Monday, June 11, 2007

When one is of insignificant,
no one would even care to take a glance.
When one is of fame,
everyone treats you as god.
See, this is how the society works.
If you're bad-off and inferior,
you shut up and others speak.
If you've the money and power,
you speak while others listen.
This is how people treat their own beings.
Sad yeah?.
If you're smart,
whatever thing you say is logical.
But if you're a bit slow like me,
you'll have to accept criticism.
What do you feel?.
Think... come on think...
Put yourself in others' shoes,
how would you feel if someone discriminate you?.

One thing to question some peeps,
do you really feel the joy in you when you get to make fun of the others?.
Feel HIGH huh. -.-

Hais. Actually nth happened,
only some memories in the past freak me out.
Pls don't ask me why and who,
I just hate to talk bout the past.
Felt that it really wasted my time and effort T.T

Whatever!. It doesn't affect me anymore!.
I've peeps to treasure and I know it's worth it.

Be happy Manda, try to love yourself a little though I know it's hard to.
But yah, it'll make you happier.
Think of positive side,
give complements,
and that makes you a better person I think =|

lol. Yeah byebye!.
Slacking time XP


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