...

Will be having my 5th driving lesson tml.
Hope it'll be smooth sailing.
No stalling of car please!.
Save the instructor bah -.-

Btw, have a good news to share!. [:
I passed my LAST term test paper too!
Hence, I passed all term test paper!.
Congrats Manda!.
I am so happy for you [:
I'm so afraid you can't handle examination...
But don't worry.
I won't stop de, will keep on motivating myself!.


Last thing is...
I dreamed of him again.
Stop it Manda.
You gotta leave it!.
But it's a just a dream, I can't stop too -.-
This is the 2nd time le.
I want it to be the very last time.
No more in future!.
It's just that...
I'm not worried that I'll miss him,
I'm just worried that he'll have some troubles going on...
Think too much le la!.
Troubles so easy have de meh -.-

Alright, that's all for today.
Very dry post.
Sorry -.-

GoodNights Minasan! [:

Sunday, July 06, 2008

People are doing their best for their 'future'.
But I am not...
People are counting for how long they have been tgt.
But I need not...
People are missing each other.
But I can not...
People are telling me their problems.
But I have not...

Where is him?
It's miserable to wait for one to appear.
Cos you'll meet so many peeps whom tell you what's happening between them.
I can only learn and experience verbally.

It's miserable...
Yes it is...

But, I still wanna give my blessings to all couples [:

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Weekend= BPT project + TE PBL + RTech lecture notes + LAST lecture notes
Am I suppose to be happy or sad?
Everyone is busy now...
Everyone is restless now...
Everyone is panicking now...
Is this all bout life?
In future, I may be more busier than now.
Will I have time for my friends and family?
I'll need to plan my time well le =(

Driving next Tuesday.
At the same time, worry that I can't make it -.-
No matter what, I don't wanna waste the money.
So I must try my best.
Though I know I'm very clumsy.
Being ugly, no one will fetch me around.
So I'll have to fetch myself to places I want.
It's all bout independent now...
Yah... Independent...
Jia you orh Manda...

*Where's my prince?...

Going to TM ltr with my bro.
Yeah happy!.
Can go out relax for a while [:

1) My jie meis to be happy.
2) My family & friends to be healthy.
3) My driving to improve.
4) A right person to come into my life.......

Thursday, July 03, 2008

"Have you loved yourself too much to an extend that you can't give a thought for the others?"
This is a very good question to think about when you're in a dilemma be it a friendship or relationship.
Recently, many questions ring me.

Like why do I need to even choose someone when he is already good enough to be?
Then I realize it's all about appearance.
These days, I try out by looking at those super average looking peeps, and those below average looking peeps.
And my conclusion is: It isn't that bad mah...
We have to look INTO them, and not ON them.
They look okay! They look totally fine!.
I'm not offending anyone here, but just wondering why people are so attracted to pretty things.
Don't worry, I look like crap too.
Maybe it's human nature [:
Simply put it this way...
When we were young, we were all attracted to nice toys.
Girls to babie dolls, guys to motor cars or those transformers.
Isn't it that way?
So think about it.... [:

Alright, that was first.
Let's talk bout second topic.
What is LOVE to you?
It's a question I saw from Rin's friend's blog.
Good question.
Anyone know how to answer it?
Mine is "To LOVE someone is when you bother nth and simply enjoy the way he or she is..."
"To LOVE is when you LOVE someone so much that you don't even know how to express it properly..."
"To LOVE is when you think of the person and that makes you smile on the face just like normal reflection..."
Then, what is yours?

We always have this infatuation for certain people.
But do you know that it's normal?
I'm glad that I knew this today.
When you found out that you have this crush on someone,
you'll gradually rely on this person as whom you'll forever to.
But truthfully deep in you, you don't even LOVE him or her at all.
It's just all bout imagination.
I think I have such similar situation in the past.
Now I think it's totally alright [:
Thus, I have this very good way of controlling myself.
Whenever I see this person and have infatuation for him,
I'll assure myself by saying "NO NO... This is all imaginative work...Fairy tales don't exist..."
Then I'm able to restraint myself le [:
Smart right?

Hence, think through.
Reflect as and when you're free.
That makes your life easier I hope [:

*Nth motivates now, it's all bout work & friends I can think of.
Hey, I've completely thrown him out of my mind.
Congrats Manda!
No crush, No LOVE anymore.
Just you, you and you.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Today is my third driving lesson.
'Die' car 3 times.
Manda try not to repeat the same mistake again ks!.
Super stressed up when I can't change my gears properly.
Think Sylvester also bth liao.
K la, I will try de la...
Not really happy these days...
I don't know why...
But I know I'm living to the fullest.

Anyway, saw Tony in Bedok interchange today.
Can see he's super tired as there's so much customers roaming around him.
Jia you le Tony!.
And stop giving me your gay look la! -.-

These days I'm rather bad.
I trying to boycott those I dislike and try my best not to talk to them.
Am I bad?
Cos these people are not very nice...
They live out with motive.
Hence I don't like it.
And I agree so much with Kok and Hy.
Some people just take you for granted.
In the past, I was like "take take lo, I've nth to lose and a lesson to learn"
But now, I just refuse to give in.
I'm getting strong but stubborn.
No good.
I don't want myself to be like this...

Anyway, quiz tml.
Jia you Manda [:

Loves* to my family, jie meis & friends [:
Sorry ar...
These days super busy.
Would have no time to blog in few days time.

Found out that driving and having school work at the same time,
isn't an easy thing.
Cos I lose my focus easily -.-

Anyway, just briefly share with ya guys what I'd done during the past few days.
Went Suntec City to work in an exhibition with Hao & Lice.
Got pay and followed up to Hong Kong Cafe to have our dinner cum supper [:

Nth happened yesterday.
Calm sea.

Went for 2nd driving lesson.
Start to move off and drive in a circuit.
Round bends and stuffs.
Isn't easy for me, my car went 'dead' many times T.T
And my poor instructor nearly kanna breast cancer.
Imagine yourself.
One thing to add is that...
My instructor super handsome!
When he drove me around to show the way,
I kept imagining things like how great if my bf drives me around XP
Stupid me -.-
But yah he super gentle.
Just can't stand someone so polite and nice.
I seem to be more MAN than him -.-
Today was Mr. Steven.
Tml will be with Mr. Sylvester.

Hokay, jia you!.
And don't think so much la!.

*revolving around myself [: