Tuesday, March 10, 2009

HELLO!. (:
No mood to upload photos today, cos yah too lazy :X
And yah bu kai xin.
Some stuffs happened around me.
So I hope it'll get away soon.
And gals, I'll be there (:
P.S. 100% trust in you & wait for your good news! (:
Life is so damn unpredictable.
I just simply feel so.
I made a conclusion myself:
Things you see may be a THREAT, but it's not the PROBLEM.
Problem lies more on human being itself.
It applies in most situation, but most importantly is how we gonna manage it.
Sometime it's kinda funny, cos we see other problems much more clearer than what we see ours.
Hence, you can see it's contradicting?
Ya la, human is like this at times.
But yah not important, best is treasure what you have now,
and let nature takes its course.
Problem & solution, they come in a package.

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