Saturday, June 09, 2007

Finally, term test is over!
Finally, term test is over!

Yeah!. But I know I would fail all, or if lucky, at least pass 1.
That is Fpath.. and as for the rest, gone case -.-
Seriously, I'm working uber hard, but why is my credit?.
Hence, this time really conclude that I'm scientifically-disabled T.T
lol. Sounds a bit weird, but the main point is I can't make it for Biotech.
I'm really wasting my time.
Hate school, dislike some of my classmates but love my AF-15 clique and Tonberry.
They're ppl whom motivated me to stay on, if not I would have left le X(

Basically, nothing much happened during term test period.
It's all bout studies and crap. lol.
However, quite a lot of stuffs happened in Tonberry, happy and sad.
Somebody's existence has really caused lotsa unhappiness and commotions among the family.
'Distrust' is what I can define my person opinion to her -.-
Whatever, just stop hurting my friends can!.

Tml will be Jian and my korkor's birthday!.
God, I nearly forgot bout kor's birthday, feel so guilty X(
I'll try get a cake for him too ;)
Great man!. Gonna meet my 7 sistas soon!.
WOots!. Emo period is gone and I want my happiness to come near me!.
Come to me babe!. XP

Feel happy for many couples around me.
Cos they look so sweet to me!. lol.
Not appearance but how they deal with one another ;)
Hais... When's my prince coming?.
Where's he now?.
What will he look like?.
Or there's no such person?!.
Then I gonna be alone for life?!...
Hais... Told many peeps that I'll look much more appealing if I'm a guy...
Why am I a girl?!.
Ugly me, really hating myself, my face, and my fat figure -.-
lol. Emo-ing again. wth.

Yeap, I really like him a lot.
Till I can think of him anytime...
but so what... I can't let him know.
As what the rest said, I shouldn't confess.
Why not be very good friends and I won't delay his time too.
Yeah... this should be it then...
But I still can't believe that it's such a coincident that he's my friend's ex.
So yah... can't believe, can't do anything...
Moreover, this shows that he likes cute girl.
Too bad I'm not under that category.
Duh...kill me man!.

Haisyo.. wth am I thinking!.
Just shut out all thoughts!.
Wanna play, wanna sun-tan, wanna slim down, wanna run, wanna karate!.
Yah, just play hard for this short 2 weeks!. =)
But... I need ta find myself a job soon!!!....
No money = No entertainment = No life = Plain waffle and Pearl Milk Tea for entire week
I don't mind anyway.
But got lotsa events going on, so gambatte kudasai!.

Love to:

My family
7 sistas
ex-2/8 buddies
AF-15 clique

No them, no Manda =)

Vodka! -.-

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