Tuesday, July 04, 2006

School this week is real relaxing...cool =) Had 1 hr OC tutorial and 3 hours PIPC practical. Rather fun yesterdae...lab quite interesting. Making our own concentration of solution...heehee...maybe it's simple, that's why I like it=P However, it was definitely a bad start of school yesterdae morning. I was 5 mins late for OC tutorial, given an involuntary job to answer a particular question and end up being scolded for telling her "I dunno how to do"....but I did try to answer part of it!!..hais..Though I was stunned..I was surprised that I was not angry with what she'd done to be by snatching the OHT away...jux simply forget it...I realise I'm turning mature and calm with certain things, hope it's a good sign =)
And yesterdae nite he called to ask bout watching movie todae.....I promised him at first to meet in Tampinese...but ltr lied to him that I'd a group meeting after school and cancel the date with him...I dunno why I'm so mean..but I believe that it'll do us both good. I really dont understand this guy..I asked him bout his personal stuffs, but he jux refused to say, what can I do?...How to understand him more??..when time is so so so tight...He gonna have his hair botak this Fridae, and maybe I'll be meeting him and Jerry bro for a breakfast. I'm now wondering...what I can give him as a gift which can serve some use during his NS. A cap??...Da jie suggested that to me..or..hmm...I really dunno...lol..At the same time, I realised that I'm not ready to start any relationship cos I'm totally not prepared for it. I'm reluctant to spend my time dating, I would rather study...I'm unable to give my full attention to my partner because I need them for my school work..I gonna spend 33 hours per week in school..and maybe more when the saturdae remedial starts. How can I spend (24 x 7)=168-33-(8 x 7)=89-9=80/2=40hours...is that enough to spare for a first love??...when ya actually need ta understand him first.. I can't I know. Hence, forget bout all those stuffs and might as well get on with my studies. It is a reality that my education cert will stay with me forever, but not a unstable relationship. Maybe mum is right, study well, get to a uni, get a good job, find a good man there and yeap, start wadeva shit ya wanna have. I wanna a romantic one...heeheee...as most dramas do.=P
At the moment, I jux love myself, my family and frenx too much. Think I would rather spend more time with them =)

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