Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I'm a reckless driver -.-
Nearly break my driving license when I got home.
But come on, it's childish.
Cos it's 50 bucks.
Thought you're rich ar.

No use grudging, like what for?
Sometime, I just need your trust, where's yours?
I think you should learn to put your way of thinking in a nicer way.
Maybe in that case, I can see your good intention.
But for now, sorry for being ignorant as well, I don't wish to see it.
I'm stubborn at times, I admit.
Thanks goodness Dad did gave me the trust, to cover the fact that you really love your boys yea.

Anything la, any passer-by can say that all mums are like that de la bla bla bla.
But 20 years down the road, I don't find it right.

Just ya la... Anything that you feel so,
I'm a lousy daughter yea?.

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