Tuesday, March 31, 2009

OH MAN :'(
Wanted to blog so badly.
But now that the starhub line is terminated,
I'm hence waiting for my bro to install the Singnet one for me.

But nvm, soon I'll be back to blog (:

I JUST WANNA INFORM YOU THAT: Though you bite me damn hard, I'll still have my revenge.
Bite la Bite la!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

YEA back! (:

Had dinner with Rin, Min, Hao & Lice at "old place",
and Melvin joined us later on.
As usual, we crap and Melvin never changes at all!. =.=

After having our Kinda Joy, we hopped into Melvin's car & moved on to Changi beach and Selegie.
Had Beancurd there. (:
Anyway, I don't think their beancurd is nice.
Moreover, their staffs sucks. -.-

Alright, that's not important.
After slacking near my house's void deck,
is home sweet home. =.=ZZzzzzz

*Peeping at Shit's Facebook, I realized I'd really taken too much of his time,
till his friends find him missing? :(
I hope I won't hinder his life.
If he ever sees this, sure he'll be angry with me. =.=
But I just feel that as the truth.
I must be independent, so he can spend more time with his family and friends,
as promised earlier on.
In fact, I think I'm doing good.
I just know I'm missing him 24/7.
Hais. -.-

Friday, March 27, 2009

Meeting my gals soon!. (:
Recently have been accompanying my mum since she's having a long break now.
Cos she's not used to not working in the day,
then feels damn awkward and bored.
And she keeps telling me to acc her.
So funny and cute la (:

Okay I will!.
But I'll still split myself well between my friends and Stupid Shit.
Definitely I can. (:

Alright waiting for 1 Jie, 7 Meis & Melvin to come over.


*Stupid shit, drink more water!.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Was damn tired today,
but just carried myself up.
Cos I can't wait to.... have my breakfast!. :D

Alright, pictures! :D


HOHOHO. See this guy, damn proud sia. LOL.

Just can't help sssssmmackking YOU.
I know you're highly irritated by me.
Hence, I'll change OKOK.
Like sssmmackk not so hard la.
I'm showered with so much care from you,
yet I'm turning rebellious.
I know I may be taking you for granted,
but take note NOT taking your LOVE for granted.
I'll treasure & grab it tight.
Like how I ssssqquueeeeze your hand normally. :D

P.S. Willing to take care of you for LIFE. I LOVE YOU Stupid Shit!. (:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mum's having a long break this time round,
and I think it's a kinda good time for bonding. (:

Recently it's been very tricky.
In terms of all kinds of relationship.
How you gonna handle them properly, thoroughly and gracefully.
It's a tough job to me, cos in any area, it gets sensitive.
Yes, you consider you're munching a slice of pizza slowly and until a while later you realize the rest of pizza are turning cold.
And it's not nice. :(

You try to pull strings together,
but somehow they don't meet.
Cos... one may be stiff, while the other just can't stretch.
You can't take things for granted,
cos they may understand, but they need not tolerate.

Anyone can complain to me how sucks I am in handling relationships,
but I just wanna take more time in proving myself to be right.
I am just hoping to extinguish any doubts made.

Now you're reading my post and may be feeling DING DONG BELL.
But if you could stand in my position, you will understand between my line and feel how I'm feeling now.

It's not impossible to grant the impossible,
it's just time-consuming and challenging.
But with you, I trust my instinct like you do, and I can really prove myself right. (:

More post to be updated soon with pictures.
Qing shi mu yi dai!. :D

And one thing I never forget to say:


*Get well soon ar Hao Hao! (:
I wanna go SUN-TANNING!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Now slacking in my Aunt's house.
All thanks to my block over there having big big noise pollution.
My mum and I gonna have our head split sia.
But nvm, I'm happy today.
Only Stupid Shit knows why.
I'm glad I'd informed you bout it.

Didn't manage to K with my Jie Meis today,
cos I tot of accompanying my mum more. =.=

Anyway, blog more ltr.
Going to Ikea with Aunt & Cousin & Mom & Dad. (:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Am surfing for more information bout ACCA right now.
Read until I blur =.=
It's like interlink with this and that, or like collaborate with this particular school, offering their recommended certificate or smth.
Luan le la! T.T

Nvm, I'll take few more days to read through and really see what may be good for me.
Bro told me that Banking & Finance is not what he loves, but what he needs.
Should I follow his path as well?
Income is a real important issue to me.
Maybe HTM is a target but not ambition for me?
Nvm, more stuffs to go through in details these days.

Oh yah, gonna upload some pictures! :D

Dinner at Wang Jiao with Stupid Shit.

Then despite swimming these days,
having superb dry hair,
I still manage to enjoy one day of GOOD HAIR DAY (:

Love my hair to be like that (:

And yeap, going Stupid Shit's Friend's Bdae Chalet.
Hopefully everything goes well... (:

I won't care anymore,
I'm selfish,
I want myself to be happy,
that's all. (:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Swimming with Gala! (:

And meeting my gals ltr at night.

In love with this song by Shi Xin Hui


心对爱 提不起劲
我就是你 暗夜中许愿得到的
我在呼唤你 要和你在一起
这样的爱情 是命中注定
明白我的心 深深爱着你
这样的爱情 是命中注定
Baby you and me
心对爱 律动差劲
爱神的背影 追不紧
将甜蜜 洒向你苦涩的
星系 呜喔噢~
我在呼唤你 要和你在一起
这样的爱情 是命中注定
明白我的心 深深爱着你
这样的爱情 是命中注定
Baby you and me
我要安排一场 精彩的相遇
我的天籁之音 要唱给你听
我在呼唤你 要和你在一起
这样的爱情 是命中注定
明白我的心 深深爱着你
这样的爱情 是命中注定
我在呼唤你 要和你在一起
这样的爱情 是命中注定
明白我的心 深深爱着你
这样的爱情 是命中注定

P.S. LG,WAN (:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

On Tuesday, went CDC with Stupid Shit for his test.
CONGRATS my dear! (:

Then soon later, I fell sick.
The symptoms I hated came back again.
Felt like vomiting again =.=
All the way back to Stupid Shit's house was damn xin ku de :'(

In the midst of recovering, Stupid Shit prepared porridge for me.
One thing I felt damn embarrassed, is that he can cook even better than me. -.-
However, I love the porridge with light soy sauce (:
And of cos, I love you more la (:

On Wednesday, Shit & I cab over to LG electronics and got his phone fixed.
He's damn happy la HAHAS.
And we moved on to SIM LIM Square and bought his inner hard disk, interface USB port and he bought a 4GB microSD for me.
Anyway, their stuffs damn cheap over there.
Best is you shop from the highest to the lowest level for the best price ever!
Aftermath, we proceed on to Wang Jiao Cafe in Bugis Junction to have our dinner!.
We love our side dish (:
Kai xin! :D

Pictures to be updated yea! (:

Anyway, still in dilemma between Hospitality & tourism and Accounting.
What should I do guys?
For the basic & good income or my passion? =.=

I can't believe you can cook so well!!!

People may comment that I spend too much time with this guy, but I still think it's worth it afterall.
Nevertheless, I still love & treasure my gals & boys, but rather than said, I'll make actions for it.
I promise (:
Anyway, don't just say bout me, cos I'm sure ya guys were in the same situation as me in the past.
It last for quite a few months, didn't you? (:
But iya, not important.
I'll know my limits.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

NOT HAPPY, disappointed. ):

Going to hack care soon, YES SOON. =.=

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wau it's so damn tired. =.=
YES, end of IT SHOW!!! :D
But I do miss the peeps & fun there (:

After work was birthday dinner for Stupid shit.
Once again, HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY DEAR (:
22 alr, have to love me 22 times more!!.
And many thanks to Pei Qing, Shui Rong, Ying Xin, Kenny, Li Hao & Wee Boon to make this happen (:

Alright, will be playing with my phone ltr.
Gonna explore liao.
Will be back soon!!! :D

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Am healthily back! :D
Really thanks ya gals & few peeps I knew from the IT SHOW for ya sweet concern! :D
I really sincerely thanks la (:
And lesson I'd learned, NO MORE HUMS.
I have phobia for that alr. -.-

Anyway, while waiting for my hair to dry and leg to rest,
I just wanna blog my voice out.
Looking at my LOVE's blog,
that she's being condemned in such a rough way,
I felt hurt and strong for her.
I just wanna say, I have the best ever closest sis in the world,
whom is having the best ever career that she yearns in future,
having the best ever character one can hardly accept. (:

To that STORYTELLER bitching in her pink blog,
no matter how much psb you gonna spam in my sis's blog,
it doesn't matter at all,
cos you know why?
You just don't have the right la hor. (:
Looking at an ant like this, I'm much more worried for your family in the near future.
But yah, who cares?
The more you gonna curse the others,
none other better will come back to you.
Just want you to bare this in mind.

P.S. If anyone spamming my tagboard these days, kao, sure is that fuckable bitch? (:
And oh yah, for your information, anyone know that fcuk available at Wisma Atria?!
I think I love my joke. O.0
Sorry for using such a not refine word in my blog,
I promise I don't use it in future,
cos lately encountered with some ASS la,
so ya hor,
bare with me yea,
just for once (:


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Feeling no good :(
Vomit like free... damn xin ku T.T
I just hope I can get well soon or no $$ earn liao.

Whatever I eat will end up in the bowl -.-
I am hungry but I just can't have a full meal.
And worst still, I have no appetite.
And there's this TV show, advertising all sorts of seafood, really thanks man, cos once I see those hum & fishes I visited the toilet again.

Er xin to the max :(

Anyway, thanks to few peeps for your concern (:
Though I'm not really recovering, will still force myself to!.
I want ta get back to work by tml.

And sorry if I hadn't reply you, cos I haven't get to top up my prepaid card :X
Will do it soon yea (:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

HELLO!. (:
No mood to upload photos today, cos yah too lazy :X
And yah bu kai xin.
Some stuffs happened around me.
So I hope it'll get away soon.
And gals, I'll be there (:
P.S. 100% trust in you & wait for your good news! (:
Life is so damn unpredictable.
I just simply feel so.
I made a conclusion myself:
Things you see may be a THREAT, but it's not the PROBLEM.
Problem lies more on human being itself.
It applies in most situation, but most importantly is how we gonna manage it.
Sometime it's kinda funny, cos we see other problems much more clearer than what we see ours.
Hence, you can see it's contradicting?
Ya la, human is like this at times.
But yah not important, best is treasure what you have now,
and let nature takes its course.
Problem & solution, they come in a package.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


We've been together for 4 months le.
Thanks Stupid Shit.
LOVE YOU dude! :D

ME: There will be one day I'll sleep and wont wake up anymore...

I know you will...

Saturday, March 07, 2009

YOYO! (:
Wasn't able to update cos of my bro la.
Go vacumm his com till his desktop spoil.
But very ke ai la.
Anyway, worked for the last 2 days.
One in I-Hub and the other in Tm.
Damn shack la, especially yesterday.
Stood there for the entire day, with the stubborn weather.
Had fun though, but most in I-Hub (;
Maybe cos of YenSing, my trainer for that day, that we got the chance to chit chat and joke around.

Met up my gals, boon & Stupid shit for dinner after work.
They guys washed their car, the gals sit aside and chit chat (:
I LOVE YA GALS, as always (:

Hokay, will update my ZOO & night safari trip soon OKOK? :D

Meanwhile, I'll go apply for uni le! (:

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I'm a reckless driver -.-
Nearly break my driving license when I got home.
But come on, it's childish.
Cos it's 50 bucks.
Thought you're rich ar.

No use grudging, like what for?
Sometime, I just need your trust, where's yours?
I think you should learn to put your way of thinking in a nicer way.
Maybe in that case, I can see your good intention.
But for now, sorry for being ignorant as well, I don't wish to see it.
I'm stubborn at times, I admit.
Thanks goodness Dad did gave me the trust, to cover the fact that you really love your boys yea.

Anything la, any passer-by can say that all mums are like that de la bla bla bla.
But 20 years down the road, I don't find it right.

Just ya la... Anything that you feel so,
I'm a lousy daughter yea?.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

"Get the lights switched off you ASS!!!.", I yelled when my bro on it for me with good intention.
I don't hate the light, I just hate the look of me.
I thought I would clear off this phobia when I got a bf, but no, it didn't go away.
(Of cos I don't use this as a reason to get together with Stupid Shit la -.- I love him, wholeheartedly. HAHAS.)
If I could look a bit better... hmm... will it be better?
Or in the first place, I think I have this kind of dunno what syndrome that keeps thinking that they're ugly or smth. -.-
Go away la this syndrome... you're so getting me into nowhere you know you know.
And I know Stupid Shit gonna kill me if he sees this.
I'm wondering I should WHITE this in my blog.

Hokay, am sleeping so soundly at home when the rain pours in.
Like... KAO!
I just mopped the floor yesterday leh! -.-
I'm getting plump too T.T
This is the scariest thing in life.
Some peeps won't understand my phobia, unless you guys got into the same scenario as me.
Sometime criticizing is really mean, or it meant to be mean la.
I know I know, I've got them before.

And yea....
What else to share...
What else to share ar....
Oh! I just had Honey Milk tea.
And I'm telling myself to not have dinner tonight.
Do you think I can do it?
I doubt so actually.
Anyway, we shall see yea.

Think I'm too free.
But never worry-free.
I don't know what I'm worrying for, as there's nth to worry!
But... KAO -.-
I am so not refine, like many of my close peeps said.
Or like, "You very er xin leh Manda...".
Today, I took my day to evaluate my every postures.
I really sucks at being gentle or you guys said refine la.
It's damn hard leh -.-

There's so many things if I don't do it,
I'll definitely not be myself,
and I'll feel damn uneasy...
Told you, I'm born to be violent.
I don't wanna provide reasons like, I only have brothers at home.
They influence me?
But yea leh... I played guns and lego with them de leh.
I know I'm a good policewoman when I'm a kid.
I help my bro to look out for thief.
I even remember falling down for dunno how many thousand times just to make those very cool stunts.
It's fun (:
You dunno de la...
Unless you try it!!!!! :D

Looking back, so much things had changed.
If possible, I hope to grab hold on some precious stuffs which I forgot to bring it along with me.

And yea...
If I could, I wanna be that Manda again.
That very stupid & blur Manda, so I can be happy once again. (:

And reply to my da jie:

Monday, March 02, 2009

Like what Hao said, I'm on HI mode now.
HI - Highly Irritated.
Maybe due to lack of sleep.
Guess I'm getting old, be it physically or mentally.
I can't tolerate few hours of sleep, and what's more, I will feel as if I turn super ugly the next day.
Kao, thanks to pimples hor.
Anyway, cos I'm mentally super tired now, I gonna hack care first.

Alright, come to what had happened to me these days.
Practically not feeling well.
So skipped my class chalet and probably missed out the fun and gossips.

Hokay, think I'm bit moodless now -.-
But no worry, Manda can always self entertain.
I'm good at this.

Ehh... what's more.
I'm hungry.
I'm yearning for Ngo Hiong.
I wanna have chicken wings.
Honey milk tea will definitely ace my needs.
But no milk teas fro Cupwalker from now on.
I turns me off.
Kao!. Reminding me of the taste, I feel like... won't elaborate more yea.

Am now in dilemma, Accounting or HTM?
This time I really have to make sure it's something I'll enjoy even if it takes most of my time.

I'm praying now to rain, best is like rain for the whole day.
Cos it's like freaking hot now, as I'd said, if I'm a pig, I gonna get roasted soon har.
Please la lao tian, pour more water now, it's free anyway? (:
Okay la, this is getting nowhere.
I sound like an insane.
I'm not tired, but I'm getting hyper and ignorant for the time being.
Whoever going to meet me today, god bless you.
I'm not getting right.

ARGH!!!! O.0