Tuesday, March 03, 2009

"Get the lights switched off you ASS!!!.", I yelled when my bro on it for me with good intention.
I don't hate the light, I just hate the look of me.
I thought I would clear off this phobia when I got a bf, but no, it didn't go away.
(Of cos I don't use this as a reason to get together with Stupid Shit la -.- I love him, wholeheartedly. HAHAS.)
If I could look a bit better... hmm... will it be better?
Or in the first place, I think I have this kind of dunno what syndrome that keeps thinking that they're ugly or smth. -.-
Go away la this syndrome... you're so getting me into nowhere you know you know.
And I know Stupid Shit gonna kill me if he sees this.
I'm wondering I should WHITE this in my blog.

Hokay, am sleeping so soundly at home when the rain pours in.
Like... KAO!
I just mopped the floor yesterday leh! -.-
I'm getting plump too T.T
This is the scariest thing in life.
Some peeps won't understand my phobia, unless you guys got into the same scenario as me.
Sometime criticizing is really mean, or it meant to be mean la.
I know I know, I've got them before.

And yea....
What else to share...
What else to share ar....
Oh! I just had Honey Milk tea.
And I'm telling myself to not have dinner tonight.
Do you think I can do it?
I doubt so actually.
Anyway, we shall see yea.

Think I'm too free.
But never worry-free.
I don't know what I'm worrying for, as there's nth to worry!
But... KAO -.-
I am so not refine, like many of my close peeps said.
Or like, "You very er xin leh Manda...".
Today, I took my day to evaluate my every postures.
I really sucks at being gentle or you guys said refine la.
It's damn hard leh -.-

There's so many things if I don't do it,
I'll definitely not be myself,
and I'll feel damn uneasy...
Told you, I'm born to be violent.
I don't wanna provide reasons like, I only have brothers at home.
They influence me?
But yea leh... I played guns and lego with them de leh.
I know I'm a good policewoman when I'm a kid.
I help my bro to look out for thief.
I even remember falling down for dunno how many thousand times just to make those very cool stunts.
It's fun (:
You dunno de la...
Unless you try it!!!!! :D

Looking back, so much things had changed.
If possible, I hope to grab hold on some precious stuffs which I forgot to bring it along with me.

And yea...
If I could, I wanna be that Manda again.
That very stupid & blur Manda, so I can be happy once again. (:

And reply to my da jie:

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