Saturday, July 22, 2006

Time passes so fast...I realised that it can either be a past or a present tense, cos the moment for it to remain still is literally short. Looking forward to todae was bout few days ago, but e short dae jux passed with a short gathering with my colleages and meis, and now, sundae gonna arrive soon in 4 mins time. Doubt I'll spend beyond e time to write this post bah. Hais hais hais.... so moOdy now too...cos face lotsa pimples and e skin under my lips r burning red...I'm turning really ugly...So envied by other gals' good skin complexion...hais..why am I down to such mishap?... If it really gets worse...I'll seek a skin-specialist. I must too. Cos it's really disturbing and I'm getting worried of my appearance to this world! I really pray to have my smooth free-acne skin back!! HELP!
And next, he's sick...Jerry bro too..Think they dont have enough nutrients and I suspect their immune system too weak...cos before they get into NS, they've been out late at nites. I really feel sad for my bro, when da sao didnt even send him a single msg and failed to appear in e evening he returned. He felt heartbroken....hais...God must be playing games with him..but wadeva, there's olwas a reason to make things happen. Maybe god wanna him to make up some senses bah. That's actually good than bad =)
And him...who cares...hais. Know I really bad..I sent msg to him to take good care...but he failed to reply...I wonder if it's my msging problem again or he jux simply ignore my msg...anywhere, it doesnt matters much...cos I'm too tired to sort out all these ridiculous stuffs le. I love and hate myself at e same time...hate myself being myself cos I noe I've too many loving ppl around me and how fortunate I am...Hais hais hais. I'm still waiting for his msg.. Jus one simple reply "Ya I'm alrite", this is enough...more then enough..

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