Monday, July 24, 2006

Pray fer hIm!
Why must I be so worried when it's none of my concern?..Why must I do it so secretly to noe how is his condition right now?.. But I can't help ignoring all these impt things. I really dont know why I'm doing all these. But pls...I'm praying here that he'll soon recover and must must let him have enough rest. And pls god, I plead ya not to let him know all bout these...I dont wanna him ta know that I concern bout him...he just cannot know. Hais. I miss him...and hope he'll be fine soon...He will...I believe...=)

Okay, next move will be ta study HAP...gotta thrive on!!...I can do it!

*I'd lost a msn fren by my confession...I dont want ta lose another close fren by my foolish act again.*
*I care bout him, I pray for him, I think bout him...But I neva want him to know all bout these.*

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