Saturday, February 02, 2008

I'm so damn bored and out of focus la -.-
What shld I do leh...
Should be studying abchem now!.
I'm now still at Ist topic on pretreatment!. =(
Now moving on to UV-Vis spectrometry.
Wow... learned new stuffs le.

I have so many questions.
Why whenever my friends are into a r'ship, they'll tell me
:"I'll cherish you de"
Why ar?.
I dun need anyone to cherish.
It's best that no one will treat me as a lightbulb.
Alright lah, I'm used to being single, being alone,
it makes no difference anyway =)

Hokay, my blessings to HC and gala!. =)
You guys happy, I'm happy for ya guys too!. =)

The angel's blessings to ya guys! =D

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