Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wednesday 13th June 07
Wednesday 13th June 07
Today is Ish and Gimkai's birthday!.
lol. what a coincident!. =)

Felt really sorry for Ish cos I was late for lunch while the birthday actually reached before me and even waited me for quite sometime T.T
So sorry gal!!!...
sorry for causing the hot nice mashed potato to turn cold.. X(
We then discussed bout 21st birthday gathering.
I was suggesting merchant court's buffet dinner.
Heard it was 35 bucks per pax, thought it was rather reasonable yea =)
Thx Meiqi ahyi for the information!. =D

Btw, mOomOo was so cute and always friendly!... hahahas.
But think she'd mistaken me as Ruby as we both wore black shirts.
And one thing we noted from her : she loves walking in circular motion!.
So adorable!!!... hahahas!.
And ya la, Ruby and WeeWee were so crazy yesterday!.
Kept crapping lame jokes -.-
hmm.... so cold~
bth. lol.

After that, many peeps have to leave and left Mich, Ruby, WeeWee and me to katong play pool.
Ish was just a beginner and yet her performance so astonishing la!.
She played much more better than me!.
God, Manda really dunno how to play le. T.T
And that I recalled Mich's stick nearly knock on my nose. Hahahs!.
Of cos I react fast to save my already ugly face!. lol.

After pool, everyone has the craving for katong laksa!.
But I can't have that cos no time to settle down and eat due to to karate training.
Hence the rest ta bao and I bought a chicken burger to makan lo.
So oily and full T.T
Ruby's suddenly don't feel well in the stomach, hence decided to take cab home.
And the cab driver was so funny la.
Crap all the way then serious talk bout education and career stuffs..
I only listened cos felt dizzy on the ride -.-

Reached school, rushed to SAA.
I wasn't late XP
Managed to change on time and Sensei helped me to tie my belt =\
So sorry again, cos I kept forgetting how to tie the belt! X(
Ya...then as usual, had fun training and found myself not improving!. T.T
The main problem lies on my leg, can't stabilize and kick well.
Looking at how the orange belt trained, don't dare to think of competition liao -.-
No, I must trained really hard!.
Cos I love karate! =D

After training, we celebrated our captain Gimkai's birthday.
Wonder whether there was a baby boom during every month of June. lol!.
The rest bought him birthday cakes and Sensei made a black belt with his name on it.
That is what I can see from far.. looks like chinese characters.
Heard it was expensive too =O
But Sensei really a nice person, even blanja the rest for dinner.
Was actually joining them, but can't leave dear Ish alone.
In fact, she left her birthday free for Tonberry!.
Hence, can't disappoint her since she waited with the rest till my karate training ends!. X(
So sorry gal again X(
As usual, we (xl, Les, Mich, Ish and me) went to coffee shop opposite school to have dinner.
Gek joined us a while later.
God, felt so angry for Mich la.
Her dessert has no taste at all!.
Wth, don't they need to add a bit of syrup?.
And their service sucks too.
On the way back to bus stop, saw Sensei, peanut, Yi Jia and rest having dinner...
At the moment, really hope I can get to know them better.. but too bad, didn't manage too =(
I must join them next week!.
To see what's actually going on with their conversations XP
I'm really a KPO.

Rushed back to White Sands Mall's Mac and met with Tingan and Ericko.
Tingan was so lame la!.
kept laughing at my fringe... very funny meh?!.
Rrrrr... hahhas.
But he was really lame la!.
And my son Ericko had grown taller than me!.
Hais.. see I old le la... had stop growing since O level =(
Nvm, I dun wanna be so tall too.
Looks so awkward when I'm fat and that makes me look like a giant!. T.T
They then accompany me to Pasa Malam buy some snacks cos haven't had my dinner yet.
Bought siew mai and cheese sausage.
See, so fattening again!. T.T
Son then acc me home after parting with Tingan at the traffic junction.

Then we talk bout school and stuffs.
Heard bout the 1000 essays which I thought I'd heard 1 Jie doing that in her 1st year too.
Wau seh...seems so chim lo.
hais.. But Biotech kills too.

Ks, that's all bout today.

1. 6 meis and Ruby to get well soon.
2. Can strike 4D!...
3. Kor to come back and play with me XP


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